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Everything posted by rcbmalta

  1. The below is a sample of an xml file which I am working on : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <BroadcastData creationDate="20140326085217"> <ScheduleData> <ChannelPeriod beginTime="20140326090000" endTime="20140402044500"> <ChannelId>Rai Uno</ChannelId> <Event beginTime="20140326090000" duration="1800"> <EventId>260852180006</EventId> <EventType>P</EventType> <EpgProduction> <EpgText language="eng"> <Name>Unomattina storie vere</Name> </EpgText> </EpgProduction> </Event> <Event beginTime="20140326093000" duration="1500"> <EventId>260852180007</EventId> <EventType>P</EventType> <EpgProduction> <EpgText language="eng"> <Name>Unomattina Verde</Name> </EpgText> </EpgProduction> </Event> I am trying to parse this XML and post it into a database with the following PHP: <?php // Create connection $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","test","test","epg"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $completeurl ='test.xml'; $doc = simplexml_load_file($completeurl); foreach ($doc->ScheduleData->ChannelPeriod as $channelPeriod) { $channelId = (string)$channelPeriod->ChannelId; foreach ($channelPeriod->Event as $event) { $beginTime = $event['beginTime']; foreach ($channelPeriod->Event as $name) { $programName = $name->EpgProduction->EpgText->Name; /*printf('<p>Channel: %s<br />Begin Time: %s<br />Program Name: %s</p>', $channelId, $beginTime, $programName);*/ } } } $sql = "insert into `epg` (`ChannelId`, `BeginTime`, `ShortName`) values ('$channelId', '$beginTime', '$programName')"; $perform_insert = mysqli_query($con,$sql) or die("<b>Data could not be entered</b>.\n<br />Query: <br />\nError: (" . mysqli_errno($con) . ") " . mysqli_error($con)); if (mysqli_query($con,$perform_insert)) { echo "Database updated successfully"; } else { echo "Error creating database: " . mysqli_error($con); } ?> For some reason, this is not happening and I have no idea what am I doing wrong, can you kindly have a look please, many thanks for your help
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