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  1. Hi. I'm trying to display a list of items i have in my database. It displayed correctly as how i wanted it to. However, there is a button which popup a jQuery div tag. It pop up correctly, just that it only show the 1st content in my database table. I believe it is the jQuery ID that is confused but I just don't know how to define the ID separately in jQuery. Below is my code: HTML: //My Button <a href="#" id="map_link" class="topopup-map"> <div class="self-drive-view-map-button"> <img src="images/content/map-icon.png" height="23px"> </div> </a> //My Pop-Up Div <div id="toPopup-map"> <div id="popup_content_map"> <?php echo $map; ?> </div> </div> jQuery: jQuery(function($) { $("a.topopup-map").click(function() { loading(); setTimeout(function(){ loadPopup(); }, 500); return false; }); /* event for close the popup */ $("div.close").hover( function() { $('span.ecs_tooltip').show(); }, function () { $('span.ecs_tooltip').hide(); } ); $("div.close").click(function() { disablePopup(); }); $(this).keyup(function(event) { if (event.which == 27) { disablePopup(); } }); $("div#backgroundPopup").click(function() { disablePopup(); }); $('a.livebox').click(function() { alert('Hello World!'); return false; }); /************** start: functions. **************/ function loading() { $("div.loader").show(); } function closeloading() { $("div.loader").fadeOut('normal'); } var popupStatus = 0; function loadPopup() { if(popupStatus == 0) { closeloading(); iframe_code = $('#toPopup-map').html(); $('#toPopup-map').html(iframe_code).fadeIn(500); $("#backgroundPopup").css("opacity", "0.7"); $("#backgroundPopup").fadeIn(0001); popupStatus = 1; } } function disablePopup() { if(popupStatus == 1) { $('#toPopup-map').html(iframe_code).fadeOut(500); $("#backgroundPopup").fadeOut("normal"); popupStatus = 0; } } /************** end: functions. **************/ }); // jQuery End Any solution?
  2. Hi All I have a few links in a page which will direct to 1 page. And in that 1 page, there is a iframe link which will direct the user depending on the link attribute name from the previous page. For Example on previous_page.php, i have the following link: <a id="asia" href="next_page.php">Asia</a> <a id="europe" href="next_page.php">Europe</a> <a id="america" href="next_page.php">America</a> When selected, it will direct to the next_page.php where there will be an iframe. I've coded the iframe as follows: <iframe src="http://myurl?c=<?php echo $continent; ?>&a=PTT03353"></iframe> where $continent will be define by the previous page a tag ID. How do i achieve this?
  3. Hi I need to make a form whereby it is being controlled by a radio button. I already make it to work the way I want, with just 1 problem i faced. I need to make it in such a way that: if radio1 is clicked, it will show radio7, radio8, radio9 and radio10. if radio2 is clicked, it will show radio7, radio8, radio9 and radio10. if radio3 is clicked, it will show radio8, radio9 and radio10. if radio4 is clicked, it will show radio9 and radio 10. I have already achieved the code above on how i want it to show accordingly. The problem arises when I clicked on radio2, i want to deselect all option from any radio and default select the first option; either radio7, radio8 or radio9 accordingly. Currently, if i select radio3, the option will still be from radio2. This is not what i want. Any suggestion? Attached are my working files. 111.php style.css radio-image.css
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