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  1. 'true' is being returned. Nothing in the junk/spam folder. I've tried several different email addresses in the to and from fields. This is a new server that was set up for us. PHP works on it as proved by using the 'echo' function. Is there some setting that has to be tweaked to allow emails to be sent?
  2. I think I need a second set of eyes. I've done mail functions before in php with no problems but I can't get this one to work for anything. My success message populates after I hit send so it doesn't appear there are any errors. Any advice would be appreciated.   <? php //If the form is submitted if(isset($_POST['submitted'])) { //Check to see if the honeypot captcha field was filled in if(trim($_POST['checking']) !== '') { $captchaError = true; } else { //Check to make sure that the name field is not empty if(trim($_POST['yourName']) === '') { $nameError = 'You forgot to enter your first name.'; $hasError = true; } else { $name = trim($_POST['yourName']); } //Check to make sure sure that a valid email address is submitted if(trim($_POST['email']) === '') { $emailError = 'You forgot to enter your email address.'; $hasError = true; } else if (!eregi("^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9._%-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$", trim($_POST['email']))) { $emailError = 'You entered an invalid email address.'; $hasError = true; } else { $email = trim($_POST['email']); } //Check to make sure comments were entered if(trim($_POST['comments']) === '') { $commentError = 'You forgot to enter your comments.'; $hasError = true; } else { if(function_exists('stripslashes')) { $comments = stripslashes(trim($_POST['comments'])); } else { $comments = trim($_POST['comments']); } } //If there is no error, send the email if(!isset($hasError)) { $emailTo = 'territindle@hotmail.com'; $subject = 'Benefit Request from '.$name; $sendCopy = trim($_POST['sendCopy']); $body = "Name: $name \n\nEmail: $email \n\nComments: $comments"; $headers = 'From: The Website <'.$emailTo.'>' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $email; mail($emailTo, $subject, $body, $headers); if($sendCopy == true) { $subject = 'You emailed Your Name'; $headers = 'From: Your Name <territindle@hotmail.com>'; mail($email, $subject, $body, $headers); } $emailSent = true; } } } ?>
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