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Everything posted by Sam46

  1. Bot? you mean those fake traffic stuff. I don't know anyone on PHPFReak at all. But thanks for take notice the situations.
  2. Hi I sign up last week. To me, I'm a bit concern about my account now. I been on PHP Freak for a week. On My Profile been view 1,231 times! Is someone trying to hack my account? This is normal?
  3. I figure out my issue. It was my host server after all I didn't know til now that I need to enable a EasyApache. But the answer I found is here: www.forums.cpanel.net/f5/enable-mod_deflate-c-151541.html
  4. Do you have photoshop? Just used photoshop. Did you link the image? Did you put that CSS code in @media query: @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { .myButtonA { background:url(../path/B1.png) no-repeat; margin:0; padding:0; width: 14%; height: 14%; border: none; } } /* iPhone (portrait) ----------- */ @media screen and (max-device-width: 320px) { .myButtonA { background:url(../path/B1.png) no-repeat; margin:0; padding:0; width: 14%; height: 14%; border: none; } } to test it out first?
  5. @requinix Thanks for the reply! I attached an image on how it looks and results: I used photoshop to edit out my link so I added the word demo website. Base on the results what can you see? Did I do something wrong or I missed a code. I mean I can learn from my mistakes. Anything suggestion would be good or directions because I got no idea why it's not showing. Is it because my host server?
  6. Hi I am having issue enabling Gzip or mod_deflate on my host server. This is my code for mod_deflate: <IfModule mod_deflate.c> #compress text, html, javascript, css, xml: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/php AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript </IfModule> <IfModule mod_deflate.c> #Or, compress certain file types by extension: <files *.php> SetOutputFilter DEFLATE </files> </IfModule> <IfModule mod_deflate.c> #compress gif|jpg|jpeg|png: <Files ~ "\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$"> SetOutputFilter DEFLATE </Files> </IfModule> as for GZip I used this code: Gzip compression The issue is that when I type my website on here: www.gidnetwork.com/tools/gzip-test.php to test to see how it works it kept saying NO What can I do to make it work or enable? Any suggestions or advice? I just want to see how it compressed the files.
  7. @DavidAM The explanation you provided is very detail and I think I understand more about the mod_rewrite and how it works. Thank You. @kicken @DavidAM I want to thank both of you taking time to explain mod_write and how it function and why. Thanks. Sam
  8. @kicken I try that and it didn't work. So technically the new Rewrite won't appear on the browser at all? It will only appear if I type the New Rewrite on the address bar? If that is the case then I would just mark solve this thread so in the future a person who have similiar issue would know this correct answer.
  9. @kicken You mean this for example: From this: <a href="../demo/cards.php">cards</a> to this: <a href="www.demo.com/demo/cards-aces">cards</a> Is that correct or is that what you meant? OK, I will try that. I'm not sure it will work but I'll try. You are right regarding about mis-understanding the way mod-rewirte works because I don't really fully understand how it works even though I used mod rewrite. I felt by doing mod-rewirte it will change the links so I did got confused. So this consisted unfriendly url: http://www.demo.com/demo/cards.php and this is friendly url: http://www.demo.com/demo/cards-aces. Is that correct? Maybe you can explain it more in detail so I can grasp on understanding how mod-rewrite really works. I think the code itself works but I need to understand the purpose of it. I read stuff online but never really find the answer like what you just mention.
  10. @kicken No, I just type my domain then click on the link which is this: http://www.demo.com/demo/cards.php Once I click on that link my browser show this http://www.demo.com/demo/cards.php instead it should show the New Rewrite: http://www.demo.com/demo/cards-aces Yes, I did that and still it didn't work. So you mean if I keep typing the New Rewrite it will slowly show and change my old url into my New URL?
  11. @kicken Thanks for the reply. I took out the R=301 and it didn't work either. I thought maybe it will take time to display the new URL so I left the code intact on my host server for a day to make a transition but it didn't work. This is my updated code: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^demo/cards-aces$ /demo/cards.php [L] Do you have any idea why the new URL not appearing on the browser?
  12. Hi This is my code: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^demo/cards-aces$ /demo/cards.php [L,R=301] What do you mean regarding about browser not knowing the changes and what is a internal sub- request? I think maybe I forgot a step that's why it's not showing the new URL. This is original URL address: http://www.demo.com/demo/cards.php This is my new Rewrite: http://www.demo.com/demo/cards-aces The new Rewrite which is this: http://www.demo.com/demo/cards-aces is not appearing on the browser instead it show my original URL address which is this: http://www.demo.com/demo/cards.php When I type the new Rewrite on the browser address bar it will redirect to this: http://www.demo.com/demo/cards.php So the rewrite works but it's just that new Rewrite which is this: http://www.demo.com/demo/cards-aces doesn't appear on the browser. Do I need to add couple of lines in the htaccess file in order it to work? or Do I need to used a CURL function so the new URL appear on the browser?
  13. OK, I notice there something wrong with my thread what happend to my tags? I did enter PHP, Mod_rewrite, URL in the tags input box before I click submit. How come it's not showing?
  14. Sam46


    Hi I just want to say Hi. Sam
  15. Yes, when click on the link it will redirect to the original demo page. For example: This is the original address: http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/278931/new/rewrite/url/not/appearing/on/browser/ and this is my new rewrite: http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/278931-new-rewrite-url-not-appearing-on-browser/ The issue is that my new rewrite: http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/278931-new-rewrite-url-not-appearing-on-browser/ is not appearing on the browser instead it's this: http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/278931/new/rewrite/url/not/appearing/on/browser/ it's redirecting but the new rewrite is not appearing on the browser. I thought I already explain my situation very clearly. I apologize if I didn't since you don't understand what I said. The rewrite is working but the issue as I mention the new address is not appearing on the browser. Do you I need to used CURL function so the new rewrite will appear on the browser?
  16. Hi I am having issue with a Rewrite URL. The new URL is not appearing on the browser address instead it's the old URL. For example: From this: demo.c/cards.php to this: demo.c/cards When I type this address it will go to the new URL. demo.c/cards I'm been searching the webs to find a way to make the new URL appear on the browser. I also try this: header(demo.c/cards/"); exit; it didn't work and also try this: <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=demo.c/cards/"> I also get an error this This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies. I would appreciate if someone explain to me why the new URL not appearing on the browser.
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