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  1. Hello I have a photobooth app that posts photos with comments to a facebook fanpage. The app posts the photos with no problem but the comments are not being posted. there is a form that you comment on an then when you click upload it submits the form and passes the data to another page. I know that the data is passed correctlt because I have tested it with an "echo" statement and it shows up. for some reason though I cannot take the passed variable and insert it into my comment that will be posted with the photo. I have attached the entire upload code but here is a snippet. If I take out $_POST["lcomment"], and use "a generic comment between single quotes' it works fine and posts the generic comment. but when I try to insert the passed variable as the comment 'message' => $_POST["comment"], I get a null message when it posts to facebook. You can see the app in action here http://eyesocialeyes.com/webcam/ and here is where the photos are being posted on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Izon/190815390965794 . Please help! #Upload photo here $args = array( 'message' => $_POST["comment"], 'img' => '@' . $original, 'aid' => $album_id, 'access_token' => $fanpage_token ); $photo = $facebook->api($album_id .'/photos','post',$args) ; upload.php
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