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  1. I don't know how the data is processed, I don't really understand that side of things. Our previous site format was more of a blog type thing. I'd have to make a new page for every new review or anything I wanted to post, without a template. I would then have to manage all the menu pages and home page to keep it up to date, deleting older stuff so the newer was placed top...the host was very limited. All I know about the designers code is that he has made it to be secure, he is extremely paranoid about hackers for some reason. We wil be having a user interface further down the line, and think this was his issue. @Kevin: Yeah, I'll definitely use students again, think it's good for them to get the required experience to find work after Uni. The main reason I decided to go along with the current guy is because he seemed very enthusiastic about it and I really needed an improved site. But like you said, there's the loss of business, even if it wasn't financial, but more based on reputation, which has been severely hindered. I just know that once the site is back up, I'll have to start all the work I put in building relationships from scratch. Least I know for next time.
  2. I'm not paying him, he offered to do it for the experience. We're just screwed now because I have a half finished code he's done, but I don't have the financial means to hire someone to finish. Kind of stuck in a hole. I managed to do some CSS and cleaned the look up, it looked terrible yesterday. And I'm going through php tutorials to see if I can advance anything.
  3. Changed it to this: $unixTime = mktime(1, 1, 1, 1, $_POST['month'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['year']);
  4. Just found this too, still not sure $xml->startElement('dateOfRelease'); $day = gmdate("d", $ep['date']); $month = gmdate("m", $ep['date']); $year = gmdate("Y", $ep['date']); $xml->writeElement('day', utf8_encode(escape_xml($day))); $xml->writeElement('month', utf8_encode(escape_xml($month))); $xml->writeElement('year', utf8_encode(escape_xml($year))); //end dateOfRelease element $xml->endElement();
  5. This is the only thing I've found that mentions the date. It's also the only thing I've found with definitions. //Calculate unix time from date $unixTime = mktime(1, 1, 1, 1, $_POST['month'], $_POST['year']); if(isset($_POST['compilation'])){ $type = "3"; }else{ $type = $_POST['type']; }
  6. Still can't find that code and the dude is being evasive once more, so I can't get any info on the file whereabouts. Will post it up asap.
  7. Is this where it is defined? <?php require_once(LIBRARY_PATH . "/session.php"); //get review data from database $sql = "SELECT A.AlbumNr AS AlbumNr, A.Name AS AlbumName, A.DateOfRelease AS AlbumReleaseDate, I.src AS AlbumCover, A.Type AS AlbumType, B.BandNr AS BandNr, B.FirstName AS bandFirstName, B.SecondName AS bandSecondName, R.DatePublished AS DatePublished, R.Rating AS Rating, R.Type AS Type, RC.Content AS Content, P.ProfileNr AS writerProfileNr, P.Name AS writerFName, P.MiddleName AS writerMName, P.SirName AS writerSName FROM (((((Reviews R INNER JOIN Reviews_Content RC ON RC.ReviewNr=R.ReviewNr) INNER JOIN Profile P ON P.ProfileNr=R.EmployeeNr) INNER JOIN Albums A ON A.AlbumNr=R.AlbumNr) INNER JOIN BandsAlbums BA ON BA.AlbumNr=A.AlbumNr) INNER JOIN Bands B ON BA.BandNr=B.BandNr) INNER JOIN Images I ON I.ImageNr=A.Cover WHERE R.ReviewNr=" . $reviewnr . ";"; $database->query($sql); $review = $database->loadObjectList(); header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8'); require_once(LIBRARY_PATH . "/xml.php"); $xml = new XMLWriter(); $xml->openURI("php://output"); $xml->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xml->setIndent(true); //start root element band $xml->startElement('review'); $xml->startElement('band'); $xml->writeAttribute('id', $review['BandNr']); $xml->startElement('name'); $xml->writeElement('firstname', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['bandFirstName']))); $xml->writeElement('secondname', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['bandSecondName']))); //end name element $xml->endElement(); //end band element $xml->endElement(); $xml->startElement('album'); $xml->writeAttribute('id', $review['AlbumNr']); $xml->writeElement('name', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['AlbumName']))); $xml->writeElement('dateOfRelease', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['AlbumReleaseDate']))); $xml->writeElement('cover', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['AlbumCover']))); $xml->writeElement('type', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['AlbumType']))); //end album element $xml->endElement(); $xml->writeElement('datePublished', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['DatePublished']))); $xml->writeElement('rating', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['Rating']))); $xml->writeElement('type', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['Type']))); $xml->startElement('content'); $xml->writeCdata(utf8_encode(nl2br($review['Content']))); //end content element $xml->endElement(); $xml->startElement('writer'); $xml->writeAttribute('id', $review['writerProfileNr']); $xml->startElement('name'); $xml->writeElement('firstname', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['writerFName']))); $xml->writeElement('middlenames', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['writerMName']))); $xml->writeElement('secondname', utf8_encode(escape_xml($review['writerSName']))); //end name element $xml->endElement(); //end writer element $xml->endElement(); //end root element review $xml->endElement(); ?>
  8. Great, this worked list($dayth, $month, $year) = explode(' ', $albumreleasedate); $albumreleasedate = $month . ' ' . $year; Thanks
  9. In the database the date appears under a column titled DateOfRelease UNIX_TIME 1:1:1 1/1/YYYY (s:m:h dd/mm/yyyy) With entries along the following line: 1262329261 Don't where to find how the variable is defined. When I enter the info to the database, the form allows me to select month and year, no day.
  10. Hi, Last May I created a website that is dedicated to music reviews and news. After a few months, the site was getting big, we had a large database and we were being noticed by many labels, bands and PR companies. In September last year, a student offered to help me with a php design that would make the management of my site easier and automated. He had initially scheduled a deadline for February. However, he doesn't seem in too much of a hurry to get the site up and running, and we've now lost most of our reputation. Last night, after another day where the guy made me believe he had worked hard to change a couple of colours and some format in CSS, but without managing to make the site look any better, I decided to tackle the CSS side of things myself, having built my own site six years ago, I was surprised at how much I still remembered. Anyhow, I'm in no way knowledgeable in php and there are several issues that seem like they would be very easy to solve if I knew how. I would wait for the guy to do it, but he's never in a hurry and we need the site up and running again. My first question would be the following. On the album review page (http://therealmusic.net/reviews/Jackleg-Devotional-to-the-Heart-2013) the release date should only show the month and the year, not the day. I've been asking the guy to sort this out for months now, but he always make it out to be a big deal. Here's the code I have, what do I need to add so it only extracts the month and year? <?php echo "<b>Released:</b> " . $albumreleasedate . "</br>". "<b>Genre:</b> " . $genrename . "</br>". "<b>Label:</b> " . $labelname; ?> Many thanks
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