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Everything posted by dekraan

  1. Hi there! I am currently trying to edit a wordpress theme, and with my limited knowledge, I got stuck first thing., I have just added a subpage to a page on my blog for the first time, and would love to display a list in the sidebar on the parent that displays the parent itself, and all children. On the childpages, this same list (parent+children) should be visible. So, let's say I have a page called: contact, with subpages like 'route' and 'form', it should look like this, on the parentpage (contact) and the children: Contact Route Form On pages that do not have children, there should be no list. Looking through the wordpress codex, I found the following code to add to my sidebar.php: <?php //if the post has a parent if($post->post_parent){ //collect ancestor pages $relations = get_post_ancestors($post->ID); //get child pages $result = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_parent = $post->ID AND post_type='page'" ); if ($result){ foreach($result as $pageID){ array_push($relations, $pageID->ID); } } //add current post to pages array_push($relations, $post->ID); //get comma delimited list of children and parents and self $relations_string = implode(",",$relations); //use include to list only the collected pages. $sidelinks = wp_list_pages("title_li=&echo=0&include=".$relations_string); }else{ // display only main level and children $sidelinks = wp_list_pages("title_li=&echo=0&depth=1&child_of=".$post->ID); } if ($sidelinks) { ?> <h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2> <ul> <?php //links in <li> tags echo $sidelinks; ?> </ul> <?php } ?> This works perfect on a child page, displaying child and parent in a neat linkable list. But on the parent page it only displays the child. How can I also add the parent there? Thank you in advance for your help!
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