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Posts posted by holly9

  1. Hi, I making a banner exchange script. Members will have to place a banner code on their sites to make banners appear. Some members might cheat by using bots to refresh the page to gain impressions and to waste other members impressions so i wanted to know if bots have ip addresses? because i want to only give member impressions if their visitors have ip. What are the other things i can do to check if members are cheating?. Thanks



  2. Hi, i want to sell php scripts/ready made sites in the near future on clickbank and on my sites and i wanted to know is it necessary to go to a copyrights office to protect my work? and to stop people from selling it? i was thinking to have a license txt file that tells buyer not to sell and etc instead of going to a copyrights office.i understand how copyrights work but i don't know if i can stop the person from selling and claiming my stuff without having ownership proof from the copyrights office. I might sell some stuff that doesn't have restrictions.thanks

  3. I'm not an expert but I notice a few errors. Nothing downloads when i click the "proceed to download page" link. The right side menu(featured  and blogroll) is bigger than the content area. Content area should be bigger than right side menu. Featured and blogroll should be in the same column.The other parts of site is good.


    I found link below a few days ago to help me with my site layout. It talks about the "the golden ratio in web design" which gives people an idea where to put navigation,footer and etc.


  4. I don't know what type of input you are looking for. But, here are some things I see:


    The text in the header "Free script and codes" can appear on top of the logo if users makes page narrow. You can implement a minimum width div or put a large left margin on that text to ensure that does not happen. Also, the text should have aright-hand margin.


    The floating content is unnecessary as you currently have it. Resizing the page does not allow the user to increase/decrease the available horizontal space for the text to display. I would go with a left-hand fixed position for the content (or allow it to resize with the page). 


    The home page has no links to content. The bulleted list looks like it should be links to something


    Spelling and grammar issues throughout.


    The Games page starts with No results found until the user does a search. Should have something by default.


    Validation on contact page needs improvement. Allowed me to submit an 'empty' code and content consisting of nothing but spaces.


    The TOS are, to be blunt, a joke. Go do some research on appropriate TOS.



    Really? That's sort of like my ISP telling me they will send me an email to tell me that the email service is down. I used to laugh at the fact that the electric company would post notices and information about power outages when they started doing that many years ago. But, since the prevalence of smart phones that makes sense these days.


    Site Map: You use the same display of the links on the site map as you do for the bullets on the home page. You should not use the exact same display property for content that will be links and content that will not be links. The styles you use should help guide the user to what things are and should be consistent through out the site both in display and purpose. Also, it is not apparent that the 'headers' on this page are links as well.


    A quick look at the source on a couple pages shows some invalid HTML. You should run your pages through a validator.


    Your input is great :happy-04: . Thank you very much for taking your time looking at each page. I'll study English grammar and etc online. I might get a free template online if I continue to fail. I'm in a rush to have an online business because I want to pay off my school loans. I plan to extend the expire date of my domain to show my site visitors how serious I am with having an online business.

  5. Hi I use fake IP to check if my 503 custom error page works but it doesn't?. I have another question should i stop people from hotlinking to my rss feed which is also sitemap? and stop people from hotlinking to my robots.txt?. Thanks



    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^adjade\.com
    RewriteRule (.*) http://adjade.com/$1 [R=301,L]
    #403 has same page as 404 for security
    ErrorDocument 403 /errormessages/404.html
    ErrorDocument 404 /errormessages/404.html
    ErrorDocument 401 /errormessages/401.html
    ErrorDocument 500 /errormessages/500.html
    ErrorDocument 400 /errormessages/400.html
    ErrorDocument 503 /errormessages/503.html
    RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^11\.111\.111\.11$
    RewriteRule .* - [R=503,L]

  6. First impression - it's your first attempt at building a website, which is fine.


    A few things -


    1. Your doctype is XHTML 1.0 - we're now at HTML 5, time for an upgrade!


    2. Why have you confined your content to a scrolling box? It gives the effect of a frame, which is an old design feature - make it easy for people to read your content.


    3. Your site name / logo is in a heading 4 (h4) tag, but you have multiple h1 tags. Look at improving your page structure as accessibility has an effect on SEO.


    4. Look at choosing a nicer font, Times isn't the nicest to read.



    Set yourself some more realistic targets, you're not going to get rich from this site just yet.


    Install Google Analytics and Webmaster tools to understand what's going on with your site and how to draw in a larger audience. Once you understand that, you could start by aiming for 100 uniques per day, then 200, etc... but to earn "a lot of money", you're probably looking at minimum 20,000 users per day, more like 50,000 - 100,000. 


    Thanks i'll follow the tips.


    2. My web codes will have allot of content so I thought that people would like the scrolling box. it is abit hard for me to read content so i'll change my menu and content heights to auto in css right away. I wanted to have a mini site but it is impossible with all my content. I didn't want to use php switch statement inside web codes because i already use it with my navigation(home,faq,web codes,tos and etc) and i'm not a fan of php switch statement. I thought of using ajax for my content but it will be hard to get my javascripts codes with that method.

  7. Hi, I'll love to have feed back on stuff like content and seo. My website doesn't have a member base. My niche is: Learn how to make a banner advertising site. I show many ways to make a banner ad site using html, javascript,ajax and php( with and without mysql). I hope to make allot of money using marketing tecniques. I learn free web programming online at places like w3schools. I spend the last few days correcting so many html and css errors before writing here. I'm not great at making templates as yet so i'm sorry if my template frightens you lol. I want to have a second site with a memberbase and it will be a banner exchange or a banner adboard site. I don't want to create a template for my second site. My navigation links are white and it makes all my other non-navigation links white as well for some reason so i have to color the other links using css. I made template using w3schools tutorials.


    Thanks for your feed back and for stopping by!.



  8. hi i have a php site and i want to have a sitemap on my site.i have seen all kinds of site map which is confusing because i don't know which is the best to use and if any sitemap can be used with ajax live search.i don't want to make two sitemaps so i hope that a rss feed sitemap is enough to help search engines crawl my site.i want a rss feed to let people subscribe .is it a good idea to put disallow in robot.txt for sitemap? some people said that they need to do that to prevent content theft or something like that.thanks



    i want to use a sitemap like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <rss version="2.0">
      <title>W3Schools Home Page</title>
      <description>Free web building tutorials</description>
        <title>RSS Tutorial</title>
        <description>New RSS tutorial on W3Schools</description>
        <title>XML Tutorial</title>
        <description>New XML tutorial on W3Schools</description>



    i saw this livesearch code at w3schools:


    function showResult(str) {
      if (str.length==0) {
      if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
        // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
        xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
      } else {  // code for IE6, IE5
        xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
      xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() {
        if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) {
          document.getElementById("livesearch").style.border="1px solid #A5ACB2";
    <input type="text" size="30" onkeyup="showResult(this.value)">
    <div id="livesearch"></div>



    this will get data for live search:

    $xmlDoc=new DOMDocument();
    //get the q parameter from URL
    //lookup all links from the xml file if length of q>0
    if (strlen($q)>0) {
      for($i=0; $i<($x->length); $i++) {
        if ($y->item(0)->nodeType==1) {
          //find a link matching the search text
          if (stristr($y->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue,$q)) {
            if ($hint=="") {
              $hint="<a href='" .
              $z->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue .
              "' target='_blank'>" .
              $y->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue . "</a>";
            } else {
              $hint=$hint . "<br /><a href='" .
              $z->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue .
              "' target='_blank'>" .
              $y->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue . "</a>";
    // Set output to "no suggestion" if no hint were found
    // or to the correct values
    if ($hint=="") {
      $response="no suggestion";
    } else {
    //output the response
    echo $response;


  9. Hi,Can a site get a high pagerank and good SEO if its content is stored in the mysql database?. I want to make many sites and one site will have no memberbase but instead it will have a directory with affiliate products from clickbank and etc. I'll be writing the products descriptions in my own words. I want to have the products pics and info stored in the database because it is easier to uploud new products that way.I want people to subscribe to site but i don't understand how to use the mailing list at host so instead I want to use this


      to send mail to over 100 thousands of people.Well i don't know if i'll be able to have that many subscribers with my english skills lol.English is my first language but I wasn't taught properly. i'm teaching myself to write better with online tutorials. Thanks.

  10. wtf is your question


    You didnt had to say it like that. Well you won't be able to help because you don't know the definition of a reciprocal link. People use reciprocal links/back links to gain site popularity. To others:


    This is a reciprocal banner.Members site url and banner url will be link to my site:


    echo "<a href=\"".$row['Member_SITE_Url'] . "\" target=\"_blank\">
    <img src=\"".$row['Member_Banner_Url'] . "\" alt=\"banner\" border=\"0\" height=\"60\" width=\"468\"></a>";




    I'm wondering if code below is still a reciprocal banner? because the member site url is not used here so when a visitor clicks on banner i'll use


    to retrieve the member's ID to get their site url from the mysql database and i'll use

    header('Location:' . htmlentities(stripslashes($row['Member_site_url'])));

    to send visitor to member's site.


    echo "<a href=\" " . htmlentities(stripslashes(constant('MY_SITE_URL'))) . "/".  "?Clicked=" . urlencode($row['MEMBER_ID']) . "\" target=\"_blank\">
    <img src=\"".$row['Member_Banner_Url'] . "\" alt=\"banner\" border=\"0\" height=\"60\" width=\"468\"></a>";

  11. hi, i want to display members banners on my site that i'm making from scracth.The banners urls will be retrieve from the mysql database.the site url will not be display on the site but when a visitor clicks the banner the site url will be taken from database and redirect the visitor to the member site.i don't want people to upload banners to folders because of satey reasons so instead they have to give me their banner urls.i want to have many members so i won't be able to check every banner and i don't want reciprocal banners because they can hurt the site if it has malware.i have another question can malware appear on site with just the banner url? or do people need to visit a member site to get malware or viruses?.thanks.


    echo "<a href=\" " . htmlentities(stripslashes(constant('MY_SITE_URL'))) . "/".  "?Clicked=" . urlencode($row['MEMBERID']) . "\" target=\"_blank\">
    <img src=\"".$row['MemberBannerUrl'] . "\" alt=\"banner\" border=\"0\" height=\"60\" width=\"468\"></a>";

  12. OP, explain better what you're trying to do, and post the table's structures.



    hi the tables are in the first post.the items were suppose to be in menus at the online store that shows how many items are in stock.there will also be menus of items in directory that shows the amount of active/approve ads.it's ok i'll just do another method instead.

  13. Hi i spend hours on this and i have search all over but i couldn't find the right code.I already know how to count the items.below is the sql code i use to test .








    SELECT Items.item
    FROM Items
    SELECT item, COUNT( item )
    FROM Members
    GROUP BY item
    )Members ON Items.item = Ad.Members


    i don't get the results i want with above.

    echo "<h4>Members
    <table border=\"1\">
    <h4>Items table:</h4>
    <table border=\"1\">
    <h4>I want to get this table:</h4>
    <table border=\"1\">


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