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  1. Hello fellas I have been working on this piece of php for over a week now and I have got a few questions. 1. Where is the $selected_date is being read from ? given that this is a unixtime stamp format , should it not get converted with date function ? The code however is working fine with Gregorian calendar but with persian calendar time conversion , the $selected_date returns as year 1970 instead of 2014. 2. by clicking <a href='calendar.php?month=" . $this->month . "&year=" . $this->year . "&day=" . sprintf("%02s", $daynumber) . "'> what function is being called ? ** the make_time and mds_date are actually from a separated php class which is responsible for the date year and day conversion <?php include 'PersianCalendar.php'; //require_once("PersianCalendar.php"); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Tehran"); class booking_diary { // Mysqli connection function __construct($link) { $this->link = $link; } /* Settings you can change: $booking_start_time: The time of the first slot $booking_end_time: The time of the last slot $booking_frequency: The amount of slots per hour, expressed in minutes $booking_slots_per_day: The total number of slots avaliable in one day */ public $current_day; public $booking_start_time = "09:00"; public $booking_end_time = "19:00"; public $booking_frequency = 120; public $booking_slots_per_day = 10; public $day, $month, $year, $selected_date, $first_day, $back, $back_month, $back_year, $forward, $forward_month, $forward_year, $bookings, $count, $days; /*========================================================================================================================================================*/ function make_calendar($selected_date, $first_day, $back, $forward, $day, $month, $year) { //persian starts here $year = mds_date("Y"); $chand = mds_date("m"); $fdchand = mds_date("D", make_time(0,0,0,$chand,01,$year)); //going back persian starts $curmonth = mds_date("m", time()); $month = mds_date("m"); $curyear = mds_date("Y", time()); if($curmonth=='01') { $monthnominat = 12; $yearnominat = $curyear-1; } else { $monthnominat = $curmonth-1; $yearnominat = $curyear; } echo date("d m Y" ,$selected_date); $this->current_day = $day; $faselected = mds_date("d, m, Y", $selected_date); var_dump($faselected); $back = make_time(1, 1, 1, $monthnominat, 1, $yearnominat); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (empty($selected_date)) { $parts = explode(",", $faselected); $this->month = $parts[1]; $this->day = $parts[0]; $this->year = $parts[2]; $first_day = $this->chandom(mds_date("D", make_time(0, 0, 0, $this->month, 1, $this->year))); $check = 2; } else { $this->day = 0; $this->month = mds_date("m"); $this->year = mds_date("Y"); $first_day = $this->chandom($fdchand); $check = 1; } // Add a value to these public variables echo "<br />"; echo $check; $this->back = $back; $this->back_month = mds_date("m", $back); $this->back_year = mds_date("Y", $back); // Minus one month back arrow $this->selected_date = make_time(24, 0, 0, $this->month, $this->day, $this->year); $this->first_day = $first_day; $this->forward = $forward; $this->forward_month = date("m", $forward); $this->forward_year = date("Y", $forward); // Add one month forward arrow // Make the booking array $this->make_booking_array($year, $month); echo mds_date("F Y", $this->selected_date); } function make_booking_array($year, $month) { $query = "SELECT * FROM bookings WHERE date LIKE '$year-$month%'"; $result = mysqli_query($this->link, $query) or die(mysqli_error($this->link)); $this->count = mysqli_num_rows($result); $this->bookings = ''; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $this->bookings[] = array( "name" => $row['name'], "date" => $row['date'], "start" => $row['start'], "comments" => $row['comments'] ); } $this->make_days_array( $this->year, $this->month); } // Close function function make_days_array($year, $month) { // Create an array of days in the month //$num_days_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year); $num_days_month = dim($month, $year); // Make array called $day with the correct number of days for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_days_month; $i++) { $d = make_time(0, 0, 0, $month, $i, $year); $this->days[] = array("daynumber" => $i, "dayname" => mds_date("l", $d)); } // Add blank elements to start of array if the first day of the month is not a Monday. for ($j = 1; $j <= $this->first_day; $j++) { array_unshift($this->days, '0'); } // Add blank elements to end of array if required. $pad_end = 7 - (count($this->days) % 7); if ($pad_end < 7) { for ($j = 1; $j <= $pad_end; $j++) { array_push($this-> days, '|'); } } // Close if $this->make_table_top(); } // Close function function make_table_top() { echo " <div class='left'> <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' id='calendar'> <tr id='week'> <td align='left'><a href='?month=" . mds_date("m", $this->back) . "&year=" . mds_date("Y", $this->back) . "'>«</a></td> <td colspan='5' id='center_date'>" . mds_date("F Y", $this->selected_date) . "</td> <td align='right'><a href='?month=" . mds_date("m", $this->forward) . "&year=" . mds_date("Y", $this->forward) . "'>»</a></td> </tr> <tr> <th>شنبه</th><th>یکشنبه</th><th>دوشنبه</th><th>سه شنبه</th><th>چهارشنبه</th><th>پنجشنبه</th><th>جمعه</th>"; $this->make_day_boxes($this->days, $this->bookings, $this->month, $this->year); } // Close function function make_day_boxes() { $i=0; foreach ($this->days as $row) { $tag = ''; if($i % 7 == 0) echo "</tr><tr>"; // Use modulus to give us a <tr> after every seven <td> cells if(isset($row['daynumber']) && $row['daynumber'] != 0) { // Padded days at the start of the month will have a 0 at the beginning echo "<td width='21' valign='top' class='days'>"; if ($this->count > 0) { $day_count = 0; foreach ($this->bookings as $booking_date) { if ($booking_date['date'] == $this->year . '-' . $this->month . '-' . sprintf("%02s", $row['daynumber'])) { $day_count++; } // Close if } // Close foreach } // Close if $count // Work out which colour day box to show if ($row['dayname'] == 'جمعه') $tag = 2; // It's a friday if (make_time(0, 0, 0, $this->month, sprintf("%02s", $row['daynumber']) + 1, $this->year) < strtotime("now")) $tag = 4; // Past Day if ($day_count >= $this->booking_slots_per_day && $tag == '') $tag = 3; if ($day_count >0 && $tag == '') $tag = 1; echo $this->day_switch($tag, $row['daynumber']) . "<span>" . str_replace('|', ' ', $row['daynumber']) . "</span></td>"; } else { echo "<td width='21' valign='top' class='days'><img src='images/block_null.gif' title='مجاز به انتخاب نیستید' alt=''></td>"; } $i++; } // Close foreach $this->make_key(); } // Close function function day_switch($tag, $daynumber) { switch ($tag) { case (1): // Part booked day $txt = "<a href='calendar.php?month=" . $this->month . "&year=" . $this->year . "&day=" . sprintf("%02s", $daynumber) . "'> <img src='images/block_part.gif' title='ساعاتی رزرو شده' border='0' alt=''></a>\r\n"; break; case (2): // friday $txt = "<img src='images/block_sunday.gif' title='روز تعطیل است' border='0' alt=''>\r\n"; break; case (3): // Fully booked day $txt= "<img src='images/block_fully_booked.gif' title='کامل رزرو شده' border='0' alt=''>\r\n"; break; case (4): // Past day $txt = "<img src='images/block_past.gif' title='از تاریخ امروز گذشته' border='0' alt=''></a>\r\n"; break; case (5): // Block booked out day $txt= "<img src='images/block_fully_booked.gif' title='این روز موجود نیست' border='0' alt=''>\r\n"; break; default: // FREE $txt = "<a href='calendar.php?month=" . $this->month . "&year=" . $this->year . "&day=" . sprintf("%02s", $daynumber) . "'> <img src='images/block_free.gif' title='آزاد برای رزرو' border='0' alt=''></a>\r\n"; break; } return $txt; } // Close function function make_key() { // This key is displayed below the calendar to show what the colours represent echo "</tr></table> <table border='0' id='key' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='6'> <tr> <td id='key_1'> </td> <td id='key_2'> </td> <td id='key_3'> </td> <td id='key_4'> </td> <td id='key_5'> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>نبود وقت</td> <td>روز تعطیل</td> <td>حداقل یک وقت رزرو موجود است</td> <td>آزاد</td> <td>گذشته</td> </tr> </table></div>"; $this->make_booking_slots(); } // Close function function make_booking_slots() { /* Variable $day has a default value of 0. If a day has been clicked on, display it. If there is no date selected, show a msg. Otherwise show the booking form. */ if($this->day == 0) { $this->select_day(); } else { $this->make_form(); } } // Close function function select_day() { echo "<form method='post' action=''><div id='selected_date'>لطفا روز رزرواسیون را انتخاب کنید</div>"; } function make_form() { // Create array of the booking times for($i = strtotime($this->booking_start_time); $i<= strtotime($this->booking_end_time); $i = $i + $this->booking_frequency * 60) { $slots[] = date("H:i:s", $i); } echo "\r\n\r\n<form method='post' action=''><div id='selected_date'>تاریخ انتخاب شده: " . $this->month.",". $this->current_day.",". $this->year . "</div>"; $opt = "<select id='select' name='booking_time'><option value='selectvalue'>لطفا زمان رزرواسیون را انتخاب کنید</option>"; if($this->count >= 1) { foreach($this->bookings as $row) { // Check for bookings and remove any previously booked slots foreach($slots as $i => $r) { if($row['start'] == $r && $row['date'] == $this->year . '-' . $this->month . '-' . $this->day) { unset($slots[$i]); } } // Close foreach } // Close foreach } // If count bookings // Make select box from $slots array foreach($slots as $booking_time) { $finish_time = strtotime($booking_time)+ $this->booking_frequency * 60; // Calculate finish time $opt .= "<option value='" . $booking_time . "'>" . $booking_time . " - " . date("H:i:s", $finish_time) . "</option>"; } echo $opt. "</select>"; echo " <table width='300' border='0' id='booking'> <tr> <td class='details'>اسم و فامیلی</td> <td><input class='input' type='text' name='name' size='32'"; if(isset($_POST['name'])) echo " value='" . $_POST['name'] . "'"; echo "></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='details'>ایمیل</td> <td><input class='input' type='text' name='email' size='32'"; if(isset($_POST['email'])) echo " value='" . $_POST['email'] . "'"; echo "></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='details'>تلفن</td> <td><input class='input' type='text' name='phone' size='32'"; if(isset($_POST['phone'])) echo " value='" . $_POST['phone'] . "'"; echo "></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='details'>پیام</td> <td><textarea rows='3' cols='30' name='comments' onclick='make_blank();'>"; if(isset($_POST['comments'])) echo $_POST['comments']; echo "</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <input type='submit' value='' id='book'></td> </tr> </table></form>"; } function after_post($month, $day, $year) { $alert=''; $msg=0; if(isset($_POST['name']) && empty($_POST['name'])) { $msg = 1; $alert .= "Please fill in the name box<br>"; } if(isset($_POST['email']) && empty($_POST['email'])) { $msg = 1; $alert .= "Please fill in the email box<br>"; } if(isset($_POST['phone']) && empty($_POST['phone'])) { $msg = 1; $alert .= "Please add a contact number<br>"; } if(isset($_POST['booking_time']) && $_POST['booking_time'] == 'selectvalue') { $msg = 1; $alert .= "Please select a booking time"; } if($msg == 1) { echo "<div class='error'>" . $alert . "</div>"; } elseif($msg == 0) { $booking_date = mds_date("Y-m-d", make_time(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)); $booking_time = $_POST['booking_time']; $query = "INSERT INTO bookings (date, start, name, email, phone, comments) VALUES ('$booking_date', '$booking_time', '$_POST[name]', '$_POST', '$_POST[phone]', '$_POST[comments]')"; $result = mysqli_query($this->link, $query) or die(mysqli_error($this->link)); $this->confirm(); } // Close else } // Close function function chandom($fdchand) { if($fdchand=='ج') { $first_day = 6; } if($fdchand=='پ') { $first_day = 5; } if($fdchand=='چ') { $first_day = 4; } if($fdchand=='س') { $first_day = 3; } if($fdchand=='د') { $first_day = 2; } if($fdchand=='ى') { $first_day = 1; } if($fdchand=='ش') { $first_day = 0; } return $first_day; } function confirm() { echo "<div class='success'>وقت شما رزرو شد، لطفا برای اطلاعات بیشتر با دفتر تماس بگیرید</div>"; } // Close function } // Close Class ?>
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