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Everything posted by PyraX

  1. Hi, I have a table mysql table with 23million records that is over 5GB and performing select queries such as WHERE x like '%y%' is taking forever. Using: AppServ 2.5.10 Apache 2.2.8 PHP 5.2.6 MySQL 5.0.51b phpMyAdmin-2.10.3 Software and configuration wise what can I do to run these queries faster? There is only 1 user that needs to access it Willing to use cloud server also table is very simple: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `data` ( `did` int(100) NOT NULL auto_increment, `dfile` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `0` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `1` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `2` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `3` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `4` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `5` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `6` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `7` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `8` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `9` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `10` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `11` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `12` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `13` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `14` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `15` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `16` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `17` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `18` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `19` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `20` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `21` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `22` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `23` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`did`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=23415599 ; Thanks in advance PyraX
  2. Hey Guys, Ok so here is my issue. Server 1 has the mysql database and is constantly collecting data currently 148.9 MiB (win2008 server with Appserv installed) Server 2 has all my php files and domain eg. http://www.example.com (Linux/cpanel) Server 2 connects to server 1 for data on every page which causes a massive delay in page load time Resolving domain to server 1 is not an option What I want to do is great a new mysql database on Server 2 that syncs daily from Server 1 automatically How do I do this?
  3. fixed it by doing preg_match_all('/onclick="return false;">.*?<\/a>/',$data,$matches); NEXT QUESTION How do I make it so that it doesnt include onclick="return false;"> and </a> in the results?
  4. its giving me the error message: Warning: preg_match_all() [function.preg-match-all]: Unknown modifier 'a' in C:\AppServ\www\index.php on line 53
  5. im trying to find everything between <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"> and </a> Here is what I have tried but it didnt work preg_match_all('/<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;">.*?</a>/',$data,$matches);
  6. Yes thats right, cheapest cost first then shortest time
  7. Thanks adam, the only thing that matters is the price and the time, distance is irrelevant
  8. Hey everyone, Im writing some code that has to work out a route based on linking airports and output all the flights it takes to get there, tried searching just dont really know what to search for The data table looks like this ID, Origin, Destination, DatetimeDeparting, DatetimeArriving, Price 1, BKK, CNX, 2010-10-14 12:00:00, 2010-10-14 14:00:00, 125 2, STN, BKK, 2010-10-13 18:00:00, 2010-10-13 22:00:00, 300 etc. What is the easiest way of working out the path from STN to CNX via BKK? UPDATE: Just to make it more interesting there will be instances where there is more than 1 path eg. STN -> KUL -> BKK -> CNX
  9. Thanks, I have tried that one too lol. The issue I have is that I dont want to login to the api, I need to login to analytics normally then once logged in access a report via a link like: https://www.google.com/analytics/reporting/export?fmt=2&id=5941183&pdr=20090829-20090928&cmp=average&rpt=ExitsReport one that the API does not currently support
  10. Thanks again, I tried those and they both did not work
  11. Thanks redarrow but that appears to be how to locally host urchin.js not login and download a csv report, please correct me if I am wrong
  12. Hello, I am trying to make a php curl script that can login and download csv adsense performance reports that are not accessable through the API (to my knowledge). The part I get stuck on is login into google analytics. Have tried for hours using existing scripts of the net but cant seem to get them to work. Can anyone help or have a script that can do this? Thanks in advance PyraX
  13. Hi I am looking for an easy to use photo gallery script that i can integrate into my existing php CMS. I have been seraching for hours and standalone seem to be abundant yet something simple that I can intergrate that has lightbox like presentation has been evading me. Thanks, PyraX
  14. Thanks here was the code I ended up using $sql = "SELECT * FROM points WHERE p_userid = '$_SESSION[uSERID]' AND p_datetime >= '".date('Y-m-d').' 00:00:00'."' AND p_datetime < '".date('Y-m-d').' 23:59:59'."' AND p_type = '1'";
  15. hi im strugling with this SELECT * FROM points WHERE date is today without caring about the time thanks pyrax
  16. Works perfectly, Thank you so much
  17. It seems to be reverting to defaults on every page change here is my script <?php if (!strstr(date_default_timezone_get(),"Etc/GMT")) { echo date_default_timezone_get(); // returns America/Denver if (isset($_GET['offset'])) { $offset = ss($_GET['offset']) / 60; if ($offset >= 0) { $offset = "+".$offset; } date_default_timezone_set('Etc/GMT'.$offset); $_SESSION[TIMEOFFSET] = $offset; echo date_default_timezone_get(); // returns Etc/GMT-10 } else { echo "<script language='javascript'>\n"; echo "var d = new Date();\n"; echo "location.href=\"${_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?${_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}&offset=\" + d.getTimezoneOffset();\n"; echo "</script>\n"; exit(); } } ?>
  18. Thanks so much PFMaBiSmAd now just need to set the server time with the right offset. Do you know the command?
  19. Hi, I was wondering if anyone had a script that can get the locale time of the users computer so that the server can use that instead of the "America/Denver" that it seems to keep defaulting to? Thanks PyraX
  20. Question for you, how would you turn this into x number of days after a date. for example 14 days after 2008-04-18
  21. Thanks so much DJTim666 Here is the final code: $month = $m; //supply month # $year = $y; //supply year $timestamp = strtotime("$m/01/$y"); $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 0, $year); $i = 1; $days = idate("t",$timestamp); while ($i <= $days) { if (date("l",strtotime("$m/$i/$y")) == "Friday") { echo "Day $i is a Friday on month #$month<br>"; } $i++; }
  22. Hi I need script that gives me the day of every friday in the month given the variables year and month in an array. for example this month would be 4,11,18,25 Can anyone help me with this? Thanks
  23. Does anyone have like a monthly calendar script?
  24. Thanks AP81 but I need to know what the PHP file script is
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