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  1. Hi there, can you be more specific? I understand nothing I can not help you if you don't clarify things? regards, Ashoogy
  2. Hi there, it should be written as follows: [!--PHP-Head--][div class=\'phptop\']PHP[/div][div class=\'phpmain\'][!--PHP-EHead--]echo \" <input name=\\"upmasthead\\" type=\\"radio\\" value=\\"0\\" title=\\"$radioTY\\" onclick=\\"MM_openBrWindow(\'pref_image_browser.php?img=pmasthead&id=\'\".$row_rs_newsletter[\'id\'].\"\',\'browser\',\'width=700,height=200\')\\"> Yes\n \";[/span][!--PHP-Foot--][/div][!--PHP-EFoot--]
  3. hi there, your radio button should have a name and value: <input type='radio' name=myvariablename value=myvalue>
  4. hi there in your script(i.e. the one that recieve the array) try to loop through the array one by one and store each value. to be more clear: let us assume that we are having the following array: $select use the following code to loop through array) foreach ( $select as $mydata) { $result = mysql_query("insert into mytable(colsname) values('$mydata')"); } try it and let me know if you need further help
  5. Hi there, you need to do the following : yourURL/scriptname.php?varaible1=value1&varaible2=value2 hope you find it helpful. regards,
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