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Newbie (1/5)



  1. <?php include('Connect.php'); $query ="SELECT * From Section order by sectCode ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query); mysql_close($con); $ctr = 0; echo" <body> <TABLE valign = top align = center border = 0 width =85% cellpadding = 2 cellspacing = 0 bgcolor = aliceblue> <tr><th colspan = 5 align = center>List of Classes <tr><td colspan =5><hr> <tr><th bgcolor = white align = left> <th bgcolor = white align = center><font color =black>Section <th bgcolor = white align = center><font color =black>Subject Code <th bgcolor = white align = center><font color = black>Subject Description <th bgcolor = white align = center><font color = black>Time/Day <tr><td colspan =5><hr>"; $ctr = 1; while ($rec = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo" <tr> <td align = center>$ctr <td>$rec[1] <td>$rec[2] <td>$rec[3] <td>$rec[4] </tr>"; $ctr++; } $ctr; echo "<tr><td colspan=5><hr>Total no. of SectionsPrinter: $ctr <tr><td colspan=5><hr> </table> </body>"; ?>
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