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Everything posted by jPaulB

  1. Thanks for the reply, requinix. I appreciate the time you've given to my issue. It seems that using simple math to block anything but a human visitor is not a good idea, so I will need to do some research to find a method that I can understand and use. With that in mind, could you suggest a "topic" that I can google to research intelligently? Many Thanks, if you can respond Paul
  2. Hi Everybody, I have a simple form that mixes HTML and PHP. I thought I could get fancy and add a simple security level before the form action. I have a snippet that prepares for a random number between 1 and 99, and call that random number $entry <?php $firstnumb = rand(1,9); $secondnumb = rand(1,99); $entry = $firstnumb + $secondnumb; ?> A visitor will see a display box that asks them to add the two numbers ... <?php print "<SPAN style='color: #0000FF'><B>$firstnumb + $secondnumb</B></SPAN>"; ?> and enter the answer in a text box <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter the answere here" id="entry1" name="entry1" required > So now I just have to compare the value of $entry to the value of entry1, and do one of two things. That's where I crash and burn. If the values compare, I just need to break and move on If the values do not compare, then I want to: Replace the value of entry1 to "0" Alert the visitor that he needs to correct their answer. Return focus to the input box and do it again. Perhaps allow a limit of 3 attempts. I don't know how to do any of this and hope someone will help me. Many Thanks, Paul
  3. Hi Again, DaveyK Thank you for answering. In truth, I don't know if I need images or not. This would be the first script I ever write in PHP. I chose the button approach only because I had done similar things using JavaScript and it was a simple enough task that I can understand what "is happening" and fool around with it enough to learn a bit more about PHP. This whole notion was more of an easy way to get started on something that would produce a result quickly so I could feel better about it. I have to admit, I've seen some CSS navigations that are easily superior, and will probably choose to utilize CSS. Thanks again, -Paul-
  4. Thanks DaveyK, I see that in the CSS documentation, but I was trying to learn how to apply pretty much the same thing to using images rather than text links. I'll try a pseudo code explanation If Mouse is over a navigation button then Show MouseOverButtonImage.jpg If MouseClick then Show MouseClickButtonImage.jpg <a href="">Page12.html</a> Endif ElseIf Show MouseNormalButtonImage.jpg END Sort of like that (If I've made any sense) I want to use images to manage a clients navigation and I want to learn my first PHP script. Thanks anyhow, -Paul-
  5. Hi everybody, I am trying to figure out my first PHP script, but have no idea how to logic it out. I hope someone will help me find the right logic pattern to do this the right way. It ought to be pretty simple.... I can make unique buttons for navigation [ buttonUP and buttonDOWN, even buttonHOVER? ] BUT! I will need to find a script that will perform as a navigation tool, and allow me to put these buttons where I want them to be. Of course, I also need to know what such a script is doing, so that I learn something valuable Anyone interested in helping me learn how to make such a navigation thing? Many thanks, -Paul-
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