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Everything posted by molossus

  1. Maybe this can help , PHPexcel : http://phpexcel.codeplex.com extract the folder put it on xampp, mamp ,or wamp , run example 5 Go to: xampp/htdocs/phpexcel/Examples look for these files : 05featuredemo.php and 05featuredemo.inc.php run 05featuredemo.php to see the excel that it generates , also look at 05featuredemo.inc.php to see how the table values are being generated
  2. "Modern Javascript Develop and Design" by larry ullman. this book will teach you modern and smart javascript programming
  3. you can use : round($answer, 2); // will give you , example: 4.72
  4. This is how it is done on the htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^yourdomain.com RewriteRule (.*) http://www.yourdomain.com/$1 [R=301,L] More information relates to wordpress multisite here http://wordpress.org/support/topic/non-www-to-www-301-redirect-for-multisite Note:you should only edit the htaccess file if you have ftp access , one mistake and your site will go down Which can be easily fixed via ftp even if the site is down
  5. What if you create a subdirectory and place that index file and the login php script there so that it is separate from the other index.php file
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