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Posts posted by steviewdr

  1. I've seen ISPs and web host providers to limit the speed of downloads. 100kbps sounds to be very slow alright. I'd advise testing with another client computer and see what speeds they get at. It could be your ISP, or the web host provider.


    I've seen this before and have had to use a muti-threaded downloader to get full download speed.

  2. I take it there is no firewall involved?


    I see you done a nmap. Can you do a telnet yourdomain 443 from a remote computer and see if port 443 is open.


    If I were you'd I'd go back to setting up a self-signed ssl cert and get that working first.

    Although its not for fedora take a look at:



    exerpt of what you need to try:

    mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl

    cd /etc/apache2/ssl

    openssl req -x509 -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout hostkey.pem -nodes -out hostcert.pem

    cat hostkey.pem >> hostcert.pem

    mv hostcert.pem apache.pem


    <VirtualHost *:443>

    //insert code as Normal; same as above

    SSLEngine On

    SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem




  3. I suggest you get a low power server with efficient hard drives to keep electricity usage down.


    Old servers and HDDs chew up electricity.


    *steviewdr has a daily rsync to a 1TB external usb drive.





  4. Yes of course.

    You need to set your dns firstly.


    If you have a dns control panel, login and add a sub domain. However type "iphone.admin"  in. It should be respected.

    Then after you save, try and go ping iphone.admin.yoursite.com. Note it could take a few min for dns to update.



  5. You should be logging mysql slow queries.


    Add or uncomment the following line in your my.cnf:

    log-slow-queries        = /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log

    Then watch that file.


    As I mentioned earlier, munin would be very very useful. It will graph for you mysql connections in a 5 minute period.



  6. I don't see any issues. I don't think you will require a separate mailserver. Just make sure its setup properly.


    You'll want to keep an eye on RBLs for your mail server.



    I don't forsee an ISP blocking your mail server, unless you are sending spam emails or if they hit a honeypot.

    If you keep an eye on your mail.info log, you can see if emails are bounced back and if so, what message/error is bounced.



  7. If you think it could be mysql, then this could quite possibly be the case.


    Google for mysqltuner.pl and mysqlreport.

    These scripts will report mysql slow queries and if you have enough memory set for mysql in mysql.cnf.



    I HIGHLY recommend you install munin and munin-node.

    There are centos, debian packages etc. etc.

    See: http://brage.sunsite.dk/munin/dotsrc.org/munin.dotsrc.org.html





  8. See: http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Apache#mod_evasive


    To prevent the db server from falling over, I suggest you limit the number of connections allowed from a mysql user. I limited mine to 10 simultaneous connections per user. This helped a LOT. In my case the db server didn't fall over, and after a few minutes sorted itself out.

    I also suggest you look at what web pages are accessed and what mysql queries are been made. It could be the type of mysql query been made. Also did you see if there are any mysql slow queries? (assuming your using mysql).



  9. AuthUserFile needs to be a full path on the server. I.E. /home/user/private/.htpasswd


    To find the full folder path, create the following file:


    with the following:


    echo phpinfo();



    Put this folder in the htdocs folder and go to the file via your web browser and look for the full path. Then when you know the full server path put this in your .htaccess file.



  10. rsync would be better to transfer a large number of files from one server to another.


    For example, you can run rsync again, and it will check if any files have been modified (since you started the initial copy) and copy them to the new server.


    There are quite a few switches you can use with rsync. I typically use the following on the new server:

    rsync -avz user@server:source destination




    rsync -avz user@oldserver:/home/user /home/



  11. How long is a piece of string? Is it a 386 computer or a Dual CPU server?


    If its a shared host, there may be limits regarding number of cronjobs.

    AFAIK there is no limit to the number of cronjobs you can run.



  12. Well the following in a htaccess file worked fine for me.


    php_value upload_max_filesize 100M

    php_value post_max_size 100M


    I know its a hack. But it worked fine for me to allow people upload up to 100MB files.

    The only other way would be to have a local client app developed using java etc to allow them to upload large files and to give a status of it.



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