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  1. I have three websites that goes to an order form. If you go to the checkout page from site 2 first then go to the confirmation then to the link that takes you to page3 with the questy string OB working fine. However if you start from site1, that will go to site 2 from the confirmation page on site 1. When you get the the site 3 - although the OB variable is in the query string it does not pass over the proper ini file to change it to the OB option?
  2. Hey there, sorry if this is in the wrong section. Basically what I want to do is have a link via email when it comes to a product reminder that they purchased this expensive item I am selling, while the link will take them to this free for three times use video to watch as a thank you for still sticking with the purchase. I do not want this video to get out, like if the person goes to the url, they cannot copy and paste the url to all their friends to watch the video for free. So it does have a cap on it, also would like to monitor if the button was ever gone to, how much of the video was watched, etc. Just want to get some ideas from everyone to get a better picture as to where I should start...
  3. so far I am trying to setup a str_replace, the paragraph will output, however. The product name does not appear at all.
  4. Basically I am trying to make this work, I finally got imagettftext to print out large paragraphs with special font just fine. My problem however, is the product name. Inside the parsed ini file I want to set a variable in it, and through my php code it knows to replace the productID with the proper name. The name I have as just a header query string: ?productName={token}
  5. just a query string from html header: ?productID="..." $product = $_REQUEST['productID']; I use that product ID with a get_parse_ini('location/' . $product . 'ini'); From there I setup the imagestring as usual just with $variable['iniVariable]; for the text portion, it is a lot of text.
  6. I have an ini file that has a paragraph of text in it. The ini file is activated by a query string in the header. It finds the text and prints it just fine as an image/png. My issue is that it puts ALL of the text into one long line! I am a little stuck, any suggestions?
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