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  1. Thanks alot everytime i tried to make it change the variable content it gave me an error.Thank you again,
  2. So i have this code wich checks if my server is online: <?php $ip = "example.com"; //IP or web addy $port = "80"; //Port $sock = @fsockopen( $ip, $port, $num, $error, 2 ); //2 is the ping time, you can sub what you need //Since fsockopen function returns TRUE or FALSE we can just plug it into the IF/THEN statement. An IF/ELSE would have worked to if( !$sock ){ //Do this if it is closed echo( "offline" ); } if( $sock ){ //Do this if it is open echo( "online" ); fclose($sock); } ?> and i've got: <img class="img-circle" src="ico/online.png" alt="Server status"> I want to use the php script to change the image source in the html.I have an online.png and an offline.png image.I need to somehow change it and I don't know how. I am fairly new to php.
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