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  1. Weel, first of all thanks for the prompt response. The size of data is not a big deal. Instead, the schemas are very much different. "front-accounting software" is a software used for accounting and I want to insert my DB data into "front-accounting software" DB. Are you getting me?
  2. <?php if ($_POST["a"] == "") { $arr_values = array(); $arr_glued_with_comma = ""; $addall = "INSERT INTO alphabet (`a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, `e`, `f`, `g`, `h`, `i`, `j`) VALUES "; foreach($_POST['a'] as $row=>$At) { $a =$At; $b =$_POST['b'][$row]; $c =$_POST['c'][$row]; $d =$_POST['d'][$row]; $e =$_POST['e'][$row]; $f =$_POST['f'][$row]; $g =$_POST['g'][$row]; $h =$_POST['h'][$row]; $i =$_POST['i'][$row]; $j =$_POST['j'][$row]; $arr_values[] = "('".$a."' ,'".$b."', '".$c."', '".$d."', '".$e."', '".$f."', '".$g."', '".$h."', '".$i."', '".$j."')"; } $arr_glued_with_comma = implode(",", $arr_values); $addall .= $arr_glued_with_comma; $query = mysql_query($addall); } else { echo "Empty"; } ?>
  3. Hello, I have 2 databases. One is of my application and the other one is of front-accounting software. Both are in MySQL, but with different schemas totally. My question is: how can I migrate my DB into front-accounting DB? Thanks.
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