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Everything posted by soundsticks

  1. I get the result from the other website and make it as array. And the output result like this, how can I store the result by each row to each field in the MySQL?
  2. I would like to get the certain information but I couldn't parser it, it come with blank information. <?php include_once('./simple_html_dom.php'); $html = file_get_html('http://www1.abs33.com/rs/index.php?result&date=05-06-2013'); foreach ($html->find('*[class1]') as $a) foreach ($a->find('ul') as $q) echo $q; ?>
  3. Except the DOM Parser is there another way to do so?
  4. How to parse third party website data to my database. <table width='220' id='tbllist'><caption><span id='class1' >MAGNUM</span></caption><tr><th>First</th><th>Second</th><th>Thrid</th></tr><tr><td align='center'><b>1935</b></td><td align='center'><b>8019</b></td><td align='center'><b>0842</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan='3' align='center'><div>Sepcial</div> <b> 2129 </b> <b> 1121 </b> <b> 0001 </b> <b> 8457 </b> <b> 3064 </b> <b> 3974 </b> <b> 7222 </b> <b> 4612 </b> <b> 1625 </b> <b> 3245 </b> </td></tr><tr><td colspan='3' align='center'><div>Others</div> <b> 9048 </b> <b> 0393 </b> <b> 7221 </b> <b> 8464 </b> <b> 0076 </b> <b> 4124 </b> <b> 2222 </b> <b> 9272 </b> <b> 2088 </b> <b> 4517 </b> </td></tr></table>
  5. But I'm using Ajax already on my register form and when user try to select/insert the user that he wish it will show whether the username is available or taken by others.
  6. Currently I'm using Ajax to do the register validation, but I feel if the internet connection is not in good performance, sometime the Ajax is not working and it did make user register with the same username. So how can I do the double checking register validation.
  7. I have done in this way. if (preg_match('/^01/', $_POST['mobile'])) { ... } elseif (preg_match('/^60/', $_POST['mobile'])) { ... }
  8. How to add country code if user doesn't enter the country code when they register? If user did enter the country code it will skip and store it into database, if user doesn't enter then system will add the country code and store to database. How can I do that?
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