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Everything posted by lhemingway

  1. if(editTblRow==null && editTblCell==null){ if(fieldtype!='blob'){ $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[rowid].cells[cellid]).html('<input type="text" id="edit_box" class=\"edit_input\" value=\"' + id + '\" /><div class=\"cell_opts\"><a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','save','','" + updatestring + "');" + '\">Save</a> - <a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','cancel');" + '\">Cancel</a></div>'); } else { $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[rowid].cells[cellid]).html('<textarea id="edit_box" class=\"edit_input\" value=\"' + id + '\" >' + id + '</textarea> <div class=\"cell_opts\"><a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','save','','" + updatestring + "');" + '\">Save</a> - <a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','cancel');" + '\">Cancel</a></div>'); } The following code submits data in the input field of an ajax table on the click of the save button but I would like to change it to update on the enter key how can I change the code to do this? Any help would be appreciated. Regards Luke
  2. I am using the following code from a third party script which I purchased. At the moment there is a "save" button which submits what is in the text field of an ajax table. I am wanting to change it to on enter submit the data. How can I modify the following code to do so. //Declare Some Global Variables var cancelString; var editTblRow; var editTblCell; var editSQLRowID; var editKey; var editCancel; function showDelete(id) { $("#del_" + id).toggle(); } function loadTable(){ $("#ajaxTable").load("table.php"); } function insertRow(){ $("#ajaxTable").load("dbFunc.php?action=new"); } function selectTable(optvalue){ editTblRow = null; editTblCell = null; $("#active_table").val(optvalue); $("#ajaxTable").load("table.php?table=" + optvalue); } function loadingTimer(){ $("#ajax_loading_div") .bind("ajaxSend", function(){ $(this).show(); }) .bind("ajaxComplete", function(){ $(this).hide(); }); } function delRow(thisRow,rowID){ var delConfirm = confirm("Delete this row?"); if (delConfirm){ $.get("dbFunc.php", { action: 'delete', rowid: rowID }, function(data){ $(thisRow).parent().fadeOut(500, function() {$(thisRow).remove(); }); }); } } function cancelInsert(rowID){ $.get("dbFunc.php", { action: 'delete', rowid: rowID }, function(data){ loadTable(); }); } function toggleDelRow(rowid){ $("#"+rowid).toggle(); } function searchTable(searchTerm){ loadingTimer(); $("#ajaxTable").load("table.php?search=" + encodeURI(searchTerm) + "&table=" + $('#active_table').val()); } function gotoStart(start){ loadingTimer(); var search_text = ''; if($("#searchText").val()!='Search'){search_text=$("#searchText").val()} $("#ajaxTable").load("table.php?start=" + start + "&search=" + search_text + "&table=" + $('#active_table').val()); } function sortTable(order_by,direction){ loadingTimer(); var search_text = ''; if($("#searchText").val()!='Search'){search_text=$("#searchText").val()} $("#ajaxTable").load("table.php?start=0&search=" + search_text + "&order_by=" + order_by + "&direction=" + direction + "&table=" + $('#active_table').val()); $("#" + order_by).attr("src","img' + '../img/ajax/arrow_down.gif"); } this.label2value = function(){ var inactive = "inactive"; var active = "active"; var focused = "focused"; $("label").each(function(){ obj = document.getElementById($(this).attr("for")); if($(this).attr("for")=="searchText"){ if(($(obj).attr("type") == "text") || (obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == "textarea")){ $(obj).addClass(inactive); var text = $(this).text(); $(this).css("display","none"); $(obj).val(text); $(obj).focus(function(){ $(this).addClass(focused); $(this).removeClass(inactive); $(this).removeClass(active); if($(this).val() == text) $(this).val(""); }); $(obj).blur(function(){ $(this).removeClass(focused); if($(this).val() == "") { $(this).val(text); $(this).addClass(inactive); } else { $(this).addClass(active); }; }); }; }; }); }; var t = document.getElementsByTagName("tr"); for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++) { var ocn = t[i].className; t[i].onmouseover = function() { t[i].className = "hovered" }; t[i].onmouseout = function() { t[i].className = ocn }; } function editCell(rowid,cellid,sqlrowid,key,id,type,fieldtype,updatestring) { if(type=='cancel'){ $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[editTblRow].cells[editTblCell]).hide().html(cancelString).fadeIn('slow'); $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[editTblRow].cells[editTblCell]).removeClass('tdHover'); showDelete(editTblRow-1); editCancel=true; } else if(type=='save'){ $.ajax({ url: 'database.php', type: 'GET', data: "text=" + $('#edit_box').val() + "&sqlrowid=" + editSQLRowID + "&field=" + editKey + "&table=" + $('#active_table').val() + "&updatestring=" + escape(updatestring), success: function(response){ if(updatestring){$("#ajaxTable").load("table.php");} else { $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[editTblRow].cells[editTblCell]).html(response); } editTblRow = null; editTblCell = null; } }); $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[editTblRow].cells[editTblCell]).removeClass('tdHover'); showDelete(editTblRow-1); } else { if(editTblRow==null && editTblCell==null){ if(fieldtype!='blob'){ $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[rowid].cells[cellid]).html('<input type="text" id="edit_box" class=\"edit_input\" value=\"' + id + '\" /><div class=\"cell_opts\"><a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','save','','" + updatestring + "');" + '\">Save</a> - <a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','cancel');" + '\">Cancel</a></div>'); } else { $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[rowid].cells[cellid]).html('<textarea id="edit_box" class=\"edit_input\" value=\"' + id + '\" >' + id + '</textarea> <div class=\"cell_opts\"><a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','save','','" + updatestring + "');" + '\">Save</a> - <a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','cancel');" + '\">Cancel</a></div>'); } editTblRow = rowid; editTblCell = cellid; editSQLRowID = sqlrowid; editKey = key; cancelString = id; } else { if(editTblRow==rowid && editTblCell==cellid){ //We are currently editing this cell. Do nothing if clicked. if(editCancel==true){ editTblRow = null; editTblCell = null; } editCancel=false; return false; } else { //Load a new edit box on a new cell $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[editTblRow].cells[editTblCell]).hide().html(cancelString).fadeIn('slow'); if(fieldtype!='blob'){ $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[rowid].cells[cellid]).html('<input type="text" id="edit_box" class=\"edit_input\" value=\"' + id + '\" /> <div class=\"cell_opts\"><a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','save','','" + updatestring + "');" + '\">Save</a> - <a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','cancel');" + '\">Cancel</a></div>'); } else { $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[rowid].cells[cellid]).html('<textarea id="edit_box" class=\"edit_input\" value=\"' + id + '\" >' + id + '</textarea> <div class=\"cell_opts\"><a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','save','','" + updatestring + "');" + '\">Save</a> - <a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','cancel');" + '\">Cancel</a></div>'); } editTblRow = rowid; editTblCell = cellid; editSQLRowID = sqlrowid; editKey = key; cancelString = id; } } } }
  3. <?php if(!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { echo '<li><a href="login.php">Login</a></li>'; } else { echo '<li><a href="logout.php">Log out</a></li>'; } ?>
  4. I bought the following script http://www.sevenscript.net/ajax-powered-mysql-table-editor/. It is a ajax table editor with in-line editing It comes with the following files. ajaxtable.js /*Sevenscript <http://sevenscript.net> - Copyright (c) 2010 <info@sevenscript.net>*/ //Declare Some Global Variables var cancelString; var editTblRow; var editTblCell; var editSQLRowID; var editKey; var editCancel; function showDelete(id) { $("#del_" + id).toggle(); } function loadTable(){ $("#ajaxTable").load("table.php"); } function insertRow(){ $("#ajaxTable").load("dbFunc.php?action=new"); } function selectTable(optvalue){ editTblRow = null; editTblCell = null; $("#active_table").val(optvalue); $("#ajaxTable").load("table.php?table=" + optvalue); } function loadingTimer(){ $("#ajax_loading_div") .bind("ajaxSend", function(){ $(this).show(); }) .bind("ajaxComplete", function(){ $(this).hide(); }); } function delRow(thisRow,rowID){ var delConfirm = confirm("Delete this row?"); if (delConfirm){ $.get("dbFunc.php", { action: 'delete', rowid: rowID }, function(data){ $(thisRow).parent().fadeOut(500, function() {$(thisRow).remove(); }); }); } } function cancelInsert(rowID){ $.get("dbFunc.php", { action: 'delete', rowid: rowID }, function(data){ loadTable(); }); } function toggleDelRow(rowid){ $("#"+rowid).toggle(); } function searchTable(searchTerm){ loadingTimer(); $("#ajaxTable").load("table.php?search=" + encodeURI(searchTerm) + "&table=" + $('#active_table').val()); } function gotoStart(start){ loadingTimer(); var search_text = ''; if($("#searchText").val()!='Search'){search_text=$("#searchText").val()} $("#ajaxTable").load("table.php?start=" + start + "&search=" + search_text + "&table=" + $('#active_table').val()); } function sortTable(order_by,direction){ loadingTimer(); var search_text = ''; if($("#searchText").val()!='Search'){search_text=$("#searchText").val()} $("#ajaxTable").load("table.php?start=0&search=" + search_text + "&order_by=" + order_by + "&direction=" + direction + "&table=" + $('#active_table').val()); $("#" + order_by).attr("src","img' + '../img/ajax/arrow_down.gif"); } this.label2value = function(){ var inactive = "inactive"; var active = "active"; var focused = "focused"; $("label").each(function(){ obj = document.getElementById($(this).attr("for")); if($(this).attr("for")=="searchText"){ if(($(obj).attr("type") == "text") || (obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == "textarea")){ $(obj).addClass(inactive); var text = $(this).text(); $(this).css("display","none"); $(obj).val(text); $(obj).focus(function(){ $(this).addClass(focused); $(this).removeClass(inactive); $(this).removeClass(active); if($(this).val() == text) $(this).val(""); }); $(obj).blur(function(){ $(this).removeClass(focused); if($(this).val() == "") { $(this).val(text); $(this).addClass(inactive); } else { $(this).addClass(active); }; }); }; }; }); }; var t = document.getElementsByTagName("tr"); for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++) { var ocn = t[i].className; t[i].onmouseover = function() { t[i].className = "hovered" }; t[i].onmouseout = function() { t[i].className = ocn }; } function editCell(rowid,cellid,sqlrowid,key,id,type,fieldtype,updatestring) { if(type=='cancel'){ $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[editTblRow].cells[editTblCell]).hide().html(cancelString).fadeIn('slow'); $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[editTblRow].cells[editTblCell]).removeClass('tdHover'); showDelete(editTblRow-1); editCancel=true; } else if(type=='save'){ $.ajax({ url: 'database.php', type: 'GET', data: "text=" + $('#edit_box').val() + "&sqlrowid=" + editSQLRowID + "&field=" + editKey + "&table=" + $('#active_table').val() + "&updatestring=" + escape(updatestring), success: function(response){ if(updatestring){$("#ajaxTable").load("table.php");} else { $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[editTblRow].cells[editTblCell]).html(response); } editTblRow = null; editTblCell = null; } }); $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[editTblRow].cells[editTblCell]).removeClass('tdHover'); showDelete(editTblRow-1); } else { if(editTblRow==null && editTblCell==null){ if(fieldtype!='blob'){ $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[rowid].cells[cellid]).html('<input type="text" id="edit_box" class=\"edit_input\" value=\"' + id + '\" /> <div class=\"cell_opts\"><a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','save','','" + updatestring + "');" + '\">Save</a> - <a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','cancel');" + '\">Cancel</a></div>'); } else { $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[rowid].cells[cellid]).html('<textarea id="edit_box" class=\"edit_input\" value=\"' + id + '\" >' + id + '</textarea> <div class=\"cell_opts\"><a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','save','','" + updatestring + "');" + '\">Save</a> - <a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','cancel');" + '\">Cancel</a></div>'); } editTblRow = rowid; editTblCell = cellid; editSQLRowID = sqlrowid; editKey = key; cancelString = id; } else { if(editTblRow==rowid && editTblCell==cellid){ //We are currently editing this cell. Do nothing if clicked. if(editCancel==true){ editTblRow = null; editTblCell = null; } editCancel=false; return false; } else { //Load a new edit box on a new cell $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[editTblRow].cells[editTblCell]).hide().html(cancelString).fadeIn('slow'); if(fieldtype!='blob'){ $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[rowid].cells[cellid]).html('<input type="text" id="edit_box" class=\"edit_input\" value=\"' + id + '\" /> <div class=\"cell_opts\"><a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','save','','" + updatestring + "');" + '\">Save</a> - <a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','cancel');" + '\">Cancel</a></div>'); } else { $($('#ajaxtb')[0].rows[rowid].cells[cellid]).html('<textarea id="edit_box" class=\"edit_input\" value=\"' + id + '\" >' + id + '</textarea> <div class=\"cell_opts\"><a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','save','','" + updatestring + "');" + '\">Save</a> - <a href=\"javascript:return false;\" onclick=\"' + "editCell('','','','','','cancel');" + '\">Cancel</a></div>'); } editTblRow = rowid; editTblCell = cellid; editSQLRowID = sqlrowid; editKey = key; cancelString = id; } } } } DATABASE.PHP <?php /*Sevenscript <http://sevenscript.net> - Copyright (c) 2010 <info@sevenscript.net>*/ require_once('config.php'); $update_text = $_GET['text']; $sqlrowid = $_GET['sqlrowid']; $field = $_GET['field']; $updatestring = $_GET['updatestring']; if($updatestring){ $result = @mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $field_list .= $row['Field'] . ","; } $field_list = substr($field_list,0,-1); } $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $field= '$update_text' WHERE CONCAT_WS('',$field_list) = '$updatestring' LIMIT 1"; if(mysql_query ( $sql )){ echo $update_text; } } $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $field= '$update_text' WHERE _rowid = '$sqlrowid'"; if(mysql_query ( $sql )){ echo $update_text; } ?> DBFUNC.PHP <?php Header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); //IE Fix /*Sevenscript <http://sevenscript.net> - Copyright (c) 2010 <info@sevenscript.net>*/ require_once('config.php'); $action = $_GET['action']; $rowid = $_GET['rowid']; if($action=="delete"){ $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE _rowid='$rowid' LIMIT 1"; mysql_query ( $sql ); } if($action=="new"){ //Insert a new row into the database mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table VALUES()"); $new_row = mysql_insert_id(); if(!$fields){ $result = @mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $fields[$row['Field']] = $row['Field']; $field_list .= $row['Field'] . ","; } $field_list = substr($field_list,0,-1); } } ?> <div class="tableBorder"> <table class="ajaxTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="ajaxtb"> <thead> <tr> <?php foreach($fields as $key => $val){ if($key == $get_order_by){ $imgsrc = "img/ajax/$direction.gif"; $sort = $direction; } else { $imgsrc = "img/ajax/arrows_updown.gif"; $sort = "DESC"; } echo "<th width=\"$width[$val]\">$val</th>"; } ?> <th> </th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $sql = "SELECT count(*) AS num FROM $table $search_sql $order_by LIMIT $pageLimit"; $result = mysql_query ( $sql ); $rowCount = mysql_result($result,0,"num"); foreach($fields as $key => $val){ $select_fields .= $key . ","; } $select_fields = substr($select_fields,0,-1); $sql = "SELECT _rowid as rowid,$select_fields FROM $table $search_sql $order_by WHERE _rowid=$new_row LIMIT 1"; $row = mysql_query ( $sql ); while ( $result = mysql_fetch_array ( $row ) ) { echo "<tr class=\"tdOdd\" onmouseout=\"showDelete('$x');\" onmouseover=\"showDelete('$x');\">"; $fieldval=1; while($fieldval <= sizeof($fields)){ $fieldtype[$fieldval] = @mysql_field_type($row,$fieldval); $fieldval++; } $fieldpos=1; foreach($fields as $key => $val){ $filteredKey = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($result[$key])); echo "<td class=\"edit_cell\" style=\"$style[$key]\" id=\"$result[$key]\" onmouseover=\"$(this).addClass('tdHover');\" onmouseout=\"$(this).removeClass('tdHover');\" onclick=\"editCell(this.parentNode.rowIndex,this.cellIndex,'$result[rowid]','$key',this.innerHTML,'','$fieldtype[$fieldpos]','$result[updatestring]');\">" . $result[$key] . "</td>"; $fieldpos++; } ?> <td style="width: 28px; height: 28px;" onclick="delRow(this,'<?php echo $result['rowid']; ?>');"><div id="del_<?php echo $x; ?>" style="display: none;"><img src="img/ajax/delete_icon.gif" /></div></td></tr> <?php $x++; } ?> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr><td colspan="30"><input type="button" value="Done" onclick="loadTable();" /><input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="cancelInsert('<?php echo $new_row; ?>');" /></td></tr> </tfoot> </table> <?php } ?> TABLE.PHP <?php Header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); //IE Fix //Sevenscript <http://sevenscript.net> - Copyright (c) 2009 Stuart Rutter <contact@sevenscript.net> require_once('config.php'); if(isset($_GET['table'])){ //$table = $_GET['table']; } if(!$fields){ $result = @mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $fields[$row['Field']] = $row['Field']; $field_list .= $row['Field'] . ","; } $field_list = substr($field_list,0,-1); } } $get_search = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['search']); $get_start = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['start']); $get_direction = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['direction']); $get_order_by = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['order_by']); if($get_search){ if(!$searchField){ $search_sql = " WHERE "; foreach($fields as $key=>$val){ $search_sql .= "$key LIKE '%$get_search%' OR "; } $search_sql = substr($search_sql,0,-4); } else { $search_sql = " WHERE $searchField LIKE '%$get_search%' "; } } if($get_start){ $start = $get_start; } else { $start = "0"; } if($get_direction){ $direction = $get_direction; } if($direction=="ASC"){$direction="DESC";} else { $direction="ASC";} if($get_order_by){ $order_by = " ORDER BY $get_order_by " . $direction; } else { $order_by = " "; } if($sortField && !$get_order_by){ $get_order_by = $sortField; $direction = $sortOrder; $order_by = " ORDER BY $get_order_by " . $direction; } ?> <div class="tableBorder"> <table class="ajaxTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="ajaxtb"> <thead> <tr> <?php foreach($fields as $key => $val){ if($key == $get_order_by){ $imgsrc = "img/ajax/$direction.gif"; $sort = $direction; } else { $imgsrc = "img/ajax/arrows_updown.gif"; $sort = "DESC"; } echo "<th width=\"$width[$val]\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript:sortTable('$key','$sort');\">$val<img id=\"$key\" src=\"$imgsrc\" /></a></th>"; } ?> <th> </th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $sql = "SELECT count(*) AS num FROM $table $search_sql $order_by LIMIT $pageLimit"; $result = mysql_query ( $sql ); $rowCount = mysql_result($result,0,"num"); foreach($fields as $key => $val){ $select_fields .= $key . ","; } $select_fields = substr($select_fields,0,-1); //Check if there is a primary key on the table $sql = "SELECT _rowid FROM $table"; $row= mysql_query ($sql); if(!$row){ $sql = "SELECT CONCAT_WS('',$field_list) as updatestring,$select_fields FROM $table $search_sql $order_by LIMIT $start, $pageLimit"; } else { $sql = "SELECT _rowid as rowid,$select_fields FROM $table $search_sql $order_by LIMIT $start, $pageLimit"; } $row = mysql_query ( $sql ); while ( $result = mysql_fetch_array ( $row ) ) { if ( $x&1 ){ echo "<tr class=\"tdOdd\" onmouseover=\"showDelete('$x');\" onmouseout=\"showDelete('$x');\">"; } else { echo "<tr class=\"tdEven\" onmouseout=\"showDelete('$x');\" onmouseover=\"showDelete('$x');\">"; } $fieldval=1; while($fieldval <= sizeof($fields)){ $fieldtype[$fieldval] = @mysql_field_type($row,$fieldval); $fieldval++; } $fieldpos=1; foreach($fields as $key => $val){ $filteredKey = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($result[$key])); echo "<td class=\"edit_cell\" style=\"$style[$key]\" id=\"$result[$key]\" onmouseover=\"$(this).addClass('tdHover');\" onmouseout=\"$(this).removeClass('tdHover');\" onclick=\"editCell(this.parentNode.rowIndex,this.cellIndex,'$result[rowid]','$key',this.innerHTML,'','$fieldtype[$fieldpos]','$result[updatestring]');\">" . $result[$key] . "</td>"; $fieldpos++; } ?> <td style="width: 28px; height: 28px;" onclick="delRow(this,'<?php echo $result['rowid']; ?>');"><div id="del_<?php echo $x; ?>" style="display: none;"><img src="img/ajax/delete_icon.gif" /></div></td></tr> <?php $x++; } $numberOfPages = ceil($rowCount / $pageLimit); ?> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr><td colspan="30"><h2><?php echo $rowCount . " Results - " . $numberOfPages . " Pages"; ?></h2></td></tr> </tfoot> </table> </div> <div class="pagination"> <?php $current_page = ceil($start / $pageLimit) + 1; $x=1; $start=0; if($current_page<=9){ while($x<=$numberOfPages){ if($x<=10){ if($current_page == $x){$class="paginationSelected";} else { $class="paginationNotSelected";} echo "<a href=\"javascript: void(0)\" class=\"$class\" onclick=\"javascript:gotoStart($start);\">$x</a> "; } if($x>10 && $x == $numberOfPages){ echo " ... <a href=\"javascript: void(0)\" class=\"$class\" onclick=\"javascript:gotoStart($start);\">$x</a> "; } $start = $start + $pageLimit; $x++; } } $x=1; if($current_page>=10){ $pageCounter = $current_page - 5; while($x<=10){ $pageNumber = $pageCounter * $pageLimit - $pageLimit; if($pageCounter<=$numberOfPages){ if($current_page == $pageCounter){$class="paginationSelected";} else { $class="paginationNotSelected";} echo "<a href=\"javascript: void(0);\" class=\"$class\" onclick=\"javascript:gotoStart($pageNumber);\">$pageCounter</a> "; } $pageCounter++; $x++; } } ?> <div class="newRowBtn"><input type="image" onclick="insertRow();" src="img/ajax/new_row_btn.png" value="Insert New Row" /></div> </div> <!-- <div class="tableBorder"> <table class="ajaxTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="ajaxtb"> <thead> <tr> <th></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr><td class="tdOdd"><div class="table_msg">Not Connected. Please use the login form.</div></td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> --> And then my file process.php <?php include('core/config.php'); include ('includes/header.php'); if(!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { header('Location: ' . $url . '/login.php'); die(); } <div id="container"> <?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","user","pass!","db"); if(mysqli_errno($con)) { echo "Can't Connect to mySQL:".mysqli_connect_error(); } $fetch="SELECT ".$_SESSION['user']."_temp_table_1.UFP_CODE FROM ".$_SESSION['user']."_temp_table_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN InvManCen ON ".$_SESSION['user']."_temp_table_1.UFP_CODE = InvManCen.UFPCODE WHERE InvManCen.BLOCK = '2'"; $result = mysqli_query($con,$fetch); if(!$result) { echo "Error:".(mysqli_error($con)); } echo '<table class="center" align=center>'//.'<tr>'.'<td align="center">'. 'From Database'. '</td>'.'</tr>' ; echo '<tr>'.'<td>'.'<table>'.'<tr>'.'<td align=center>'.'Important Information'.'</td>'.'</tr>'; while($data=mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { echo ("<tr><td align=center><div class='alert-box notice'>Product with UFP Code $data[0] Is Blocked</div></td></tr>"); } echo '</table>'.'</td>'.'</tr>'.'</table>'; //<td>$data[2]</td><td>$data[3]</td><td>$data[4]</td> ?> <div class="ajaxTableHeader"></span> <label for="searchText">Search</label> <input type="text" id="searchText" class="tableSearch_input" name="searchText" value="" size="30" onkeyup="javascript:searchTable(this.value);" /> <div id="ajax_loading_div" style="display:none;"><img src="img/ajax/ajax-loader.gif" alt="Loading" /></div> </div> </br></br> <div id="ajaxTable"></div> </div> <button onclick="window.location.href='process3.php?&start=0&s=&f=&sort=id&ad=a'">Generate Quote</button> <button onclick="window.location.href='refresh.php'">Refresh</button> <?php include ('includes/footer.php'); ?> Is there any way we can make it so only one specific column is editable as at the moment all the values are editable.. when updating a column is there any way we can press enter rather than pressing the save button? Is it possible to get data from two tables. Like using a LEFT OUTER JOIN in mysql. Can someone help with this?
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