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  1. After test a recently version of same c++ app i check in wireshark the message sent to server don't have the "cdcdcdcd..." when null char, already have "00000000" like PHP as, so the only thing i need to do is pack like this way: pack('a20', "44436412"); Thanks for helping me
  2. Actualy i understand the problem is in format given in pack function, i'm trying made some changes until get the messages equal, but i'm litle stuck in "pack('a20', "44436412")" $message = pack('N', 1431655765) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch1 . pack('N', 2863311530) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch2 . pack('v', 1) //HEADER - uint16 ui16Version . pack('V', 1) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Cmd; . pack('V', 44) //HEADER - uint32 ui32BodySize . pack('a20', "44436412"); //BODY - char szLisence[20] echo "<br/> Message - packed = " . $message . "<br/> strlen " . strlen($message); echo "<br/> Hex dump PHP = " . bin2hex($message); Output PHP: Message - packed = UUUUªªªª,44436412 strlen 38 Hex dump PHP = 55555555aaaaaaaa0100010000002c000000343434333634313200000000000000000000000 C++ hexDump: 55555555aaaaaaaa0100010000002c000000343434333634313200cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd546573745f50726f6772616d00cdcdcdcdcdcdcd00000000 In documentation tell this: The PMS must add NULL char at end of all char variables. Therefore, the char [20] declarations above (or equivalent Delphi declaration of [0..19] of char ) actually mean 19 usable characters plus 1 space for a NULL. I made some corrections and now the problem is this "NULL char at end of all char variables".
  3. Kicken, In PHP i execute this code to get hexdump: $message = pack('N', 1431655765) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch1 . pack('N', 2863311530) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch2 . pack('n', 1) //HEADER - uint16 ui16Version . pack('N', 1) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Cmd; . pack('N', 44) //HEADER - uint32 ui32BodySize . pack('a20', "44436412") //BODY - char szLisence[20] . pack('a20', "Test_Program") //BODY - char szApplName[20] . pack('I', 0); //BODY - int nRet echo "<br/> Correct Message - packed = " . $message . "<br/> strlen " . strlen($message); echo "<br/> Hex dump PHP = " . bin2hex($message); Output: Message - packed = UUUUªªªª,44436412Test_Program strlen 62 Hex dump PHP = 55555555aaaaaaaa0001000000010000002c3434343336343132000000000000000000000000546573745f50726f6772616d000000000000000000000000 For c++ i don't have sure about correct function to use to get the same result, so i use WireShark e take this information from there, i use PHP to make sure i am getting the correct information: PHP hexDump: 55555555aaaaaaaa0001000000010000002c3434343336343132000000000000000000000000546573745f50726f6772616d000000000000000000000000 C++ hexDump: 55555555aaaaaaaa0100010000002c000000343434333634313200cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd546573745f50726f6772616d00cdcdcdcdcdcdcd00000000 PHP wireShark Image: C++ wireShark Image: Exist some differences, any ideia what can be?
  4. I will clarify the information better: c++ code: button code when click to regist app: void CPMSifDlg::OnbtnReg() { SPMSifRegisterMsg *m_RegMsg; BYTE *pbytesSend; BYTE *pbytesReceive; m_RegMsg = new SPMSifRegisterMsg; UpdateData(TRUE); strcpy(m_RegMsg->szLicense, m_strLic); //Build the data strcpy(m_RegMsg->szApplName, m_strAppl); m_RegMsg->nRet=0; SetHeader(&m_RegMsg->hdr1, CMD_REGISTER); pbytesSend = new BYTE[sizeof(SPMSifRegisterMsg)]; memcpy(pbytesSend, m_RegMsg, sizeof(SPMSifRegisterMsg)); //copy m_RegMsg structure to pbytesStore pbytesReceive=TCPSend(pbytesSend, sizeof(SPMSifRegisterMsg)); //sends pbytesStore and receives the response m_RegMsg=(SPMSifRegisterMsg*)pbytesReceive; //copy response back to structure m_iRegRes=m_RegMsg->nRet; UpdateData(FALSE); } In this code, they call function TCPSend to send info to server: BYTE *CPMSifDlg::TCPSend(BYTE *pbytesStore, int size) { BYTE *pbytes; BOOL bEmpty; int nRetVal, nRead; int nMsgSize; SPMSifHdr spHdr; int num = 1; if(*(char *)&num == 1) { printf("\nLittle-Endian\n"); } else { printf("Big-Endian\n"); } if ( htonl(47) == 47 ) { printf("Big-Endian\n"); } else { printf("\nLittle-Endian\n"); } m_mySocket.Send((void*)pbytesStore, size); nRetVal = m_mySocket.Receive((void*)&spHdr, sizeof(SPMSifHdr), MSG_PEEK); if ((nRetVal >= sizeof(SPMSifHdr)) && (spHdr.ui32Synch1 == 0x55555555) && (spHdr.ui32Synch2 == 0xaaaaaaaa)) { nMsgSize = spHdr.ui32BodySize + sizeof(SPMSifHdr); pbytes = new BYTE[nMsgSize]; bEmpty = FALSE; nRead = 0; nRetVal = 0; while(!bEmpty) { nRetVal = m_mySocket.Receive(pbytes, nMsgSize); if (nRetVal > 0) nRead += nRetVal; if ((nRetVal <= 0) || (nRead == nMsgSize)) bEmpty = TRUE; else if (nRead <= nMsgSize) pbytes += nRetVal; } if (nRead != nMsgSize) MessageBox("FAILED to Receive TCP message"); else return pbytes; } return pbytesStore; } Notes about c++ program: You ask me to make one test to check if application is little endian or big endian, and i have make this test in c++ app that communicate with the server, not in SERVER app that receive messages, because i don't have access to this code. In both tests give-me Little-Endian, but i consider this is correct because the c++ i post where they never make conversion to other kink of Endian, so i considerate they are communicating in same Endian Type, this line of thought is correct? Debug: In my first images i don't put correctly the images with correct params, but in my answers i'm considerate the right param's, so i make a new debug of various step's: 1 - Authentication params: 2-Structures: 3-params: 4 - After convert: 5-TCP send message: Now PHP Code: <?php //correct process -> "Recommended : Register, Encode, Encode,…………Encode, Unregister" $message = pack('N', 1431655765) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch1 . pack('N', 2863311530) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch2 . pack('n', 1) //HEADER - uint16 ui16Version . pack('N', 1) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Cmd; . pack('N', 44) //HEADER - uint32 ui32BodySize . pack('a20', "44436412") //BODY - char szLisence[20] . pack('a20', "Test_Program") //BODY - char szApplName[20] . pack('I', 0); //BODY - int nRet echo "<br/> Correct Message - packed = " . $message . "<br/> strlen " . strlen($message); if(!($sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))) { $errorcode = socket_last_error(); $errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode); die("Couldn't create socket: [$errorcode] $errormsg \n"); } echo "<br/>Socket created \n"; if (!socket_connect($sock , '###.###.###.###' , 3015)) { $errorcode = socket_last_error(); $errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode); die("Could not connect: [$errorcode] $errormsg \n"); } echo "<br/>Connection established \n"; //Send the message to the server if (!socket_send($sock, $message, strlen($message), 0)) { $errorcode = socket_last_error(); $errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode); die("Could not send data: [$errorcode] " . $errormsg); } echo "<br/>Message send successfully"; //Now receive reply from server if (socket_recv($sock, $buf, 2045, MSG_WAITALL) === FALSE) { $errorcode = socket_last_error(); $errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode); die("Could not receive data: [$errorcode] $errormsg \n"); } socket_close($sock); Notes: PHP code can establish connection but and try send message the browser freeze. With this image i can show you i think i'm doing all correct, the message sent(SPMSifRegisterMsg) is composed by SPMSifHdr in first position and then with the other values show in debug images. Output of php pack: echo "<br/> Correct Message - packed = " . $message . "<br/> strlen " . strlen($message); Correct Message - packed = UUUUªªªª,44436412Test_Program strlen 62
  5. I've already tried this, but this way the output it's diferent from c++: $message = pack('N', 1431655765) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch1 . pack('N', 2863311530) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch2 . pack('n', 1) //HEADER - uint16 ui16Version . pack('N', 1) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Cmd; . pack('N', 44) //HEADER - uint32 ui32BodySize . pack('a20', "44436412") //BODY - char szLisence[20] . pack('a20', "Test_Program") //BODY - char szApplName[20] . pack('I', 0); echo "<br/> Message - packed = " . $message . "<br/> strlen " . strlen($message); Output: Message - packed = UUUUªªªª,44436412Test_Program strlen 62 still not equal to c++ message after conversion, any ideia what i can do more? other solutions? Or this is the right way?
  6. I'm afraid i don't have understand your question, but the values are this i have take an image from c++ debug before convert the structure to binary: And the value of message sent to server in c++ after conversion is: "UUUUªªªª " And in php after conversion i'm getting "UUUUªªªª,1/4" like you can see in last post i've done. Basicly the last 2 "charactes" are diferente.
  7. I don't have permission to edit the last post: But now to convert my message in PHP i use this code: $message = pack('N', 1431655765) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch1 . pack('N', 2863311530) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch2 . pack('n', 1) //HEADER - uint16 ui16Version . pack('N', 1) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Cmd; . pack('N', 44) //HEADER - uint32 ui32BodySize . pack('a20', pack('c', "44436412")) //BODY - char szLisence[20] . pack('a20', pack('c', "Test_Program")) //BODY - char szApplName[20] . pack('I', 0); //BODY - int nRet echo "<br/> Correct Message - packed = " . $message . "<br/> strlen " . strlen($message); This image show the result in PHP(left) and right in c++: Like we can see i'm almost there, the only diference is the caracters after "ªªªª" what possible can be wrong?
  8. 1º Question: Kicken, in documentation don't have no telling the byte order, but i search in google and make this 2 test's c++ code: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1001307/detecting-endianness-programmatically-in-a-c-program int num = 1; if(*(char *)&num == 1) { printf("\nLittle-Endian\n"); } else { printf("Big-Endian\n"); } if ( htonl(47) == 47 ) { printf("Big-Endian\n"); } else { printf("\nLittle-Endian\n"); } And both tell me are "Little-Endian". What i need to do now? Answer to 2 and 3 question: $packed = pack('N', "1431655765") //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch1 . pack('N', "2863311530") //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch2 . pack('n', 1) //HEADER - uint16 ui16Version . pack('N', 1) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Cmd; . pack('N', "44") //HEADER - uint32 ui32BodySize . pack('C', "44436412") . pack('N', " ") //BODY - char szLisence[20] . pack('C', "Test_Program") . pack('N', " ") //BODY - char szApplName[20] . pack('I', 0); //BODY - int nRet echo "<br/> 5 - packed = " . $packed . "<br/> strlen " . strlen($packed); $message = pack('N', "1431655765") //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch1 . pack('N', "2863311530") //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch2 . pack('n', 1) //HEADER - uint16 ui16Version . pack('N', 1) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Cmd; . pack('N', "44") //HEADER - uint32 ui32BodySize . pack('a20', pack('c', "44436412")) //BODY - char szLisence[20] . pack('a20', pack('c', "Test_Program")) //BODY - char szApplName[20] . pack('I', 0); //BODY - int nRet echo "<br/> Correct Message - packed = " . $message . "<br/> strlen " . strlen($message); I have follow your indications and i think this is the correct way to add "space for a NULL" and calc strlen, because i test my old code and new code with your indications and now strlen already give me the correct size, 62 bytes: Results of echo's: 5 - packed = UUUUÿÿÿ,¼ strlen 32 Correct Mesage - packed = UUUUÿÿÿ,¼ strlen 62
  9. Thanks for the answers guys, I have check the manual and for the first method i need execute i have this: Message structures Header All messages include a message header as the start of the message. This header contains information about what to find in the message body and the size of the message body. The format is as follows (using C++ syntax): typedef struct { uint32 ui32Synch1; /* Message synch1 = 0x55555555 */ uint32 ui32Synch2; /* Message synch2 = 0xaaaaaaaa */ uint16 ui16Version; /* Header format version = 1 */ uint32 ui32Cmd; /* Command */ uint32 ui32BodySize; /* Size of message body */ } SPMSifHdr; 18 bytes Bodies The following section gives the format of the message bodies, based on Command ID. The message bodies are shown as type definitions using C++ syntax. Unless otherwise stated, the message fields map directly onto the parameters used in the API function calls made to the tcppmsif.dll by VTCLink. Therefore, to determine what the PMS should put in each field and also what VingCard returns in each field, refer to the VingCard API function definitions. PMSifRegister 62 bytes struct SPMSifRegisterMsg { SPMSifHdr hdr1; char szLisence[20]; char szApplName[20]; int nRet; }; This message structure maps onto the API function PMSifRegister. hdr1 is the Message Header. nRet equates to the return value of the API function. The PMS must add NULL char at end of all char variables. Therefore, the char [20] declarations above (or equivalent Delphi declaration of [0..19] of char ) actually mean 19 usable characters plus 1 space for a NULL. After reading your answers i have this questions: 1º what format use in pack function for fields of body message? This is the correct way to send the message? $packed = pack('N', "1431655765") //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch1 . pack('N', "2863311530") //HEADER - uint32 ui32Synch2 . pack('n', 1) //HEADER - uint16 ui16Version . pack('N', 1) //HEADER - uint32 ui32Cmd; . pack('N', "44") //HEADER - uint32 ui32BodySize . pack('C', "44436412") . pack('N', " ") //BODY - char szLisence[20] . pack('C', "Test_Program") . pack('N', " ") //BODY - char szApplName[20] . pack('I', 0); //BODY - int nRet 2º How format represent space for a NULL like the ask in next sentence of documentation with pack function? "The PMS must add NULL char at end of all char variables. Therefore, the char [20] declarations above (or equivalent Delphi declaration of [0..19] of char ) actually mean 19 usable characters plus 1 space for a NULL." This is the correct way? $packed = pack('C', "44436412") . pack('N', " "); //example 3º - To send the message i need with the function "socket_send" where the 3º param is the the number of bytes that will be sent to the remote host from buf, in this case will be the 62 bytes the manual said? (PMSifRegister 62 bytes) Or i need to use the strlen($packed) of the message i will send?
  10. Hey guys, I need to rewrite a example of sockets TCP/IP communication done in c++ or delphi(have this 2 examples) to PHP, but have a problem with function memcpy(c++)/move(delphi) and with the structures used in both languages. in both cases i have this 2 structures: (struct from delphi) SPMSifHdr = packed record ui32Synch1: Longword; ui32Synch2: Longword; ui16Version: Word; ui32Cmd: Longint; ui32BodySize: Longint; end; SPMSifRegisterMsg = packed record hdr1: SPMSifHdr; szLicense: Array[0..19] of char; szApplName: Array[0..19] of char; nRet: Longint; end; Code used to send message to server: procedure TForm1.btnRegisterClick(Sender: TObject); var RegMsg: SPMSifRegisterMsg; byteMsg: Array[0..(sizeof(SPMSifRegisterMsg) - 1)] of byte; begin FillChar(RegMsg, SizeOf(RegMsg), 0); SetHeader(CMD_REGISTER, RegMsg.hdr1); //Set header information StrPCopy(RegMsg.szLicense, LicEdit.Text); //build data to structure StrPCopy(RegMsg.szApplName, ApplEdit.Text); Move(RegMsg, byteMsg, sizeof(SPMSifRegisterMsg)); //copy structure to bytearray ClientSocket1.Socket.SendBuf(byteMsg, sizeof(SPMSifRegisterMsg)); //send the data end; Problems: 1º - First in PHP how i can represent one structure like are used in c++ or delphi? Note: Remember i need pass this kind of structure in socket_send method, in 'buf' param) 2º - In PHP what function do the same job like memcpy(c++)/move(delphi)? Note: For me it's not important put the information necessary to send directly to the memory block, but it's important convert the information to hex(?) like happens in c++ or delphi. Structure with information before memcpy: Result of memcpy function/information send to server: I'm desperate with this situation, for second problem i've tried used the function "pack()" but i have no ideia what format to use, because i don't now what is the format they need to receive. In php dont exist structures so do you think this can be a right solution so send the information??? $packed = pack('I', $pMsgBlock->hdr1) .pack('I', $pMsgBlock->szLicense) .pack('I', $pMsgBlock->szAppname) .pack('I', $pMsgBlock->nRet); If necessary i can give more information.
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