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  1. Hello, i have source code like this : <script type="text/javascript"> var rowNum = 0; function addRow(frm) { rowNum ++; var row = '<p id="rowNum'+rowNum+'">Item name: <input type="text" name="name[]" value="'+frm.add_name.value+'"> Satuan: <input type="text" size="5" name="satuan[]" value="'+frm.add_satuan.value+'"> Item quantity: <input type="text" name="qty[]" size="20" value="'+frm.add_qty.value+'"> <input type="button" value="Remove" onclick="removeRow('+rowNum+');"></p>'; jQuery('#itemRows').append(row); frm.add_qty.value = ''; frm.add_name.value = ''; frm.add_satuan.value = ''; } function removeRow(rnum) { jQuery('#rowNum'+rnum).remove(); } </script> This code, for make dynamic row when add operation. Then, item name is input text. How change this input : <select name="group" class='arial11' id="group"> <?php $qdepart = mysql_query("select * from pemakai_group order by group_name asc"); if($qdepart != null){ while($ddepart = mysql_fetch_array($qdepart)){ $no++; if( $data[id_group] == $ddepart[id_group] ){ $seldepart[$no] = "selected";} echo "<option value=\"$ddepart[id_group]\" $seldepart[$no]>$ddepart[group_name]</option>"; } } ?> </select>
  2. I want to print data from response json? I was debug with firebug and show this : {"umumu":"","levelu":1,"nameu":""} How to echo data array just levelu. But i don't know how to make it? thanks
  3. I have one table but i try to make like the result not finished. Hmm.. can you see my table : I want to declare sum for parent kd_rekening in same row for "Anggaran" => jns_anggaran =1 and "Perubahan" => jns_anggaran = 2. And child ust load field nilai. Thanks before
  4. I was trying for make a query for replace it. Because I dont understand with complex condition i make a query for each condition, but after i append all query each condition to one new table, sum of rows not same like table so2. I has 2 tables : so2 and pl2. maybe can be help me i attach in my dropbox *.sql : so2.sql and pl2.sql For distinct pl2 : i use this query : SELECT YEAR(`HRG_DATE`) AS Yr, MONTH(`HRG_DATE`) AS Mnth, DAY(`HRG_DATE`) AS Day, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM `pl2` GROUP BY YEAR(`HRG_DATE`), MONTH(`HRG_DATE`) And this image for describe condition : image Sorry i not attach media in here, bandwith killer. :pirate: And i was make query every condition, this example for no.3(image) like this : (for checking before i hide so2.`PLIDR` , so2.`PLVLS`) SELECT so2.`ORJ_DATE` , so2.`CUS_CODE` , so2.`INV_CODE` , so2.`PLIDR` , so2.`PLVLS` , pl2.`HRG_DATE` , pl2.`CUS_CODE` , pl2.`INV_CODE` , pl2.`HRG_NETT` , pl2.`HRG_VALA` FROM so2 INNER JOIN pl2 ON so2.CUS_CODE = pl2.CUS_CODE AND so2.INV_CODE = pl2.INV_CODE WHERE DATE( so2.ORJ_DATE ) BETWEEN '2013-01-02' AND '2013-06-27' ORDER BY so2.ORJ_DATE ASC How to make single query like this condition?? thanks for helping me..
  5. This example was made by the developer first. And now without sufficient documentation that I have to create a new one. I also feel confused with this kind of this report generation. Here it is from the echo of a table. Maybe if there was a code or library to make report like this.
  6. When i create report continous page when printing always not clear and not prefect. Any solution for make a report when preview like this and when printing can be constans with paper measure.?
  7. DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `auto_update_tabel_alat`; DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER `auto_update_tabel_alat` AFTER INSERT ON `mutasi_alat` FOR EACH ROW update alat set cabang_terakhir=(SELECT mutasi_alat.id_cabang FROM mutasi_alat where mutasi_alat.tgl_berlaku=(select max(mutasi_alat.tgl_berlaku) from mutasi_alat where id_alat=NEW.id_alat)) where id=NEW.id_alat // DELIMITER ;
  8. DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `auto_update_tabel_alat`; DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER `auto_update_tabel_alat` AFTER INSERT ON `mutasi_alat` FOR EACH ROW update alat set cabang_terakhir=NEW.id_cabang where id=NEW.id_alat // DELIMITER ; Still not complete..
  9. Hi, i have 2 table, a table alat and a table mutasi_alat. Every I do action insert to the table mutasi_alat, with a relation alat.id_alat and insert date newer then the value that is in the table mutasi_alat.id_cabang. The table will trigger an update to the table alat.cabang_terakhir. Table 1 : alat Table 2 : mutasi_alat I want to be trigger update into table alat after any action insert in table mutasi_alat. Do I have to make a single trigger or storeprocedure with this conditions? thanks
  10. Hi, im back Barand. How to automatically call storeprocedure if the date now on server is 2014-01-01, 2015-01-01, ....? Or maybe i must manual action for call it.
  11. Finally i change name of storeprocedure. Thanks Barand help me..solved :happy-04:
  12. Hi Barand, I try your code : CREATE PROCEDURE auto_insert (IN ulang INT) BEGIN INSERT INTO hari_libur (tgl_libur, keterangan, ulangi) SELECT MAX(tgl_libur) + INTERVAL 1 YEAR , keterangan , 1 FROM hari_libur WHERE ulangi = 1 GROUP BY CONCAT(MONTH(tgl_libur),DAY(tgl_libur)); END CALL auto_insert(1) Yes, success... But this generate insert all. Maybe im wrong? cmiiw
  13. I have table like this : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `hari_libur` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `tgl_libur` date NOT NULL, `keterangan` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `ulangi` int(1) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=6 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `hari_libur` -- INSERT INTO `hari_libur` (`id`, `tgl_libur`, `keterangan`, `ulangi`) VALUES (1, '2010-12-25', 'Hari Raya Natal', 1), (2, '2010-08-17', 'Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI', 1), (3, '2010-01-01', 'Tahun Baru Masehi', 1), (4, '2012-08-19', 'Hari raya Idul Fitri', 0), (5, '2012-08-20', 'Hari Raya Idul Fitri', 0); I want to auto insert for "ulangi" = 1 is repeat every year when i call a storeprocedure. How to make it? So i dont entry data every start year. thanks
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