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  1. Hi! I want to get news from a RSS. I get the news and i try to display them everyone in his own table. [code]foreach ($rss->item as $item)       { echo "<table><tr><td><a href=$item->link>$item->title</a></td></tr>";       echo "<tr><td>$item->description</td></tr></table>";       }[/code] I don't know why, but insteed dispaying for every news a table, i get a table witch includes all the news. My second problem is when i try to get the entire content of the news (wich results on the following of the link). Let's say i have the following: [code] <span class=arttitle>Romania sub ape,  episodul 2006</span><br /><span class=artdatetime>14 Aprilie 2006</span><br /><span class=arteditorname>Nicoleta Chiru, Miruna Olteanu</span> <BR><BR> <span class=artdescription>La un an de la inundatiile devastatoare, banatenii se lupta iarasi cu revarsarile raurilor.<br /></span></p><BR>                                             <p><span class=artbody><p>Cele mai multe rauri din tara au depasit cel putin cotele de atentie, hidrologii avertizand ca zona Banatului este in continuare/span>[/code] The example is much longer but i posted just a fragment. How i extract the text between tags? Thanks! PS: Sorry for my english.
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