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Everything posted by oracle765

  1. I am trying to create a database with the mysql wizard in cpanel ans it is pre pending ccuk_ to the database name i want to call it for example if i want to call it hello-world it names it ccuk_hello-world when i try to rename it to hello-world it says it already exists any ideas
  2. ok i understand but still confused If i load the iframe from the .com.au domain to the 3rd party subdomain IE motorhomes. is the cname all for .com.au i get really low page speed saying preload key requests <iframe src="//motorhomes.compareandchoose.com.au/affiliates.html?rel=search&selected_country=US&pickup_location=Orlando&dropoff_location=Orlando&style=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.compareandchoose.com.au%2Fcss%2Fmotor.css"></iframe> So basically this on on the same domain above produces the perload key requests error but if i load it where the source is from the .com.au domain but pointing it to the com domains code there is no preload key requests error <frame src="//motorhomes.compareandchoose.com/affiliates.html?rel=search&selected_country=US&pickup_location=Orlando&dropoff_location=Orlando&style=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.compareandchoose.com%2Fcss%2Fmotor.css"></iframe> So i guess with the motorhomes. cname on its own server the browser is thinking its the same place and asking for the preload am i totally wrong here
  3. ok i am trying to load the iframe, the below works fine <iframe title="campervanhire" height="400" src="https://MYSUBDOMAIN.compareandchoose.com.au/affiliates.html?rel=search&selected_country=AU&style=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.compareandchoose.com.au%2Fcss%2Fmotor.css"></iframe> I tried pre-loading the frame and then the css IE <link rel="preload" href="https://MYSUBDOMAIN.compareandchoose.com.au/affiliates.html?rel=search&selected_country=AU" as="document"> <link rel="preload" href="https://www.compareandchoose.com.au/css/motor.css" as="style" /> but i get stuck there because it breaks the layout/styling of the iframe, so not sure if there is another way around this
  4. hi professionals, not sure if i have posted in the right section as i am stuck with some css and iframe Basically i am trying to use a third party iframe from my sub domain which works fine but i am failing the lighthouse speed check with the message Preload Key Requests My iframe when i try to put preload doesnt work and breaks CSS, just wondering if there is a way around it <iframe title="campervanhire" height="400" src="https://MYSUBDOMAIN.compareandchoose.com.au/affiliates.html?rel=search&selected_country=AU&style=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.compareandchoose.com.au%2Fcss%2Fmotor.css"></iframe> Anyone have any ideas
  5. Thanks Barand for the prompt response
  6. I have a holiday program which has suddenly stopped working, please see log file error and piece of code. Any ideas? ERROR LOG FILE [19-Jul-2019 09:46:53 UTC] PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '&lt;' not found in /home/ccuk/public_html/low-cost-holidays.php on line 877 [19-Jul-2019 09:46:53 UTC] PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): EADSDatabaseError error raised, with message : Error 3011: Unknown identifier f in /home/ccuk/public_html/low-cost-holidays.php on line 877 [19-Jul-2019 09:46:53 UTC] PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): ^ in /home/ccuk/public_html/low-cost-holidays.php on line 877 [19-Jul-2019 09:46:53 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: String could not be parsed as XML in /home/ccuk/public_html/low-cost-holidays.php:877 Stack trace: #0 /home/ccuk/public_html/low-cost-holidays.php(877): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('EADSDatabaseErr...') #1 {main} thrown in /home/ccuk/public_html/low-cost-holidays.php on line 877 and this is the code around line 877 865 if (isset($_GET['btnSearch'])) { // NEW SEARCH 866 $_SESSION['offers'] = []; 867 $tempOffers = []; 868 869 foreach ($urlArr as $provider => $ua) { 870 if ($ua['active']!=1) continue; 871 $search_url = $ua['url'].'?'; 872 $search_params['page'] = $ua['page']; 873 $path = $search_url . http_build_query($search_params); 874 file_put_contents('cacurl.txt', "$path\n", FILE_APPEND); 875 $rawxml = get_data($path); 876 if ($rawxml) { 877 $xml = new simpleXMLElement($rawxml); $providerOffers = $xml->xpath("//Offer"); foreach ($providerOffers as $po) { $po['logo'] = $ua['logo']; } $tempOffers = array_merge($tempOffers,$providerOffers); } }
  7. Hi Experts I did not write this code so i am having trouble trying to resolve the issue now our webpage has stopped working with the error message Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 406 (Not Acceptable) Its been running for over a year without any problems so not sure what or where it could exactly be its on our site here is a url reference when we try to visit the details of the listed hotels https://www.compareandchoose.com.au/hotel_details?hotel=140485&cc=AUD&q=%27%20https%3A%2F%2Fcompareandchoose.comencia.com%2Fhotel%2F140485%3Flang%3Den%26amp%3Bcurrency%3DAUD%26amp%3BarrivalDate%3D03%2F20%2F2017%26amp%3BdepartureDate%3D03%2F21%2F2017%26room1%3D2%27&price=215.00&tday=1&city=Sydney&country=AU&countryname=Australia&guest=%202&rooms=1&checkin=03/20/2017&checkout=03/21/2017&total_children=0&child=0&total_adult=2&skooshID=&getaroomID=4be1dbec-d9a8-5d05-bf2f-f6b3b34cdd81&expediaID=140485&lateroomID=164918&title=Metro%20Hotel%20On%20Pitt <?php error_reporting(0); @session_start(); $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $conn = new mysqli('localhost', 'secret', 'secret', 'secretdatabase'); if(!isset($_SESSION['ip'])){ $_SESSION['ip']=$ip; } if($_SESSION['ip']!==$ip){ unset($_SESSION['ip']); $_SESSION['ip']=$ip; unset($_SESSION['user_currency1']); } if(isset($_SESSION['user_currency1']) && empty($_SESSION['user_currency1'])){ unset($_SESSION['user_currency1']); } if(!isset($_SESSION['user_currency1']) && empty($_SESSION['user_currency1'])){ $xml = simplexml_load_file("http://www.geoplugin.net/xml.gp?ip=".$ip); $ip_currency = (string)$xml->geoplugin_currencyCode ; $currency_symbol=(string)$xml->geoplugin_currencySymbol; $currency_code=(string)$xml->geoplugin_currencyCode; $geocountry=(string)$xml->geoplugin_countryName; $countrycode=(string)$xml->geoplugin_countryCode; $_SESSION['country_code'] = $countrycode; $_SESSION['user_country'] = $geocountry; $_SESSION['user_currency1'] = $ip_currency; $_SESSION['currency_symbol']=$currency_symbol; $_SESSION['currency_code']=$currency_code; if(empty($xml)){ echo "<b>Geoplugin limit exceeded!</b>"; // If GeoPlugin Limit Exceeds use default $_SESSION['user_currency1'] = 'AUD'; $_SESSION['currency_symbol']='$'; $_SESSION['currency_code']='AUD'; } } function check_url($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $data = curl_exec($ch); $headers = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); return $headers['http_code']; } $hotel_id = $_GET['hotel']; $pr = number_format($_GET['price'],2); if($pr!=""){ $h_price = $_SESSION['currency_code']." ".$_SESSION['currency_symbol'].$pr ; } $check_in=$_GET['checkin']; $check_out=$_GET['checkout']; $city=$_GET['city']; $cntry=$_GET['country']; $dStart = new DateTime($check_out); $dEnd = new DateTime($check_in); $dDiff = $dStart->diff($dEnd); $total_days = $dDiff->days; $t_c=$t_a=0; if(!empty($_GET['total_children'])){ $t_c=$_GET['total_children']; } if(!empty($_GET['total_adult'])){ $t_a=$_GET['total_adult']; } $u = urldecode($_GET["q"]); $n_url = str_replace("'","",$u); $store_url = "http://www.travelnow.com/templates/451536/hotels/".$n_url; $timestamp = gmdate('U'); $secret = 'Mx9xYRWR'; $apiKey = 'hidden'; $cid = '451536'; $sig = md5($apiKey . $secret . $timestamp); $url2 = 'http://api.ean.com/ean-services/rs/hotel/v3/info?minorRev=26'; $url2 .='&apiKey='.$apiKey.''; $url2 .='&cid='.$cid.'&sig='.$sig.''; $url2 .='&currencyCode='.$_SESSION['currency_code'].'&hotelId='.$hotel_id.''; $header[] = "Accept: application/json"; $header[] = "Accept-Encoding: gzip"; $ch3 = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch3, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header ); curl_setopt($ch3,CURLOPT_ENCODING , "gzip"); curl_setopt($ch3, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET'); curl_setopt( $ch3, CURLOPT_URL, $url2 ); curl_setopt( $ch3, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true ); $respon = json_decode(curl_exec($ch3), true); // echo "<pre>"; // print_r($respon); if(empty($_GET['expediaID'])){ $respon=null; } if(!empty($respon)){ $res = "select CountryCode, CountryName from CountryList where `CountryCode` = '".$respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelSummary']['countryCode']."' limit 1"; $sql=mysql_query($res); $row=mysql_fetch_array($sql); $country_name = $row['CountryName']; $title_tag = $respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelSummary']['name'] ; $hotel_summary_name=$respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelSummary']['name']; $rate = $respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelSummary']['hotelRating']; $address=$respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelSummary']['address1']; $city=$respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelSummary']['city']; $image=$respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelImages']['HotelImage'][0]['url']; $expediaimages=$respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelImages']['HotelImage']; $hotel_description=html_entity_decode($respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelDetails']['propertyDescription']); $hotel_policy=$respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelDetails']['hotelPolicy']; $check_in_time=$respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelDetails']['checkInTime']; $check_out_time=$respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelDetails']['checkOutTime']; $property_info=$respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelDetails']['propertyInformation']; $checkin_instructions=$respon['HotelInformationResponse']['HotelDetails']['checkInInstructions']; $all_prices[]=$pr; // $store_url=urlencode($store_url); foreach ($expediaimages as $expkey => $expdata) { $images[]=$expdata['url']; $thumbimages[]=$expdata['thumbnailUrl']; } foreach($images as $imgkey=> $imageurl){ $check_url_status = check_url($imageurl); if ($check_url_status == '200'){ }else{ unset($images[$imgkey]); } } } if(empty($respon)){ // for skoosh hotels details // if(!empty($_GET['skooshID'])){ $skooshID=$_GET['skooshID']; $skooshcurrenciesarray=array('GBP','AUD','CAD','EUR','NOK','CHF','USD'); $skoosh_flag=1; if(empty($skooshID)){ $skoosh_flag=0; } if($skoosh_flag==1){ /*Skoosh Api */ $skoosh_checkin=date('d/m/y',strtotime($check_in)); $skoosh_checkout=date('d/m/y',strtotime($check_out)); $skoosh_apikey="hidden"; $skoosh_url="http://www.skoosh.com/s/twibo/api/search.html?"; $skoosh_url.="adults_1=$t_a"; $skoosh_url.="&check_in=$skoosh_checkin"; $skoosh_url.="&check_out=$skoosh_checkout"; $skoosh_url.="&hotels=$skooshID"; if(!empty($_GET['total_children']) && $_GET['total_children']>0){ $skoosh_url.="&children_1=".$_GET['total_children']; $child_age=explode(',', $_GET['child']); for($ttch=0;$ttch<$_GET['total_children'];$ttch++){ $skoosh_url.="&child_age_1=".$child_age[$ttch+1]; } } if(in_array($_SESSION['user_currency1'], $skooshcurrenciesarray)){ $skoosh_url.="&currency=".$_SESSION['user_currency1']; }else{ $skoosh_url.="&currency=USD"; } $skoosh_url.="&api_key=$skoosh_apikey"; $skoosh_curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($skoosh_curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "gzip"); curl_setopt($skoosh_curl, CURLOPT_URL, $skoosh_url); curl_setopt($skoosh_curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $skoosh_xml = new SimpleXMLElement(curl_exec($skoosh_curl)); $skoosherror_msg=$skoosh_xml->ErrorMessage; } if(!empty($skoosh_xml)){ foreach ($skoosh_xml->Hotels->Hotel as $skoosh_hotel) { $skoosh_stdclass=json_decode(json_encode($skoosh_hotel->Rooms->Room)); if(in_array($_SESSION['user_currency1'], $skooshcurrenciesarray)){ $skoosh_price=$skoosh_stdclass->TotalRate; $all_prices[]=number_format($skoosh_price,2,'.',''); }else{ $skoosh_price=number_format(convertCurrency($skoosh_stdclass->TotalRate, 'AUD', $_SESSION['user_currency1']),2,'.',','); $all_prices[]=number_format(convertCurrency($skoosh_stdclass->TotalRate, 'AUD', $_SESSION['user_currency1']),2,'.',''); } } } $skoosh_sql="SELECT Hotel_id, Description FROM `skoosh_hotel_descriptions` where Hotel_id='".$_GET['skooshID']."'"; $skoosh_result=$conn->query($skoosh_sql); if ($skoosh_result->num_rows > 0) { while($skooshrows = $skoosh_result->fetch_assoc()) { $skoosh_description=$skooshrows['Description']; } } $skoosh_imgs_sql="SELECT Image_URL as images FROM `skoosh_images` where Hotel_id='".$_GET['skooshID']."'"; $skoosh_img_result=$conn->query($skoosh_imgs_sql); if ($skoosh_img_result->num_rows > 0) { while($skooshimgrows = $skoosh_img_result->fetch_assoc()) { $skoosh_images[]=$skooshimgrows['images']; } } $check_in_time=$_GET['checkin']; $check_out_time=$_GET['checkout']; $country_name=$_GET['countryname']; $title_tag=$_GET['title']; $city=$city_country_tag=$_GET['city']; $hotel_summary_name = $skoosh_xml->Hotels->Hotel->Name; $rate=$skoosh_xml->Hotels->Hotel->StarRating; $address=$skoosh_xml->Hotels->Hotel->Address; $image=$skoosh_xml->Hotels->Hotel->ImageBigURL; if(!empty($skoosh_images)){ $images=$skoosh_images; }else{ $images[]=$skoosh_xml->Hotels->Hotel->ImageSmallURL; } if(!empty($skoosh_description)){ $hotel_description=$skoosh_description; }else{ $hotel_description=$skoosh_xml->Hotels->Hotel->Description."<a target='_blank' href='".$skoosh_xml->Hotels->Hotel->MainURL."'>Read More</a>"; } if(isset($skoosherror_msg) && !empty($skoosherror_msg)){ $image=null; $title_tag="Hotel has been booked"; $hotel_summary_name="Hotel has been Booked!"; $city=$_GET['city']; $country_name=$_GET['countryname']; $address="Address"; $_GET['price']=0.00; } foreach($images as $imgkey=> $imageurl){ $check_url_status = check_url($imageurl); if ($check_url_status == '200'){ }else{ unset($images[$imgkey]); } } } // end of skoosh hotels details // // Getaroom hotel details starts // if(!empty($_GET['getaroomID']) && empty($_GET['skooshID'])){ $getaroom_sql="SELECT getaroom_price, getaroom_deeplink FROM `comparehotels` where getaroom_id='".$_GET['getaroomID']."' and rateCurrencyCode='".$_SESSION['user_currency1']."' "; $getaroom_result=$conn->query($getaroom_sql); if ($getaroom_result->num_rows > 0) { while($getaroomrows = $getaroom_result->fetch_assoc()) { $getaroom_price=$getaroomrows['getaroom_price']; $getaroom_bookingurl=$getaroomrows['getaroom_deeplink']; } } //$getaroom_bookingurl="http://www.getaroom.com/hotels/".$_GET['getaroomID']."?affiliate=0a10ca00&check_in=".$_GET['checkin']."&check_out=".$_GET['checkout'].""; include 'files/getaroom/getaroom.php'; $getaroomobj=new Getaroom(); $getaroominfo=$getaroomobj->gethotelsinfo($_GET['getaroomID']); if($getaroominfo[0]['short-description']['@attributes']['nil']=='true'){ $getaroominfo[0]['short-description']=$getaroominfo[0]['title']; } $getaroomimage_path=$getaroominfo[0]['thumbnail']; $getaroom_hotel_name=$getaroominfo[0]['title']; $getaroom_address=$getaroominfo[0]['short-description']; $getaroom_description=$getaroominfo[0]['description']; $getaroom_ratings=$getaroominfo[0]['rating']; preg_match_all('/((?:\d+)(?:\.\d*)?)/', $getaroom_price, $pricematches); $newprice= round($pricematches[0][0]); $all_prices[]=number_format($newprice,2,'.',''); $country_name=$_GET['countryname']; $city_country_tag=$_GET['city']; $title_tag=$_GET['title']; $hotel_description= $getaroom_description; $address=$getaroom_address; $image=$getaroomimage_path; $getaroom_images_sql="SELECT filename FROM `getaroom_images` where uuid='".$_GET['getaroomID']."' limit 15"; $getaroom_imgresult=$conn->query($getaroom_images_sql); if ($getaroom_imgresult->num_rows > 0) { while($getaroomimgrows = $getaroom_imgresult->fetch_assoc()) { $getaroom_images[]=$getaroomimgrows['filename']; } } if(!empty($getaroom_images)){ $images=$getaroom_images; } $rate=$getaroom_ratings; $hotel_policy=""; $property_info=""; $check_in_time=$_GET['checkin']; $check_out_time=$_GET['checkout']; foreach($images as $imgkey=> $imageurl){ $check_url_status = check_url($imageurl); if ($check_url_status == '200'){ }else{ unset($images[$imgkey]); } } } // End of Getaroom hotel details // // Lateroom API Start // if(!empty($_GET['lateroomID']) && empty($_GET['getaroomID']) && empty($_GET['skooshID'])){ $startdate=date('Y-m-d',strtotime($check_in)); $lateroom_url="http://xmlfeed.laterooms.com/index.aspx?aid=15305&rtype=3&hids=".$_GET['lateroomID']."&cur=".$_SESSION['user_currency1']."&sdate=$startdate"; $lateroom_curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($lateroom_curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "gzip"); curl_setopt($lateroom_curl, CURLOPT_URL, $lateroom_url); curl_setopt($lateroom_curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $lateroom_xml = new SimpleXMLElement(curl_exec($lateroom_curl)); $lateroom_date = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", $startdate); $l_date=$lateroom_date->format("Y").$lateroom_date->format("m").$lateroom_date->format("d"); $lateroom_stdclass=json_decode(json_encode($lateroom_xml->hotel)); $lateroom_prices= $lateroom_stdclass->prices_from*$total_days; if($lateroom_prices>0){ $all_prices[]=number_format($lateroom_prices,2,'.',''); } $country_name=$_GET['countryname']; $title_tag=$_GET['name']; $city_country_tag=$lateroom_xml->hotel->hotel_city; $hotel_summary_name=$lateroom_xml->hotel->hotel_name; $rate=$lateroom_xml->hotel->hotel_star; $address=$lateroom_xml->hotel->hotel_address; $city=$_GET['c']; $image=$lateroom_xml->hotel->images->url[0]; $lateroomimages=json_decode(json_encode($lateroom_xml->hotel->images->url)); $hotel_description=$lateroom_xml->hotel->hotel_description; $hotel_policy=""; $check_in_time=$lateroom_xml->hotel->check_in; $check_out_time=$lateroom_xml->hotel->check_out; $property_info=""; $checkin_instructions=$lateroom_xml->hotel->conditions_of_booking; foreach ($lateroomimages as $key => $data) { if(strpos($data, 'gallery')){ $images[]=$data; } } } // End of lateroom api // } ?> <div class="page-title"> <h1><?php echo $hotel_summary_name; ?></h1> <div class="details_rating"> <?php if($rate!="" && $rate!=0) { for($in = 1; $in<=$rate ;$in++) { ?> <img src="" alt="star-rating" data-src="images/star.png"> <?php } if($f != $c) {?> <img src="" alt="half-star-rating" data-src="images/star_half.png"> <?php } } ?> </div> <div class="c1"></div> <p class="stay"><?php echo $address." , ".$city." , ".$_GET['countryname']?></p> </div> <div class="row dtlsGalleryPan"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6 galImgDiv"> <div class="gallery"> <div class="image-preview"> <?php if($image!=""){ ?> <img id="preview" src="" alt="image-display" data-src="<?php echo $image ;?>"/> <?php }else { ?> <img id="preview" src="" alt="preview-image" width="350" height="250" data-src="images/no_img.gif"/> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- Elastislide Carousel --> <ul id="carousel" class="elastislide-list"> <?php if(!empty($images)){ foreach($images as $imgkey=> $imageurl){ ?> <li data-preview="<?php echo $imageurl; ?>" id="pr_<?php echo $imgkey;?>" style="vertical-align: middle;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" ><img src="" onMouseOver="div.show('div<?php echo $imgkey ;?>')" onMouseOut="div.hide('div<?php echo $imgkey ;?>')" data-src="<?php if(!empty($thumbimages)){echo $thumbimages[$imgkey]; }else{echo $imageurl;} ?>" alt="image-preview" id="anc_<?php echo $imgkey;?>"/></a></li> <?php }} ?> </ul> <?php foreach($images as $imgkey=> $imageurl){ ?> <img src="" data-src="<?php echo $imageurl; ?>" class="zoom-image" id="div<?php echo $imgkey ;?>" alt="" style="visibility: hidden"/> <?php } ?> <!-- End Elastislide Carousel --> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6 dtlsPrice"> <p class="night"><?php echo $_GET['tday']; ?> Night Stay</p> <div class="hotel-details"> <div class="price-box"> <div class="price" style="font-size: 24px;">from <?php echo $_SESSION['currency_code']." ".min($all_prices);?></div> </div> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="book-now" onclick="pop_show();" >Book Now</a> </div> </div> <!-- Book Now pop up starts--> <div class="pop-up" id="pop" style="display: none;"> </div> <!-- Book Now pop up ends--> <div class="c1"></div> </div> <!--dtlsGalleryPan--> <div class="row hotel-topics"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12"> <?php echo $hotel_description; ?> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12"> <div class="hotel-features"> <h2>Hotel Features</h2> <div class="content"> <div class="hotel-topics"> <h3>Hotel Policy</h3> <p><?php if(!empty($hotel_policy)){echo $hotel_policy;}else{echo "Not mentioned";} ?></p> </div> <div class="hotel-topics"> <h3>Check-in</h3> <p>From <?php echo $check_in_time; ?></p> </div> <div class="hotel-topics"> <h3>Check-out</h3> <p>Prior to <?php echo $check_out_time; ?></p> </div> <div class="hotel-topics"> <h3>Property Information</h3> <p><?php if(!empty($property_info)) {echo $property_info;}else{echo "Not mentioned";} ?></p> </div> <div class="hotel-topics"> <h3>CheckIn Instructions</h3> <p><?php if(!empty($checkin_instructions)){echo $checkin_instructions;}else{echo "Not mentioned";} ?></p> </div> </div> <!--content--> </div><!--hotel-features--> <div class="note"> Note : It is the responsibility of the hotel chain and/or the individual property to ensure the accuracy of the photos displayed. 'www.compareandchoose.com.au' is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the photos. </div> </div> </div> <!--row-->
  8. Hi professionals I am implementing an hreflang tag for a number of seperate websites I do not want to show the hreflang tags if one of the pages is = adventure_details trouble is when i am requesting the url it says adventure_details?andthenalongurl So i only want to extract the adventure_details part of the url the code i have so for is case strpos($AUurl,$adventure_list_details) !== false: //This is = to adventure_details in a seperate piece of code in my file case strpos($AUurl,$residential_energy_details) !== false: define('RELCANONICALAU','<link rel="canonical" href="https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. '" />'); define('FULL_UK_PAGE',''); define('FULL_AU_PAGE',''); define('FULL_NZ_PAGE',''); break; I am totally lost what to do
  9. hi there yes I will report it as this is only some of it I don't quite understand the IP address range blocking part when the IPs are 52.36.etc.etc and 52.36.etc.etc and 52.36.etc.etc please advise
  10. Insurance & Travel Affiliates Our Terms and Conditions Page Views:231 Mar 2016 05:34:32Visit Length:1 min 51 secs 1 - Wilmington, Delaware, IP Address:E.i. Du Pont De Nemours And Co. ( Shopping Prices & Deals Australia Privacy Policy Page Views:131 Mar 2016 05:34:17 1 - Wilmington, Delaware, IP Address:E.i. Du Pont De Nemours And Co. ( Compare Office Prices, Products & More Page Views:231 Mar 2016 05:34:11Visit Length:23 hours 30 mins 11 secs 1 - Wilmington, Delaware, IP Address:E.i. Du Pont De Nemours And Co. ( Compare Car Rental Prices and Save . Compare Hotel Prices, Campervan Hire, Car Hire & Flights Page Views:231 Mar 2016 05:34:11Visit Length:1 min 6 secs 1 - Wilmington, Delaware, IP Address:E.i. Du Pont De Nemours And Co. ( Compare Luggage, Bags & Suit Cases World cruises & cruise liner deals Page Views:331 Mar 2016 05:33:48Visit Length:47 seconds 1 - Wilmington, Delaware, IP Address:E.i. Du Pont De Nemours And Co. ( Compare Home & Garden Store Prices Compare clothing prices Australia Page Views:331 Mar 2016 05:33:33Visit Length:23 hours 36 mins 40 secs 1 - Wilmington, Delaware, IP Address:E.i. Du Pont De Nemours And Co. ( Compare Computer Prices, Australia City & Airport Parking Prices in America Page Views:131 Mar 2016 05:33:25 1 - Wilmington, Delaware, IP Address:E.i. Du Pont De Nemours And Co. ( Visit Page: Insurance & Travel Affiliates Page Views:731 Mar 2016 05:33:23Visit Length:2 mins 25 secs 1 - Wilmington, Delaware, IP Address:E.i. Du Pont De Nemours And Co. ( About our brand & our big ideas Compare Car Rental Prices and Save . Page Views:531 Mar 2016 05:32:21Visit Length:1 min 39 secs 1 - Wilmington, Delaware, IP Address:E.i. Du Pont De Nemours And Co. ( Income Protection Prices & products Australia, compare free Compare Energy providers and save Page Views:231 Mar 2016 05:27:26Visit Length:57 seconds 1 - Wilmington, Delaware, IP Address:E.i. Du Pont De Nemours And Co. ( Shopping Prices & Online Shopping Deals in America Compare Videos Games & Consoles Hi Again Just an update, we now seem to be getting hammered from E.I Du pont, it's always the same browser, screen resolution but different IP. I am honestly unsure what the best thing to do here Please find attached latest traffic all from the same place
  11. This is some of it .insurance_age{float:none;margin:15px 0;overflow:hidden;padding:0;width:100%}.travel-banner04 .insurance_age h3{float:none;clear:both}.cruises-banner07{min-height:auto}.car-banner03{position:relative;z-index:9999}.car-banner03 #OR_searchwidget_1{float:left;left:0;margin:0;padding:0;position:relative;top:23px;transform:scale(1);-webkit-transform:scale(1);-moz-transform:scale(1);-o-transform:scale(1);-ms-transform:scale(1);width:100%;z-index:999}.car-banner03 #OR_searchwidget_1 iframe{height:621px!important}.banner .inner .car-banner03 .col.hotel_form{margin:0}.hotel-banner02 .hotel_form1{margin:15px 0 0!important;clear:both;width:100%}.hotel-banner02{background:#fff!important;position:relative;z-index:999999;min-height:auto}.hotel-banner02 .hcsb_outer{border:2px solid #00f;background:#fff!important}.hotel-banner02
  12. .car-banner03 #OR_searchwidget_1 attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it Hi professionals I have come across a w3c css validation error I cannot figure out which is Any ideas
  13. levenshtein() with $words = array('apts','apartments','hotel'); To try and match up say hotels like the following Napa Prince Hotel Apartments Napa Prince Hotel napa Prince Hotel apts If = Napa Prince Hotel and there is another with Napa Prince Hotel + $words then it could be a match am I totally going of track here Hi Barand I hope you are well Thanks for this I have worked on it for days now but just cannot get my head around it I am trying things like
  14. ah ok I didn't know that, I thought it was a spam bot or something
  15. ## BAN USER BY IP <Limit GET POST> order allow,deny deny from deny from 216.126.45. deny from 54.236.1. allow from all </Limit> Hi All The last few days I have been receiving multiple visits from Ashburn Virginia and the IPs are changing but always in the format 54.236.1.whatever How do I stop this, I have tried the following in htaccess but it keeps coming
  16. Hi Professionals We are trying to compare hotel prices like trivago do but the problem is there are slightly different hotel names but exactly the same hotel that we are pulling from the hotel providers as shown in the following request result Any ideas if there could be a way around this, obviously trivago have managed it somehow but there are literally hundreds of hotels we are gathering at any one time <<< Hotels duplicate details:- hotel:- 1:- [skoosh_id] => [expedia_id] => exp123 [getaroom_id] => get123 [name] => Napa Prince Hotel Apartments [address1] => Tefkrou Anthia 65 [city] => Ayia Napa [latitude] => 34.99267 [longitude] => 33.99417 [usersession_id] => user458492685 [total_apis] => 2 hotel:- 2:- [skoosh_id] => [expedia_id] => [lateroom_id] => late123 [getaroom_id] => [name] => Napa Prince Hotel Apts [address1] => Tefkrou Anthia St. 65, P.O.Box 30239 Ayia Napa 5342 [city] => Ayia Napa [latitude] => 34.99288 [longitude] => 33.99402 [usersession_id] => user458492685
  17. that seems to have worked perfect, thank you for taking the time to assist me, have great new year
  18. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php [L,QSA] to RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php [QSA,L] or switch RewriteRule ^ https://www.example.com.au%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] to RewriteRule ^ https://www.example.com.au%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] or am I totally missing the point sort of following what your saying, when you say switch the two rule bits around are you meaning switch
  19. yes i see what you mean now thanks I have just found another problem which i think is related to my htaccess file i have noticed that people coming in from the old indexed pages EG http://www.example.com/example are being directed to https://www.example.com/example.php with the .php on the end and i cannot figure out why this is happening I am trimming the .php off as far as i am aware, i have attached part of my htaccess file with my website name taken out oh and i have enabled the strict HSTS you mentioned a while back (thanks for that advice) any ideas? # BAN USER BY IP <Limit GET POST> order allow,deny deny from 38.99.82. deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from 216.126.45. allow from all </Limit> AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 #Remove php from page RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php [L,QSA] #force to https RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =off [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !=www.example.com.au RewriteRule ^ https://www.example.com.au%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] <IfModule mod_deflate.c> <IfModule mod_headers.c> Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; preload" </IfModule> <IfModule mod_headers.c> Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary </IfModule> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css text/x-component application/x-javascript application/javascript text/javascript text/x-js text/html text/xml application/json <IfModule mod_mime.c> # DEFLATE by extension AddOutputFilter DEFLATE js css htm html xml </IfModule> </IfModule>
  20. Option 1 RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =on [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !=www.example.com.au RewriteRule ^ https://www.example.com.au%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R] or should it be option 2 RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =off [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !=www.example.com.au RewriteRule ^ https://www.example.com.au%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R] or am I totally wrong hi all Been a while but finally I am able to switch to https so my question is how do I force https: in htaccess and make sure it has www this is what I currently have
  21. thank you mac_gyver I will do that
  22. Total Visits:1 Location:Ashburn, Virginia, United States IP Address:Amazon.com ( [Label IP Address] Referring URL:(No referring link) Visit Page: UK Airport Parking Prices & Charges | Compare & Choose Total Visits:1 Location:Ashburn, Virginia, United States IP Address:Amazon.com ( [Label IP Address] Referring URL:(No referring link) Entry Page: Shopping Prices & Online Shopping Deals in Australia Exit Page: Compare Travel Insurance Prices & Quotes | Compare & Choose Total Visits:1 Location:Ashburn, Virginia, United States IP Address:Amazon.com ( [Label IP Address] Referring URL:(No referring link) Entry Page: Switch Energy Suppliers and save | Compare & Choose Exit Page: Trauma Insurance Cover & Quotes | Compare & Choose Total Visits:1 Location:Ashburn, Virginia, United States IP Address:Amazon.com ( [Label IP Address] Referring URL:(No referring link) Entry Page: Compare and choose home loans, products and services Exit Page: Our Terms and Conditions | Compare & Choose Total Visits:1 Location:Ashburn, Virginia, United States IP Address:Amazon.com ( [Label IP Address] Referring URL:(No referring link) Entry Page: Contact Compare and Choose by email or telephone Exit Page: Compare Sports Products & Goods | Compare & Choose Total Visits:1 Location:Ashburn, Virginia, United States IP Address:Amazon.com ( [Label IP Address] Referring URL:(No referring link) Entry Page: Compare Home & Garden Store Prices | Compare & Choose Exit Page: Compare Shoes, Trainers & Footwear Prices | Compare & Choose Hi Professionals Our website is written in php on a Linux We are currently being trawled by the following address, as you can see it is the same place but a different IP every time Is there a way to stop this thanks in avance
  23. thanks everyone I will look into this, although what you have said (0x00) had tended to scare me away from maxmind thanks
  24. Hi Professionals I have no code to show as I am still confused as to wether or not PHP is the right way forward Here is my problem I have 3 websites UK, AU and NZ What I am looking to do is serve the correct website to UK users and New Zealand users, it does not matter which country the AU users are in as they can have this website served to them in any country with the exception of the two mentioned above Would PHP be the best for this or is there a better way of doing it I have the correct hreflang tags in place I am just stuck on the Geo Location Serving part I am looking to do similar to what trivago do or compare the market do for different countries Thanks in advance professionals Alan
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