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  1. yes , my problem is not about tag format , but about ideal and fastest method to parsing templates , is to use preg_replace_callback() many times ? ro use one while loop and read template line by line then parsing it ?
  2. <[iNCLUDE BLOCK : dim_header]> <[sTART BLOCK : welc]> <h2 class="block_title bg0">{$dimphrase.welc_msg|replace values="mooo,ererer"}</h2> <div class="block_content padding bg0">{welc_msg|replace values="ya,yahoo"}</div> <br/> <[END BLOCK : welc]> <[sTART BLOCK : welc_msg2]> <h2 class="block_title bg0">{$dimphrase.welc_msg}</h2> <div class="block_content padding bg0">{welc_msg|str_replace values="1,2,12"}</div> <br/> <[sTART BLOCK : UY]> hii<br /><span>6 <[END BLOCK : UY]> <[sTART BLOCK : GO]> hii<br /><span>5 <[END BLOCK : GO]> <[END BLOCK : welc_msg2]> <[iNCLUDE BLOCK : news_important]> {*TEMPLATE ZONE START:DON'T REMOVE NEXT LINE*} <[iNCLUDEZONE BLOCK : Important_block_module]> {*TEMPLATE ZONE END*} <br /> <[sTART PHP CODE]> echo "ahmoodi"; <[END PHP CODE]> <[sTART PHP CODE]> echo 'yoyoyo'; <[END PHP CODE]> {gogogo|replace values="hi,hello dimofinf"|replace values="hell,hmooda"} {function: randomcolor} <br /> {function:calc name="row" values="1,5,8" sign="+"} <Br /> <br /> <[iNCLUDESCRIPT BLOCK : ./news]> <if " eq '1'"> ahmed </if> this is example , it's very near to template power engine
  3. Hello , i built php class for parsing html templates , and i used preg_replace_callback function for parsing template while loops & if conditions , for loop , ... etc i repeated the function many times , for every process , such as one time for parsing while loop , and another time for if conditions parsing .. etc , and repeated all of these steps again when parsing include files inside the template , but i think that this method of parsing is slow when parsing big template , so i think that using one while loop and read template line by line and compare it then parsing found line will be more fast , so what is your opinion , using one while loop and read the template file line by line and parsing it is more useful ? or using preg_replace_callback ? and is it preferred to parse the codes inside the template ? by replacing it with php code then evaluate the template using eval() ? or parsing it inside the php file then append the result to the template ?
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