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Posts posted by arunpatal

  1. Hello,


    I have a file to display

    $file_content = file_get_contents("test.php");

    This file is encoded....

    In this file there is a specific tag call change_me

    "<code> <strong>Example Element</strong> </code>"

    I want to use htmlspecialchars_decode function for <change_me> tag only...

    <change_me> tag is used two times in file.





    Because you are using single quotes for denoting the textarea id. Change your single quotes to double quotes instead

    $string = "";
    $string  .= "<textarea id=\"convert\"> 'AA' </textarea>";
    $string  .= "<textarea id=\"convert\"> 'BB' </textarea>";
    $string  .= "<textarea id=\"not_convert\"> 'CC' </textarea>";
    $string  .= "<textarea id=\"not_convert\"> 'DD' </textarea>";

    Thanks..  its working

  3. After you have defined the  $string variable.

    $string = "";
    $string  .= "<textarea id='convert'> 'AA' </textarea>";
    $string  .= "<textarea id='convert'> 'BB' </textarea>";
    $string  .= "<textarea id='not_convert'> 'CC' </textarea>";
    $string  .= "<textarea id='not_convert'> 'DD' </textarea>";
    $string = preg_replace_callback('/(<textarea id="convert">)(.*?)(<\/textarea>)/is'
                                        ,function($m) {
                                            $m[1] = str_replace('AA', 'ZZ', $m[1]);
                                            return implode($m);
    echo $string;

    I tried this way but its not working....


    Could try this if your using PHP 5.3.0 or newer

    $string = preg_replace_callback('/(<textarea id="convert">)(.*?)(<\/textarea>)/is'
                                        ,function($m) {
                                            $m[1] = str_replace('AA', 'ZZ', $m[1]);
                                            return implode($m);
    echo $string;


    Sorry but how do i  implement this code with the above code i wrote?

  5. If the textareas always look the same, you could use str_replace():



    str_replace() will not solve the problem...


    i can change textarea a bit if its requeired but lets say if string is like this and i want to change all AA to ZZ

    $string = "";
    $string  .= '<textarea id="convert"> "AA"  KAA="AA"  $AA</textarea>';
    $string  .= "<textarea id='convert'> 'BB' </textarea>";
    $string  .= "<textarea id='not_convert'> 'AA' </textarea>";
    $string  .= "<textarea id='not_convert'> 'DD' </textarea>";
  6. Hello everyone,


    example string

    $string = "";
    $string  .= "<textarea id='convert'> 'AA' </textarea>";
    $string  .= "<textarea id='convert'> 'BB' </textarea>";
    $string  .= "<textarea id='not_convert'> 'AA' </textarea>";
    $string  .= "<textarea id='not_convert'> 'DD' </textarea>";

    I want to change 'AA' to 'ZZ' which is inside textarea with the id convert only.


    How is it possible with the help of regular expression?

  7. Hi,


    i was testing this example

    $con = mysqli_connect("localhost","test","","test");
    	$stmt = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO products (name,price) VALUES (?,?)");
    	$stmt->bind_param('si', $name, $price);
    	$name = $_POST["name"];
    	$price = $_POST["price"];
    	echo "Inserted {$name},{$price} into database\n";;
    <form method="post">
    <input type="text" name="name" />
    <input type="number" name="price"  />
    <input type="submit" />

    But when i write




    into name input field then the code execute..........


    What am i doing wrong???

  8. Hi,


    I use mysql_escape_string to insert data into my database......


    example: $name  = mysql_escape_string($_POST["name"]); $lname  = mysql_escape_string($_POST["lname"]);


    mysql_query(INSERT INTO table (fname,lname) VALUES ('$fname','$lname'));


    But i am not sure if this is safe enough to protect from mysql injuction....


    My question is if it's safe to insert data like this?????

  9. $ip_list_to_check = $viks2007->sql_count("SELECT user_ip,DATE_FORMAT(date_time,'%H:%i:%s') 
    			 AS date_time FROM $count_table_name");
    			 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($ip_list_to_check)):
    				//save all ipaddress in ip_list_array array
    				$ip_list_array[] = $row["user_ip"];
    				//save all time in time_list_array array
    				$time_list_array[] = $row["date_time"];

    This is function in viks2007 class

    function sql_count($sql){
    			$query = mysqli_query($this->connect,$sql);
    			 return $query;

    Am getting error

    Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, object given in C:\xampp\htdocs\includes\ip_address.php on line 8

  10. <script>
    function check_field(){
    if (isset($_POST["name"]) AND $_POST["name"] = "name"){
    	header("location:page.php"); }	
    <form method="post" id="guest_form">
    <input type="text" value="abc" name="name" />
    <input type="button" value="Sub" onclick="check_field()" id="aa" />

    When am running this code on my pc (xampp), It is running fine.

    But when i upload the file on server (godaddy).....

    it does not redirect....... or the header is not working

  11. Hi,


    I have two date and title fields

    <input type="text" name="event_name" placeholder="Starting Date">
    <input type="text" name="from" placeholder="Starting Date">
    <input type="text" name="till"  placeholder="Ending Date">

    I have a table call events....


    id - auto inc

    title - varchar(45)

    date - date




    now for example starting date is 2014-04-25 and ending date is 2014-05-09


    I want to save all these date with their event name to events table....




    id          date                    event

    1      2014-04-25             event_name

    2      2014-04-26             event_name

    3      2014-04-27             event_name

    4      2014-04-28             event_name




    what would be the way to store????

  12. If you are extracting month from date('m') it's never going to be greater than 12?

    I have a calander which i make start like this date('m')...

    now, i want to add 2 years calander(24 month from current month) for which i make date('m') + 1 ..... date('m')  + 23...

    that is why the month is going 13,14,15......

  13. I will try it and will get back to it....

    thanks for example :)



    Are you just trying to return $month plus 1 and if $month is 13 it becomes 1?

    $month = date('m');
    function month($month){
    	$month = ++$month;
    	if($month >12)$month = 1;
    	return $month;
    echo month($month);	

    after 12 it display all month as 1

    if($month >12)$month = 1;

    i need to make a loop...


    somthing like this


    if month is 13 then it start from 1 again till 12

    and when month is 25 then again 1 till 12... and so on


    Are you just trying to return $month plus 1 and if $month is 13 it becomes 1?

    $month = date('m');
    function month($month){
    	$month = ++$month;
    	if($month >12)$month = 1;
    	return $month;
    echo month($month);	

    I will try it and will get back to it....

    thanks for example :)

  15. Hi,


    This is month (example november)

    $month = date('m');

    This is month + 1 (example december)

    $month = date('m') + 1;

    Now  adding + 2 shows 13

    $month = date('m') + 2;

    This is orignal code

    if($month == 13):
    $month = sprintf("%02s", 1);

    It make 13 into 1 but then it repeats again from 14


    13 becomes 1

    then 14 stays 14


    how can i make month start from 1 till 12 with the help of loop....


    ofcourse one bad solution is that i doi it with if statement like

    if ($month == 14){$month = 2}
    if ($month == 15){$month = 3}

    Is there a way to do it via loop ???

  16. Hi,


    The code below work fine when i want to change the value of background-color property

    	 var element_value = $(this).val();

    But when i want to change property itself (background-color), its not working

    	 var element_prop = $(this).val();
  17. Hi,


    I am uploading multiple files

    <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> 
        <input type="file" name="gallery[]" multiple="multiple" /> 
       <input type="submit" value="Update" name="gallery_submit" />

    But if not empty statement is not working with it

    if (!empty($_FILES["gallery"]["name"])){
    $mysql->upload_gallery_img($gallery1); }

    I want that when file is selected then only the upload_gallery_img function runs

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