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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. have you considered making the menu a flash object and leaving the current html inside the object tag so that those without the plug-in or have flash switched off will see the current menu.
  2. It isn't flash sits within its stage and goes nowhere else.
  3. a timestamp may be more usefull - or even better micro time. If multiple users can upload then just to be really careful perhaps use their user_id and the micro-time to name the file.
  4. do you have text fields in your table? They slow things down a lot. Maybe consider placing all your text entries in a table of their own and just storing the unique id.
  5. you either put .htaccess & .htpassword protection in plaace or you have some method to monitor via mysql and php. This would require you giving each memeber their own folder and only allowing them to include stuff in that folder. If you allow them to put php files in there then you must also ensure that any coed they put in it doesn't include files outside their directory. Good Luck.
  6. Hi people - I could do with some input on this please. I have query heavy app and wondered if it would be possible to store all the query strings into a file and then simply use that file as teh query (just like importing in phpmyadmin - but with updates and inserts etc etc.) 1. Will it only count as one query? 2. Is it feasible - if so how can I achieve it. Thanks people...
  7. That code should run BEFORE you output any html! Stuff like updates,inserts, deletes etc. shoudl (normally) be done before any output of html.
  8. NOPE - and why would you! You could do it with some javascript I suppose but thats way beyond me but is it really worth the effort? I doubt it very much.
  9. All those methods can use an enormous number of queries! Remeber you are probably limited to 50 queries per script run - so if someone selects 51 you aint gonna get teh results you wanted. if you declare each check box like so.. [code]<?php while($echopm=mysql_fetch_array($querypms)){ ?> <label> <input name="delete[]" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $echopm['id'];?>" /> Delete <?php echo $echopm['subject'];?></label><br /> <?php } ?>[/code] Then to delete all the mesages where the user has checked the corresponding box simply do this.. [code]<?php $ids = implode(',',$_POST['delete']); $qry = "DELETE FROM `mypms` WHERE `id` IN(" . $ids . ")"; $qry = mysql_query($qry); ?>[/code] Beatuy of that little lot is there far les code - no loops - AND it will delete how ever many posts are selected - not limited to the number of queries you can execute.
  10. just float the left div and give it a fixed width. don't float the right div but give it a left margin a little more than the width of the left div.
  11. No the only option you really have to ensure that 'all' visitors are directed to the portion of contetnt you want thenm to see is to use the #sectionname method in your url. Pop-ups are quite un-neccessary and overly complicated for yoru needs (note: I say OVERLY complicated not complicated).
  12. background: transparent url(../yourpic.jpg) repeat fixed top left;
  13. float the left panel. at the very end of teh right hand panel place <div class="clear"></div> and in the css div.clear { clear: both; } That will ensure that the righ column is always as long as the left if not more. If you need some kind of graphical design of teh floated column then use teh faux column method.
  14. ? strlen($str) counts the length of a string. if you want the html out of there then strlen(strip_tags($str)); is your friend
  15. have you tried removing teh height: auto from the css declaration for #content.
  16. give your central container a left margin of teh width of the div floated left. (right margin of width of right floated div if you want that the same.
  17. you can use what you like - its your site. I f you want to create an animated gif then do so. Flash has the capabaility to look so much better and can be more interactive - but if you can't drive flash then just do what you can.
  18. if you have placed the cart in to a session then it is automatically passed. If the cart is an object then just put that into a session - objects are automagically serialized/unserialized when stored in sessions.
  19. so what? Fixed height sites are not the most usable out there - it is FAR better to let the content do the job of dictating page height.
  20. you need to be using a garphics package like photoshop of paintshop pro. this has nothing to do with html or any other code for that matter. The above applications have tools that allwo the creation of animated gif's (which is what you are trying to create).
  21. there never will be a decryption of md5 - if there is then md5 will no longer be an acceptable encryption algoritm. What R1er is looking for is the two encrytpion offered by the mcrypt library
  22. try this... [code] $message = "<div>"; $filename = "URL/TO/FILE/WITH URL VARS"; $handle = fopen($filename, "r"); $message .= fread($handle, filesize($filename)); fclose($handle); $message .= "</div>"; [/code] Don't know if that will work but have a go...
  23. it will be passed - just use $_POST['total'] in the script that processes the form. Your problem here is that you are trying to place variables in a single quoted string! change that line to: $output[] = '<input name="total" type="hidden" value="' . $total . '"></form><p><p>
  24. Me neither. Post a link maybe we can all have a look
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