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  1. Hi... I have a module in PHP, i'm trying to search on the Fields: Folio (Contains creation date, ID of the record in hexadecimal like 12/2012/5DA), job, Customer, and Seller. The problem that I have is: my query doesn't executed properly .... Some times the query gets records but others don't. If i'm try to find records by the Folio field i never get records.... i don't know why some body help me? Where is my mistake? Thank you and regards function Search($per_page, $segment, $searching){ if ($segment<=0) $segment=1; $folio = hexdec(substr($searching, 8, strlen($searching) - ); $strQuery = "SELECT Concat(substring(cast(tbcotizacionencabezado.datcreado as char),6,2),'/', substring(cast(tbcotizacionencabezado.datcreado as char),1,4),'/', HEX(tbcotizacionencabezado.id ) ) as Cotizacion, tbcotizacionencabezado.id AS Id, tbcotizacionencabezado.strtrabajo as Trabajo, tbclientes.strRazonSocial as Cliente, CONCAT(tbpersonal.strnombre,' ', tbpersonal.strappaterno, ' ', tbpersonal.strapmaterno ) as Vendedor, DATE_ADD(tbcotizacionencabezado.datAutorizado, INTERVAL if(tbcotizacionencabezado.bolOCabierta=1,tbmaquinapredet.intvigenciaoca,tbmaquinapredet.intVigenciaOC) DAY) AS Expira from tbcotizacionencabezado join tbmaquinapredet inner join tbclientes on tbcotizacionencabezado.idcliente = tbclientes.id inner join tbpersonal on tbpersonal.id = tbcotizacionencabezado.idcreado WHERE (tbcotizacionencabezado.idStatus = 3 AND (NOW() <= DATE_ADD(tbcotizacionencabezado.datAutorizado, INTERVAL if(tbcotizacionencabezado.bolOCabierta=1,tbmaquinapredet.intvigenciaoca,tbmaquinapredet.intVigenciaOC) DAY)) AND ((tbcotizacionencabezado.id = ".$folio.") OR (tbcotizacionencabezado.strTrabajo like '%".$searching."%') OR tbclientes.strRazonSocial like '%".$searching."%' OR CONCAT(tbpersonal.strnombre,' ', tbpersonal.strappaterno, ' ', tbpersonal.strapmaterno ) like '%".$searching."%')) GROUP BY tbcotizacionencabezado.id DESC";// LIMIT ".$segment.",".$per_page; $query = $this->db->query($strQuery); if($query->num_rows()>0){ foreach($query->result() as $row){ $data[] = $row; } return $data; } }
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