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Everything posted by holdorfold

  1. I've made a test database from the book "PHP and mySQL Novice to Ninja"... now I'm testing out making the structure better by using templates to output the html. This is the template... note the part in with the arrow pointing to it. That's the dynamic content which should change based upon what page is passed to it. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link href= "/project/includes/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Joke Database Project</title> </head> <body> <div id="topheader"> <p>Joke Database Project</p> </div> <div id="navigation"> <?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/project/includes/navbar.html.php'; ?> </div> <div id="container"> <?php include '/'.$content;?> <<<<--------------------------------------- </div> </body> </html> It works fine when I use the following code in my php script: $content="authors.html.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/project/includes/html_template.html.php'; However I want to make it less clunky so I decided to create the following function include in my php script so I can show the relevant content by using showpage("author.html.php") function showpage($content) { include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/project/includes/html_template.html.php'; } The problem I'm having is when I use this function the outputed page no longer recognises the variables from the main script so the proper content doesn't show. (note it works fine when not using the function but just including it directly in the script). How can I get around this in an elegant way?
  2. In the end I contacted my hosting provider and had them look at it. Apparently it's a server timeout, which is odd because the script still runs but you just don't get a response from it. I can't over-ride their settings, I've tried setting max exucution time to no avail, but at least I know what it is now so I've done a workaround for the problem where the script is called for shorter periods of time. Thanks for your help though Psycho and mac_gyver!
  3. I tried changing the success function and it just does nothing instead and doesn't receive the second response. The problem still occurs when I tested it on my friend's laptop. Interestingly though, I tried deleting wordpress and now the script functions differently and throws an error when I run the test. Before the script would startup mid processing and then log "misfire" to the log as in post 15 etc... now that I've uninstalled wordpress, the script no longer logs the misfire but instead I get the following error returned to the client around the same time that it used to send the GET request (I'm using the restful client): Status 500 Internal Server Error Loading time: 45612 Request headers User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36 Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6 Response headers Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 10:54:36 GMT Server: Apache Connection: close Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head..> <title>500 Internal Server Error</title> </head><body> <h1>Internal Server Error</h1> <p>The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.</p> <p>Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@kingstonmarketing.localpowermarketing.co.uk and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.</p> <p>More information about this error may be available in the server error log.</p> <p>Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.</p> </body></html>
  4. Ok, so I'm trying to rack my head around how I can change my AJAX as in post 11 to make it so it will still receive the response from the POST data after receiving the GET response. I'm not sure how could this be done, do you know how I could do it?
  5. By receiving the response from the GET request it seems to close the AJAX connection so it doesn't receive the response from the POST request. Yeah I suppose I'll have to figure out how to fix that.
  6. That was pretty much one of the first things I tried, the script already dies when post data is blank. Pretty much the same thing, no? The problem is not so much the script running but that a response is sent to the client from the stray request (whether that be my javascript client or the restful client). I'm not really concerned about other people running it as long as I don't get a response on my client from their request.
  7. Thanks, the URL of the javascript client is different than the php script which the AJAX calls (I think that's what you're asking). But I must stress that I'm using the Chrome Restful Client to debug what's going on to eliminate any javascript being the issue. The problem happens the same using either my client or the Restful Client. To try and fix the issue, I recently tried to change the .htaccess file to not allow any GET requests in the directory that the php script is in. It works in that it won't run the script for the GET request, but the Restful Client still gets a response. In this case the response is the entire HTML of the frontpage of my wordpress website which I guess has something to do with wordpress' error handling or something... but the problem is that it still gets a response. It's weird that it seems the restful client is even sending GET requests though right? Otherwise it shouldn't receive any responses surely. This is the javascript though if it's still relevant: function SendPHP(str, callback){ str = "q=" + encodeURIComponent(str); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "test/errortest.php", data: str, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", success: function(msg) { callback(msg); }, error: function(err) { alert(err.toString()); if (err.status == 200) { callback(err); } else { alert('Error:' + err.responseText + ' Status: ' + err.status); } } }); }
  8. I logged the contents of the GET request which ends up being just an empty array. The main PHP script receives parsed POST data from my javascript application, processes it and then when it's finished the AJAX sends the next packet... and so on. But these stray GET requests interrupt the AJAX which receives a blank response in the middle of the processing instead of the response from the POST request when it's finished and so it doesn't send the next packet and doesn't know when the previoius packet is finished processing because of the interruption. The strange thing is that this was all working on a different server as I made the application for a friend. But when I copied it to my server so I could use the app myself I get these GET requests so it doesn't work. I just had a look at your post 6, and I'm still not sure how to ignore GET requests? In my code I make the script die if the data sent to it is blank, but that's not working. Sorry I'm a bit of a newb, how would I make it so the script completely ignores GET requests?
  9. By the way, I've logged the $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] and the second request is always GET, you're right.
  10. OK thanks, I'll have to look into this. I'm pretty sure it is something the server is doing because I was hosting my original script on a different host and I wasn't having the exact same issue. Also the problem happens in different browser including a restful client. What could the server possibly be doing, (just so I have a vague idea if what to look for)? Thanks (Note I use shared hosting)
  11. Ok, I'm logging the user agent with: $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; And I got this on a test run (error after 12th entry): IP Logged: 86.31.**.99 --- 05/06/2014 19:56:22User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36 --- 05/06/2014 19:56:22Post data: foobar --- 05/06/2014 19:56:22*** Error check started *** --- 05/06/2014 19:56:221 --- 05/06/2014 19:56:222 --- 05/06/2014 19:56:393 --- 05/06/2014 19:56:544 --- 05/06/2014 19:57:125 --- 05/06/2014 19:57:196 --- 05/06/2014 19:57:327 --- 05/06/2014 19:57:448 --- 05/06/2014 19:57:569 --- 05/06/2014 19:57:5910 --- 05/06/2014 19:58:0211 --- 05/06/2014 19:58:1312 --- 05/06/2014 19:58:26IP Logged: 86.31.**.99 --- 05/06/2014 19:58:38User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36 --- 05/06/2014 19:58:38Post data: --- 05/06/2014 19:58:38MISFIRE!!! --- 05/06/2014 19:58:3813 --- 05/06/2014 19:58:4014 --- 05/06/2014 19:58:5515 --- 05/06/2014 19:59:04
  12. Ok I've just tested with the IP logged and post data, and it shows it's coming from my IP: IP Logged: 86.31.**.99 --- 05/06/2014 19:42:46Post data: foobar --- 05/06/2014 19:42:46*** Error check started *** --- 05/06/2014 19:42:461 --- 05/06/2014 19:42:462 --- 05/06/2014 19:42:553 --- 05/06/2014 19:43:014 --- 05/06/2014 19:43:115 --- 05/06/2014 19:43:256 --- 05/06/2014 19:43:337 --- 05/06/2014 19:43:518 --- 05/06/2014 19:44:099 --- 05/06/2014 19:44:1310 --- 05/06/2014 19:44:2311 --- 05/06/2014 19:44:4212 --- 05/06/2014 19:44:49IP Logged: 86.31.**.99 --- 05/06/2014 19:45:02Post data: --- 05/06/2014 19:45:02MISFIRE!!! --- 05/06/2014 19:45:0213 --- 05/06/2014 19:45:0714 --- 05/06/2014 19:45:2415 --- 05/06/2014 19:45:3916 --- 05/06/2014 19:45:55Updated script:[code]<?php$q = $_POST['q'];$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];writelog("IP Logged: ".$ip);writelog("Post data: " . $q);if ($q==""){ writelog ("MISFIRE!!!"); die;}writelog("\n*** Error check started ***");for ($i = 1; $i <= 50; $i++) { writelog ($i); sleep(rand(2,20));} function writelog($towrite){ $tdate=date('d/m/Y H:i:s'); $file = 'log/testlog.txt'; $current = $towrite." --- ".$tdate."\n"; file_put_contents($file, $current, FILE_APPEND);}writelog("*** Error check ended ***");?>[/code]
  13. I've managed to isolate a problem I'm having with my php script. It would seem the script randomly restarts itself with blank post data while it's running. I've managed to mimick the problem using a very basic php script which just pauses and writes to a log: <?php $q = $_POST['q']; if ($q==""){ writelog ("MISFIRE!!!"); die; } writelog("\n*** Error check started ***"); for ($i = 1; $i <= 50; $i++) { writelog ($i); sleep(rand(2,20)); } function writelog($towrite) { $tdate=date('d/m/Y H:i:s'); $file = 'log/testlog.txt'; $current = $towrite." --- ".$tdate."\n"; file_put_contents($file, $current, FILE_APPEND); } writelog("*** Error check ended ***"); ?> To rule out any problems with my AJAX htmlhttp requests, I simply send the script some irrelevant post data using Chrome's Advanced Restful client. This is the ouput of the log from an example test run: *** Error check started *** --- 05/06/2014 18:27:30 1 --- 05/06/2014 18:27:30 2 --- 05/06/2014 18:27:44 3 --- 05/06/2014 18:27:49 4 --- 05/06/2014 18:27:59 5 --- 05/06/2014 18:28:04 6 --- 05/06/2014 18:28:22 7 --- 05/06/2014 18:28:33 8 --- 05/06/2014 18:28:39 9 --- 05/06/2014 18:28:52 10 --- 05/06/2014 18:29:08 11 --- 05/06/2014 18:29:22 12 --- 05/06/2014 18:29:30 13 --- 05/06/2014 18:29:43 MISFIRE!!! --- 05/06/2014 18:29:46 14 --- 05/06/2014 18:29:56 15 --- 05/06/2014 18:30:07 16 --- 05/06/2014 18:30:09 17 --- 05/06/2014 18:30:15 18 --- 05/06/2014 18:30:32 19 --- 05/06/2014 18:30:52 20 --- 05/06/2014 18:30:54 Note the logged "Misfire" after the 13th entry. This shows the script tried to run again with blank post data, the same problem I'm having in my more complex script. Why could this be happening? It's not anyone else calling the script, nobody knows about the site and I've ruled it out by logging the IP in my real script.
  14. The email subject and body are written by the user into a text field on the javascript application. That's sent with the packets as in: http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/287756-php-script-restarts-randomly-with-same-post-data/?p=1476195
  15. A CSV file is uploaded via the javascript application which then turns it into parseable strings. Any size CSV file will do and it's designed for a friend who regularly produces CSV files like the example I gave. The javascript file uploading facility is easy, so he doesn't need access to any backend he just uploads a CSV, enters an email and clicks send and the progress is shown in the javascript application. The CSV is turned into an array using: data = $.csv.toArrays(CSVString); data.splice(0, 1); //gets rid of the csv headers It's turned into packets using this function: function CSVtoSend(){ dataString.length=0; var adder=0; var packet=0; dataString[0]=""; for(var row in data) { //create a new packet for every x contacts adder=adder+1; if (adder==11){ adder=1; packet=packet+1; } for(var item in data[row]) { dataString[packet] += data[row][item] + '^!'; } dataString[packet] += '<!'; } } So if the CSV here http://www.qfpost.com/file/d?g=r5smIylvK for example was uploaded then it would turn into the following packets: dataString[0] = Jordan^!Terence^!Jordan.Terence@mailinator.com^!<!Marcel^!Miguel^!Marcel.Miguel@mailinator.com^!<!Carlton^!Preston^!Carlton.Preston@mailinator.com^!<!Guy^!Marlin^!Guy.Marlin@mailinator.com^!<!Isreal^!Leslie^!Isreal.Leslie@mailinator.com^!<!Stan^!Quinton^!Stan.Quinton@mailinator.com^!<!Boyd^!Roman^!Boyd.Roman@mailinator.com^!<!Hubert^!Sammy^!Hubert.Sammy@mailinator.com^!<!Federico^!Kirby^!Federico.Kirby@mailinator.com^!<!Thomas^!Quentin^!Thomas.Quentin@mailinator.com^!<! dataString[1] = Reuben^!Josiah^!Reuben.Josiah@mailinator.com^!<!Stephen^!Jarred^!Stephen.Jarred@mailinator.com^!<!Cory^!Morgan^!Cory.Morgan@mailinator.com^!<!Owen^!Stanton^!Owen.Stanton@mailinator.com^!<!Edwin^!Otto^!Edwin.Otto@mailinator.com^!<!Scottie^!Charley^!Scottie.Charley@mailinator.com^!<!Gail^!Leigh^!Gail.Leigh@mailinator.com^!<!Renaldo^!Art^!Renaldo.Art@mailinator.com^!<!Brad^!Alvaro^!Brad.Alvaro@mailinator.com^!<!
  16. The timeout I was referring to happening after about 20 minutes was the execution timeout. The delay of a random number to up to 20 seconds was advised to me from someone who has knowledge of anti-spam and mailers. It's to make it seem more natural so it's something I must have in there. Your idea sounds good, but I can still see there being timeout issues if I'm processing the whole database in one execution. That was my initial strategy but because of the execution timeout issue I had to create the parsing system. I've spent so much time on this and it's pretty much finished now so I won't start from scratch. I've implemented and tested a system today where the script detects if there was a fault with the previous packet and records the unsent data to send again as a packet at the end so it's pretty much finished, just a few tweaks and it's fully fit for purpose. Thanks for your time and help though. I learnt quite a bit about effiencies and considerations for any future projects
  17. I've changed it so the script appends to the log file instead of copying the whole thing again. Still get the error though. Also timeouts are happening after 20 minutes, but I'm getting the error in the 0-3.5 minute range. Yeah haha, true. It's actually an emailer, but I've replaced the mailing function with writing to a log for testing purposes. This is why the sleep () is after each record.. you have to wait a little bit after sending each email.
  18. Ok, I used Chrome Rest Client and sent the whole encoded CSV in one string and the php script timed out after 29 minutes on record 158 but it didn't try and restart itself. I've had similar results earlier when sending the whole CSV in one string via javascript. Most of the time it was the same, but a couple of times the php script stopped and restarted. Someone suggested it could be a browser extention causing it like Adblock. I'm not sure how though. I think what I might do is create a system where if the script stops and tries to restart itself in the middle of processing a packet then the records that weren't processed are stored in a file and processed seperately at the end. Clunky and not very elegant, but I can't figure out what the problem is so might have to do something like that.
  19. This is exactly what I thought given the situation, but the reason I'm doing it in chunks is because the script was previously timing out after about 15-20 minutes when I was just sending the whole CSV over. But like you say the maximum time the script will run is about 3.5 minutes so I couldn't see how it would be a timeout... but it must be something in this vein. I'll try testing it out without the Javascript though to double check.
  20. Yeah the reason I'm processing the CSV in chunks is because I get a timeout on the php script at around 15-20 minutes when processing the whole thing. In a real world situation the CSV being processed might be even bigger than the one I'm testing with as well, so the only solution was to parse the CSV in chunks. The CSV file uploaded is loaded by my javascript application which loads the data into an array and turns it into an array of strings (which are the packets sent). This is the part of the javascript which puts the packet together: function SendTestData(tParse){ var tAuth = tPasswordWindow.childNodes[0].value; //Create email var tSubject = tSubjectWindow.childNodes[0].value; var tValue = tMessageWindow.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0].value; var tMessage=tSubject+"(/subject)"+tValue; //Merge strings tSendData=dataString[tParse]; tSendData=tSendData+"(<!dsplit!>)"+tMessage; //Add packet details (packet/totalpackets/totalcontacts) var tPacketDetails = (tParse+1) + "-" +dataString.length+"-"+data.length; tSendData=tPacketDetails+"(<!psplit!>)"+tSendData //Add authentification code tSendData=tAuth+"(<!asplit!>)"+tSendData; SendPHP(tSendData,parseHandler); writeDisplayConsole("Packet "+(tParse+1)+ " sent"); } The output of this for the first packet of that CSV file is: examplepass(<!asplit!>)1-30-300(<!psplit!>)Jeffrey^!Creviston^!Jeffrey.Creviston@mailinator.com^!<!Thaddeus^!Brame^!Thaddeus.Brame@mailinator.com^!<!Isiah^!Shutt^!Isiah.Shutt@mailinator.com^!<!Gregory^!Chappell^!Gregory.Chappell@mailinator.com^!<!Kenton^!Kanter^!Kenton.Kanter@mailinator.com^!<!Fredrick^!Ake^!Fredrick.Ake@mailinator.com^!<!Columbus^!Mayhue^!Columbus.Mayhue@mailinator.com^!<!Mervin^!Delagarza^!Mervin.Delagarza@mailinator.com^!<!Joaquin^!Pennington^!Joaquin.Pennington@mailinator.com^!<!Lyman^!Alaniz^!Lyman.Alaniz@mailinator.com^!<!(<!dsplit!>)Test subject(/subject)Test message
  21. I couldn't figure out how to add an attatchment so I uploaded the CSV here: http://www.qfpost.com/file/d?g=5vHRWHBmE But the thing is if I take the time delay sleep (rand 2,20) out of the php script then the whole thing is processed perfectly using exactly the same data so it can't be a problem with the data. And if it runs perfectly without the delay then I can't see how it could be anything in my code. It makes me wonder if it might be an issue with my hosting or browser... but I'm not sure where to start with working out what it could be. To illustrate, I've just taken the sleep delay out of the script, run with the same data and I get a perfect run everytime. Here's the log: -Log cleared. --- 14/04/2014 18:28:14 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:36 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:36 -Mailer powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:36 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 (PACKET 1 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 1 of 300 processed >> Jeffrey.Creviston@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 2 of 300 processed >> Thaddeus.Brame@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 3 of 300 processed >> Isiah.Shutt@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 4 of 300 processed >> Gregory.Chappell@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 5 of 300 processed >> Kenton.Kanter@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 6 of 300 processed >> Fredrick.Ake@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 7 of 300 processed >> Columbus.Mayhue@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 8 of 300 processed >> Mervin.Delagarza@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 9 of 300 processed >> Joaquin.Pennington@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 10 of 300 processed >> Lyman.Alaniz@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 (PACKET 2 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 11 of 300 processed >> Clint.Machin@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 12 of 300 processed >> Dominick.Hemstreet@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 13 of 300 processed >> Brendon.Dever@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 14 of 300 processed >> Florentino.Tippie@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 15 of 300 processed >> Mac.Verrill@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 16 of 300 processed >> Jesus.Mericle@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 17 of 300 processed >> Bennett.Schwartzberg@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 18 of 300 processed >> Deandre.Kehoe@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 19 of 300 processed >> Robt.Champagne@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 20 of 300 processed >> Seymour.Youngs@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:40 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 (PACKET 3 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 21 of 300 processed >> Harry.Medeiros@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 22 of 300 processed >> Ezra.Spaulding@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 23 of 300 processed >> Craig.Avalos@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 24 of 300 processed >> Santo.Larocco@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 25 of 300 processed >> Clinton.Agudelo@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 26 of 300 processed >> David.Bennet@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 27 of 300 processed >> Terrance.Stayton@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 28 of 300 processed >> Horacio.Browder@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 29 of 300 processed >> Jamal.Okamura@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 30 of 300 processed >> Bruno.Plumb@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 (PACKET 4 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 31 of 300 processed >> Brant.Rawles@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 32 of 300 processed >> Arden.Vanderpool@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 33 of 300 processed >> Dean.Cawley@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 34 of 300 processed >> Fidel.Gullatt@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 35 of 300 processed >> Hong.Devenport@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 36 of 300 processed >> Donovan.Kimberling@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 37 of 300 processed >> Marcel.Desoto@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 38 of 300 processed >> Saul.Gonyea@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 39 of 300 processed >> Arnoldo.Kubala@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 40 of 300 processed >> Herbert.Lindemann@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:41 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 (PACKET 5 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 41 of 300 processed >> Ty.Youngman@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 42 of 300 processed >> Jessie.Carrillo@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 43 of 300 processed >> Devin.Tittle@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 44 of 300 processed >> Jonas.Provenza@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 45 of 300 processed >> Peter.Romanowski@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 46 of 300 processed >> Darron.Collingsworth@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 47 of 300 processed >> Milan.Mcclard@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 48 of 300 processed >> Graig.Sottile@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 49 of 300 processed >> Leland.Breazeale@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 50 of 300 processed >> Jackson.Minix@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 (PACKET 6 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 51 of 300 processed >> Herb.Burbage@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 52 of 300 processed >> Kieth.Wilcoxson@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 53 of 300 processed >> Colin.Schick@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 54 of 300 processed >> Gus.Scheidler@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 55 of 300 processed >> Palmer.Trafton@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 56 of 300 processed >> Jaime.Quinonez@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 57 of 300 processed >> Jewell.Berenbaum@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 58 of 300 processed >> Terrence.Mcelvain@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 59 of 300 processed >> Austin.Keathley@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 60 of 300 processed >> Dick.Ponton@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:42 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 (PACKET 7 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 61 of 300 processed >> Raymundo.Avalos@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 62 of 300 processed >> Beau.Montalbo@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 63 of 300 processed >> Major.Miele@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 64 of 300 processed >> Toney.Stoudemire@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 65 of 300 processed >> Valentin.Hawbaker@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 66 of 300 processed >> Steve.Quill@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 67 of 300 processed >> Garland.Kohlmeier@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 68 of 300 processed >> Cristobal.Montemayor@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 69 of 300 processed >> Rupert.Gaddis@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 70 of 300 processed >> Carey.Trainer@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 (PACKET 8 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 71 of 300 processed >> Ivory.Miguez@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 72 of 300 processed >> Porfirio.Beegle@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 73 of 300 processed >> Prince.Cerrone@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 74 of 300 processed >> Brendon.Goulet@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 75 of 300 processed >> Carlo.Kirkpatrick@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 76 of 300 processed >> Mohammed.Clausen@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 77 of 300 processed >> Franklyn.Bondy@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 78 of 300 processed >> Del.Whetzel@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 79 of 300 processed >> Bruce.Blasingame@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 80 of 300 processed >> Delmer.Huston@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:43 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 (PACKET 9 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 81 of 300 processed >> Phil.Eslinger@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 82 of 300 processed >> Joan.Landreth@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 83 of 300 processed >> Alan.Watts@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 84 of 300 processed >> Robin.Rando@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 85 of 300 processed >> Wilbert.Feltman@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 86 of 300 processed >> Federico.Kos@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 87 of 300 processed >> Doug.Ringo@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 88 of 300 processed >> Gaylord.Cassin@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 89 of 300 processed >> Allan.Whisman@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 90 of 300 processed >> Sidney.Meehan@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 (PACKET 10 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 91 of 300 processed >> Gavin.Viera@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 92 of 300 processed >> Benton.Freudenburg@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 93 of 300 processed >> Willard.Bellinger@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 94 of 300 processed >> Dwayne.Tseng@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 95 of 300 processed >> Ken.Heflin@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 96 of 300 processed >> Ed.Neisler@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 97 of 300 processed >> Ethan.Colas@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 98 of 300 processed >> Raymond.Croney@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 99 of 300 processed >> Craig.Caverly@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 100 of 300 processed >> Kenny.Bennetts@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 (PACKET 11 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 101 of 300 processed >> Boris.Musselman@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 102 of 300 processed >> Modesto.Fielding@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 103 of 300 processed >> Troy.Hosley@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 104 of 300 processed >> Toney.Coppola@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 105 of 300 processed >> Chuck.Cordle@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 106 of 300 processed >> Kerry.Malecha@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 107 of 300 processed >> Manuel.Whitton@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 108 of 300 processed >> Jed.Allsop@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 109 of 300 processed >> Stewart.Frisch@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 110 of 300 processed >> Burl.Henke@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:44 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 (PACKET 12 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 111 of 300 processed >> Horacio.Weary@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 112 of 300 processed >> Woodrow.Waterbury@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 113 of 300 processed >> Wilmer.Tosi@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 114 of 300 processed >> Brooks.Schleich@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 115 of 300 processed >> Alan.Willman@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 116 of 300 processed >> Quinn.Dunn@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 117 of 300 processed >> Dexter.Sadberry@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 118 of 300 processed >> Trent.Dailey@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 119 of 300 processed >> Murray.Sollars@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 120 of 300 processed >> Eldridge.Imai@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 (PACKET 13 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 121 of 300 processed >> Jonah.Mcbride@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 122 of 300 processed >> Trinidad.Kaplan@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 123 of 300 processed >> Olin.Hampson@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 124 of 300 processed >> Gavin.Holahan@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 125 of 300 processed >> Derick.Walston@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 126 of 300 processed >> Marcelo.Shima@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 127 of 300 processed >> Hans.Boos@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 128 of 300 processed >> Claud.Agosta@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 129 of 300 processed >> Melvin.Belmonte@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 130 of 300 processed >> Jonas.Lauro@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:45 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 (PACKET 14 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 131 of 300 processed >> Dion.Ginther@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 132 of 300 processed >> Alex.Vanbeek@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 133 of 300 processed >> Theron.Molino@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 134 of 300 processed >> Florencio.Kopf@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 135 of 300 processed >> Reuben.Ries@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 136 of 300 processed >> Erin.Ahrens@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 137 of 300 processed >> Clemente.Bickham@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 138 of 300 processed >> Kenton.Casazza@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 139 of 300 processed >> Alfred.Brazier@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 140 of 300 processed >> Moses.Salim@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 (PACKET 15 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 141 of 300 processed >> Ken.Meade@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 142 of 300 processed >> Drew.Lonergan@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 143 of 300 processed >> Kurt.Durling@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 144 of 300 processed >> Forrest.Portnoy@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 145 of 300 processed >> Ned.Whichard@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 146 of 300 processed >> Anderson.Lupercio@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 147 of 300 processed >> Carter.Rady@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 148 of 300 processed >> Sydney.Bonomo@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 149 of 300 processed >> Miguel.Whittenburg@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 150 of 300 processed >> Ashley.Sesco@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:46 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 (PACKET 16 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 151 of 300 processed >> Wilber.Baucom@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 152 of 300 processed >> Foster.Steen@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 153 of 300 processed >> Kareem.Marroquin@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 154 of 300 processed >> Thad.Stanek@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 155 of 300 processed >> Laverne.Cheslock@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 156 of 300 processed >> Cristopher.Hannigan@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 157 of 300 processed >> Hai.Hepp@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 158 of 300 processed >> Hong.Maxham@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 159 of 300 processed >> Carlo.Deskin@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 160 of 300 processed >> Monty.Mccourt@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 (PACKET 17 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 161 of 300 processed >> Otto.Niswonger@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 162 of 300 processed >> Anton.Rutten@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 163 of 300 processed >> Werner.Swaby@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 164 of 300 processed >> Charley.Alvelo@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 165 of 300 processed >> Freeman.Letchworth@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 166 of 300 processed >> Armand.Wingert@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 167 of 300 processed >> Julian.Vanderzee@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 168 of 300 processed >> Lavern.Parenti@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 169 of 300 processed >> Boyd.Frailey@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 170 of 300 processed >> Valentin.Giordano@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:47 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 (PACKET 18 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 171 of 300 processed >> Coy.Marron@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 172 of 300 processed >> Wilford.Kinzer@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 173 of 300 processed >> Alfonso.Ezzell@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 174 of 300 processed >> Vincent.Leonetti@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 175 of 300 processed >> Rhett.Beadles@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 176 of 300 processed >> Lupe.Hammer@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:48 177 of 300 processed >> Jame.Dinan@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 178 of 300 processed >> Thaddeus.Pipkins@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 179 of 300 processed >> Quinton.Cooney@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 180 of 300 processed >> Terry.Dunaway@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 (PACKET 19 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 181 of 300 processed >> Claud.Belknap@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 182 of 300 processed >> Jacob.Chen@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 183 of 300 processed >> Gil.Frigo@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 184 of 300 processed >> Rocco.Sewell@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 185 of 300 processed >> Johnathan.Farabaugh@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 186 of 300 processed >> Alden.Moser@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 187 of 300 processed >> Kraig.Blane@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 188 of 300 processed >> Jorge.Burgin@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 189 of 300 processed >> James.Janey@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 190 of 300 processed >> Josiah.Jinks@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:51 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 (PACKET 20 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 191 of 300 processed >> Derick.Mullings@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 192 of 300 processed >> Bud.Mabe@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 193 of 300 processed >> Clarence.Platt@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 194 of 300 processed >> Russell.Averette@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 195 of 300 processed >> Rudolf.Bohnsack@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 196 of 300 processed >> Melvin.Sikora@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 197 of 300 processed >> Parker.Woll@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 198 of 300 processed >> Gordon.Piatt@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 199 of 300 processed >> Brad.Romine@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 200 of 300 processed >> Houston.Kuehn@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 (PACKET 21 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 201 of 300 processed >> Delmar.Powell@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 202 of 300 processed >> Jean.Maxwell@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 203 of 300 processed >> Minh.Showman@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 204 of 300 processed >> Kendrick.Everett@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 205 of 300 processed >> Cristobal.Ennals@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 206 of 300 processed >> Lanny.Bard@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 207 of 300 processed >> Ernie.Kropp@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 208 of 300 processed >> Darius.Morein@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 209 of 300 processed >> Buster.Grego@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 210 of 300 processed >> Eugenio.Steffensen@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:52 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 (PACKET 22 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 211 of 300 processed >> Cordell.Skerrett@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 212 of 300 processed >> Frank.Blundell@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 213 of 300 processed >> Micah.Kees@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 214 of 300 processed >> Thurman.Hendriks@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 215 of 300 processed >> Jayson.Lutz@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 216 of 300 processed >> Denver.Maguire@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 217 of 300 processed >> Shad.Bechtol@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 218 of 300 processed >> Duane.Cockett@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 219 of 300 processed >> Woodrow.Crownover@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 220 of 300 processed >> Basil.Osburn@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 (PACKET 23 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 221 of 300 processed >> Rudolph.Spadafora@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 222 of 300 processed >> Cesar.Mceachin@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 223 of 300 processed >> Jerome.Hornbuckle@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 224 of 300 processed >> Tom.Tousant@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 225 of 300 processed >> Amos.Marshburn@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 226 of 300 processed >> Sung.Darst@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 227 of 300 processed >> Darrin.Bizier@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 228 of 300 processed >> Jon.Lesniak@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 229 of 300 processed >> Olen.Bouley@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 230 of 300 processed >> Abe.Rey@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:53 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 (PACKET 24 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 231 of 300 processed >> Guadalupe.Uhl@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 232 of 300 processed >> Fabian.Grand@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 233 of 300 processed >> Rubin.Beeks@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 234 of 300 processed >> Ervin.Mcdow@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 235 of 300 processed >> Brent.Girouard@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 236 of 300 processed >> King.Schupp@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 237 of 300 processed >> Josh.Nadler@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 238 of 300 processed >> Armando.Mcgurk@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 239 of 300 processed >> Rosendo.Carruth@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 240 of 300 processed >> Pasquale.Peveto@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:54 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 (PACKET 25 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 241 of 300 processed >> Ramiro.Barter@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 242 of 300 processed >> Winford.Costantino@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 243 of 300 processed >> Clement.Pinkley@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 244 of 300 processed >> Errol.Goines@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 245 of 300 processed >> Edmond.Tejeda@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 246 of 300 processed >> Wilfredo.Jelks@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 247 of 300 processed >> Lynwood.Fils@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 248 of 300 processed >> Carson.Oxner@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 249 of 300 processed >> Valentine.Dealba@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 250 of 300 processed >> Evan.Boser@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 (PACKET 26 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 251 of 300 processed >> Miquel.Bellis@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 252 of 300 processed >> Ignacio.Melecio@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 253 of 300 processed >> Lindsay.Mallon@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 254 of 300 processed >> Norbert.Valade@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 255 of 300 processed >> Paris.Dillingham@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 256 of 300 processed >> Chas.Dibernardo@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 257 of 300 processed >> Rob.Klinger@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 258 of 300 processed >> Adolph.Leister@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 259 of 300 processed >> Lyndon.Weinman@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 260 of 300 processed >> Lyman.Ayars@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:55 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 (PACKET 27 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 261 of 300 processed >> Dwain.Seguin@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 262 of 300 processed >> Waylon.Mcburney@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 263 of 300 processed >> Leonel.Cygan@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 264 of 300 processed >> Gerardo.Joshi@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 265 of 300 processed >> Devon.Brass@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 266 of 300 processed >> Britt.Lebowitz@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 267 of 300 processed >> Doyle.Husbands@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 268 of 300 processed >> Michal.Ram@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 269 of 300 processed >> Mariano.Farley@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 270 of 300 processed >> Hector.Audet@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 (PACKET 28 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 271 of 300 processed >> Richie.Delany@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 272 of 300 processed >> Alexis.Dale@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 273 of 300 processed >> Edmond.Schick@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 274 of 300 processed >> Cornell.Leite@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 275 of 300 processed >> Pierre.Peasley@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 276 of 300 processed >> Chester.Lohmann@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 277 of 300 processed >> Lewis.Jobe@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 278 of 300 processed >> Darrel.Farinas@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 279 of 300 processed >> Willie.Credle@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 280 of 300 processed >> Irving.Bristow@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:56 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 (PACKET 29 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 281 of 300 processed >> Tory.Laino@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 282 of 300 processed >> Fernando.Mcmakin@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 283 of 300 processed >> Gerard.Amon@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 284 of 300 processed >> Vance.Trojacek@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 285 of 300 processed >> Calvin.Rode@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 286 of 300 processed >> Mike.Hollingworth@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 287 of 300 processed >> Tom.Kellerhouse@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 288 of 300 processed >> Bryant.Lambrecht@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 289 of 300 processed >> Jon.Linscott@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 290 of 300 processed >> Jamal.Maclaren@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 -Command received --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 -Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 Authentification accepted --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 (PACKET 30 of 30) --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 291 of 300 processed >> Napoleon.Piersall@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 292 of 300 processed >> Reginald.Weiser@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 293 of 300 processed >> Garry.Seckman@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 294 of 300 processed >> Kory.Koepsell@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 295 of 300 processed >> Jospeh.Theurer@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 296 of 300 processed >> Jere.Para@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 297 of 300 processed >> Leandro.Steib@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 298 of 300 processed >> Jarred.Salido@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 299 of 300 processed >> Ernie.Keifer@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 300 of 300 processed >> Jesus.Warfel@mailinator.com --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 14/04/2014 18:29:57
  22. Each packet is marked "packet x of y" and when the script runs it turns on a killswitch which prevents it from running again until the killswitch is turned off again (marked in the log as "mailer re-powered on"). If I take out the killswitch and the error happens, the same packet will be processed again from the start to finish. There's no duplication in the actual data being parsed though, the script just runs twice for some reason.
  23. Yeah, apologies for the quality of the code. I'm actually a salesperson by profession, not a coder, but it's something I've picked up. There are ineficiences but they shouldn't be causing the problem I'm having. Infact, I should have probably mentioned this, the javascript / php script pair will run fine as long as the sleep (rand 2,20) part is taken out. If that's taken out then the whole thing will run perfectly and rapidly parse and process a big array of data. But if I put the time delay in there, you sometimes get the error at seemingly random intervals which makes me wonder what the problem is. Here's the output to the testlog.txt file on a trial run where the error crops up on packets: 6, 9, 12 and 22: -Log cleared. --- 13/04/2014 19:01:10 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:02:21 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:02:21 -Mailer powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:02:21 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:02:22 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:02:22 (PACKET 1 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:02:22 1 of 300 processed >> Jeffrey.Creviston@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:02:22 2 of 300 processed >> Thaddeus.Brame@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:02:37 3 of 300 processed >> Isiah.Shutt@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:02:50 4 of 300 processed >> Gregory.Chappell@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:03:05 5 of 300 processed >> Kenton.Kanter@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:03:17 6 of 300 processed >> Fredrick.Ake@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:03:32 7 of 300 processed >> Columbus.Mayhue@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:03:41 8 of 300 processed >> Mervin.Delagarza@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:03:49 9 of 300 processed >> Joaquin.Pennington@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:03:57 10 of 300 processed >> Lyman.Alaniz@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:04:14 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:04:19 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:04:19 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:04:19 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:04:19 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:04:19 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:04:19 (PACKET 2 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:04:19 11 of 300 processed >> Clint.Machin@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:04:19 12 of 300 processed >> Dominick.Hemstreet@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:04:28 13 of 300 processed >> Brendon.Dever@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:04:31 14 of 300 processed >> Florentino.Tippie@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:04:49 15 of 300 processed >> Mac.Verrill@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:04:56 16 of 300 processed >> Jesus.Mericle@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:05:00 17 of 300 processed >> Bennett.Schwartzberg@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:05:13 18 of 300 processed >> Deandre.Kehoe@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:05:32 19 of 300 processed >> Robt.Champagne@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:05:46 20 of 300 processed >> Seymour.Youngs@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:05:54 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:06:14 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:06:14 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:06:14 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:06:14 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:06:14 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:06:14 (PACKET 3 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:06:14 21 of 300 processed >> Harry.Medeiros@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:06:14 22 of 300 processed >> Ezra.Spaulding@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:06:28 23 of 300 processed >> Craig.Avalos@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:06:38 24 of 300 processed >> Santo.Larocco@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:06:58 25 of 300 processed >> Clinton.Agudelo@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:07:03 26 of 300 processed >> David.Bennet@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:07:11 27 of 300 processed >> Terrance.Stayton@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:07:28 28 of 300 processed >> Horacio.Browder@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:07:39 29 of 300 processed >> Jamal.Okamura@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:07:47 30 of 300 processed >> Bruno.Plumb@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:07:59 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:08:02 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:08:03 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:08:03 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:08:03 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:08:03 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:08:03 (PACKET 4 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:08:03 31 of 300 processed >> Brant.Rawles@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:08:03 32 of 300 processed >> Arden.Vanderpool@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:08:09 33 of 300 processed >> Dean.Cawley@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:08:16 34 of 300 processed >> Fidel.Gullatt@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:08:30 35 of 300 processed >> Hong.Devenport@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:08:50 36 of 300 processed >> Donovan.Kimberling@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:09:07 37 of 300 processed >> Marcel.Desoto@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:09:16 38 of 300 processed >> Saul.Gonyea@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:09:25 39 of 300 processed >> Arnoldo.Kubala@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:09:29 40 of 300 processed >> Herbert.Lindemann@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:09:44 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:09:50 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:09:50 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:09:50 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:09:50 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:09:50 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:09:50 (PACKET 5 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:09:50 41 of 300 processed >> Ty.Youngman@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:09:50 42 of 300 processed >> Jessie.Carrillo@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:09:58 43 of 300 processed >> Devin.Tittle@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:10:02 44 of 300 processed >> Jonas.Provenza@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:10:09 45 of 300 processed >> Peter.Romanowski@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:10:14 46 of 300 processed >> Darron.Collingsworth@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:10:23 47 of 300 processed >> Milan.Mcclard@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:10:33 48 of 300 processed >> Graig.Sottile@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:10:50 49 of 300 processed >> Leland.Breazeale@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:10:57 50 of 300 processed >> Jackson.Minix@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:11:00 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:11:04 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:11:05 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:11:05 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:11:05 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:11:05 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:11:05 (PACKET 6 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:11:05 51 of 300 processed >> Herb.Burbage@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:11:05 52 of 300 processed >> Kieth.Wilcoxson@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:11:12 53 of 300 processed >> Colin.Schick@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:11:28 54 of 300 processed >> Gus.Scheidler@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:11:40 55 of 300 processed >> Palmer.Trafton@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:11:47 56 of 300 processed >> Jaime.Quinonez@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:12:07 57 of 300 processed >> Jewell.Berenbaum@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:12:09 58 of 300 processed >> Terrence.Mcelvain@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:12:10 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:12:20 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:12:20 (PACKET 6 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:12:20 !Startup aborted as Power set to off. --- 13/04/2014 19:12:20 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:12:20 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:12:20 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:12:20 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:12:20 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:12:20 (PACKET 7 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:12:20 61 of 300 processed >> Raymundo.Avalos@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:12:20 62 of 300 processed >> Beau.Montalbo@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:12:35 63 of 300 processed >> Major.Miele@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:12:55 64 of 300 processed >> Toney.Stoudemire@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:13:15 65 of 300 processed >> Valentin.Hawbaker@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:13:33 66 of 300 processed >> Steve.Quill@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:13:50 67 of 300 processed >> Garland.Kohlmeier@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:14:00 68 of 300 processed >> Cristobal.Montemayor@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:14:08 69 of 300 processed >> Rupert.Gaddis@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:14:28 70 of 300 processed >> Carey.Trainer@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:14:46 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:15:02 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:15:03 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:15:03 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:15:03 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:15:03 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:15:03 (PACKET 8 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:15:03 71 of 300 processed >> Ivory.Miguez@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:15:03 72 of 300 processed >> Porfirio.Beegle@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:15:22 73 of 300 processed >> Prince.Cerrone@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:15:39 74 of 300 processed >> Brendon.Goulet@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:15:50 75 of 300 processed >> Carlo.Kirkpatrick@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:16:05 76 of 300 processed >> Mohammed.Clausen@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:16:20 77 of 300 processed >> Franklyn.Bondy@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:16:28 78 of 300 processed >> Del.Whetzel@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:16:43 79 of 300 processed >> Bruce.Blasingame@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:16:47 80 of 300 processed >> Delmer.Huston@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:16:56 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:17:13 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:17:13 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:17:13 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:17:13 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:17:13 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:17:13 (PACKET 9 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:17:13 81 of 300 processed >> Phil.Eslinger@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:17:13 82 of 300 processed >> Joan.Landreth@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:17:15 83 of 300 processed >> Alan.Watts@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:17:31 84 of 300 processed >> Robin.Rando@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:17:39 85 of 300 processed >> Wilbert.Feltman@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:17:43 86 of 300 processed >> Federico.Kos@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:17:44 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:17:54 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:17:54 (PACKET 9 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:17:54 !Startup aborted as Power set to off. --- 13/04/2014 19:17:54 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:17:54 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:17:54 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:17:54 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:17:54 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:17:54 (PACKET 10 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:17:54 91 of 300 processed >> Gavin.Viera@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:17:54 92 of 300 processed >> Benton.Freudenburg@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:18:05 93 of 300 processed >> Willard.Bellinger@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:18:22 94 of 300 processed >> Dwayne.Tseng@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:18:42 95 of 300 processed >> Ken.Heflin@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:18:52 96 of 300 processed >> Ed.Neisler@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:19:03 97 of 300 processed >> Ethan.Colas@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:19:06 98 of 300 processed >> Raymond.Croney@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:19:16 99 of 300 processed >> Craig.Caverly@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:19:23 100 of 300 processed >> Kenny.Bennetts@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:19:35 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:19:54 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:19:54 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:19:54 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:19:54 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:19:55 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:19:55 (PACKET 11 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:19:55 101 of 300 processed >> Boris.Musselman@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:19:55 102 of 300 processed >> Modesto.Fielding@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:20:00 103 of 300 processed >> Troy.Hosley@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:20:05 104 of 300 processed >> Toney.Coppola@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:20:09 105 of 300 processed >> Chuck.Cordle@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:20:25 106 of 300 processed >> Kerry.Malecha@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:20:29 107 of 300 processed >> Manuel.Whitton@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:20:49 108 of 300 processed >> Jed.Allsop@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:21:00 109 of 300 processed >> Stewart.Frisch@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:21:05 110 of 300 processed >> Burl.Henke@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:21:10 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:21:21 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:21:21 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:21:21 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:21:21 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:21:21 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:21:21 (PACKET 12 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:21:21 111 of 300 processed >> Horacio.Weary@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:21:21 112 of 300 processed >> Woodrow.Waterbury@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:21:36 113 of 300 processed >> Wilmer.Tosi@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:21:42 114 of 300 processed >> Brooks.Schleich@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:22:02 115 of 300 processed >> Alan.Willman@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:22:17 116 of 300 processed >> Quinn.Dunn@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:22:27 117 of 300 processed >> Dexter.Sadberry@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:22:42 118 of 300 processed >> Trent.Dailey@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:22:51 119 of 300 processed >> Murray.Sollars@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:23:02 120 of 300 processed >> Eldridge.Imai@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:23:15 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:23:17 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:23:26 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:23:26 (PACKET 12 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:23:26 !Startup aborted as Power set to off. --- 13/04/2014 19:23:26 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:23:26 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:23:26 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:23:26 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:23:26 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:23:26 (PACKET 13 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:23:26 121 of 300 processed >> Jonah.Mcbride@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:23:26 122 of 300 processed >> Trinidad.Kaplan@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:23:41 123 of 300 processed >> Olin.Hampson@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:23:59 124 of 300 processed >> Gavin.Holahan@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:24:14 125 of 300 processed >> Derick.Walston@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:24:32 126 of 300 processed >> Marcelo.Shima@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:24:34 127 of 300 processed >> Hans.Boos@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:24:50 128 of 300 processed >> Claud.Agosta@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:24:57 129 of 300 processed >> Melvin.Belmonte@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:25:00 130 of 300 processed >> Jonas.Lauro@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:25:09 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:25:19 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:25:19 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:25:19 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:25:19 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:25:20 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:25:20 (PACKET 14 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:25:20 131 of 300 processed >> Dion.Ginther@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:25:20 132 of 300 processed >> Alex.Vanbeek@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:25:22 133 of 300 processed >> Theron.Molino@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:25:29 134 of 300 processed >> Florencio.Kopf@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:25:44 135 of 300 processed >> Reuben.Ries@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:25:50 136 of 300 processed >> Erin.Ahrens@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:26:02 137 of 300 processed >> Clemente.Bickham@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:26:04 138 of 300 processed >> Kenton.Casazza@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:26:08 139 of 300 processed >> Alfred.Brazier@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:26:20 140 of 300 processed >> Moses.Salim@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:26:23 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:26:38 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:26:38 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:26:38 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:26:38 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:26:38 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:26:38 (PACKET 15 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:26:38 141 of 300 processed >> Ken.Meade@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:26:38 142 of 300 processed >> Drew.Lonergan@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:26:53 143 of 300 processed >> Kurt.Durling@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:27:05 144 of 300 processed >> Forrest.Portnoy@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:27:19 145 of 300 processed >> Ned.Whichard@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:27:22 146 of 300 processed >> Anderson.Lupercio@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:27:25 147 of 300 processed >> Carter.Rady@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:27:45 148 of 300 processed >> Sydney.Bonomo@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:27:56 149 of 300 processed >> Miguel.Whittenburg@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:27:59 150 of 300 processed >> Ashley.Sesco@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:28:08 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:28:18 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:28:18 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:28:18 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:28:18 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:28:19 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:28:19 (PACKET 16 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:28:19 151 of 300 processed >> Wilber.Baucom@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:28:19 152 of 300 processed >> Foster.Steen@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:28:35 153 of 300 processed >> Kareem.Marroquin@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:28:39 154 of 300 processed >> Thad.Stanek@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:28:47 155 of 300 processed >> Laverne.Cheslock@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:28:57 156 of 300 processed >> Cristopher.Hannigan@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:28:59 157 of 300 processed >> Hai.Hepp@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:29:08 158 of 300 processed >> Hong.Maxham@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:29:14 159 of 300 processed >> Carlo.Deskin@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:29:21 160 of 300 processed >> Monty.Mccourt@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:29:31 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:29:44 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:29:44 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:29:44 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:29:44 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:29:44 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:29:44 (PACKET 17 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:29:44 161 of 300 processed >> Otto.Niswonger@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:29:44 162 of 300 processed >> Anton.Rutten@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:30:00 163 of 300 processed >> Werner.Swaby@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:30:10 164 of 300 processed >> Charley.Alvelo@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:30:28 165 of 300 processed >> Freeman.Letchworth@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:30:38 166 of 300 processed >> Armand.Wingert@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:30:53 167 of 300 processed >> Julian.Vanderzee@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:31:03 168 of 300 processed >> Lavern.Parenti@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:31:14 169 of 300 processed >> Boyd.Frailey@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:31:32 170 of 300 processed >> Valentin.Giordano@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:31:52 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:32:04 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:32:05 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:32:05 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:32:05 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:32:05 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:32:05 (PACKET 18 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:32:05 171 of 300 processed >> Coy.Marron@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:32:05 172 of 300 processed >> Wilford.Kinzer@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:32:17 173 of 300 processed >> Alfonso.Ezzell@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:32:32 174 of 300 processed >> Vincent.Leonetti@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:32:35 175 of 300 processed >> Rhett.Beadles@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:32:40 176 of 300 processed >> Lupe.Hammer@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:32:56 177 of 300 processed >> Jame.Dinan@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:33:01 178 of 300 processed >> Thaddeus.Pipkins@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:33:06 179 of 300 processed >> Quinton.Cooney@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:33:12 180 of 300 processed >> Terry.Dunaway@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:33:19 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:33:32 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:33:32 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:33:32 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:33:32 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:33:33 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:33:33 (PACKET 19 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:33:33 181 of 300 processed >> Claud.Belknap@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:33:33 182 of 300 processed >> Jacob.Chen@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:33:48 183 of 300 processed >> Gil.Frigo@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:33:51 184 of 300 processed >> Rocco.Sewell@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:34:06 185 of 300 processed >> Johnathan.Farabaugh@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:34:09 186 of 300 processed >> Alden.Moser@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:34:20 187 of 300 processed >> Kraig.Blane@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:34:36 188 of 300 processed >> Jorge.Burgin@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:34:46 189 of 300 processed >> James.Janey@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:35:01 190 of 300 processed >> Josiah.Jinks@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:35:04 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:35:23 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:35:23 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:35:23 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:35:23 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:35:23 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:35:23 (PACKET 20 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:35:23 191 of 300 processed >> Derick.Mullings@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:35:23 192 of 300 processed >> Bud.Mabe@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:35:31 193 of 300 processed >> Clarence.Platt@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:35:49 194 of 300 processed >> Russell.Averette@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:35:57 195 of 300 processed >> Rudolf.Bohnsack@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:36:03 196 of 300 processed >> Melvin.Sikora@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:36:10 197 of 300 processed >> Parker.Woll@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:36:13 198 of 300 processed >> Gordon.Piatt@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:36:27 199 of 300 processed >> Brad.Romine@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:36:44 200 of 300 processed >> Houston.Kuehn@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:37:03 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:37:17 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:37:17 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:37:17 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:37:17 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:37:17 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:37:17 (PACKET 21 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:37:17 201 of 300 processed >> Delmar.Powell@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:37:17 202 of 300 processed >> Jean.Maxwell@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:37:25 203 of 300 processed >> Minh.Showman@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:37:36 204 of 300 processed >> Kendrick.Everett@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:37:44 205 of 300 processed >> Cristobal.Ennals@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:37:54 206 of 300 processed >> Lanny.Bard@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:38:08 207 of 300 processed >> Ernie.Kropp@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:38:12 208 of 300 processed >> Darius.Morein@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:38:26 209 of 300 processed >> Buster.Grego@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:38:45 210 of 300 processed >> Eugenio.Steffensen@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:38:54 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:39:13 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:39:13 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:39:13 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:39:13 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:39:13 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:39:13 (PACKET 22 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:39:13 211 of 300 processed >> Cordell.Skerrett@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:39:13 212 of 300 processed >> Frank.Blundell@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:39:18 213 of 300 processed >> Micah.Kees@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:39:19 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:39:29 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:39:29 (PACKET 22 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:39:29 !Startup aborted as Power set to off. --- 13/04/2014 19:39:29 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:39:29 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:39:29 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:39:29 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:39:29 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:39:29 (PACKET 23 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:39:29 221 of 300 processed >> Rudolph.Spadafora@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:39:29 222 of 300 processed >> Cesar.Mceachin@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:39:35 223 of 300 processed >> Jerome.Hornbuckle@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:39:47 224 of 300 processed >> Tom.Tousant@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:39:58 225 of 300 processed >> Amos.Marshburn@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:40:10 226 of 300 processed >> Sung.Darst@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:40:27 227 of 300 processed >> Darrin.Bizier@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:40:38 228 of 300 processed >> Jon.Lesniak@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:40:46 229 of 300 processed >> Olen.Bouley@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:40:55 230 of 300 processed >> Abe.Rey@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:41:14 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:41:21 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:41:21 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:41:21 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:41:21 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:41:21 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:41:21 (PACKET 24 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:41:21 231 of 300 processed >> Guadalupe.Uhl@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:41:21 232 of 300 processed >> Fabian.Grand@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:41:37 233 of 300 processed >> Rubin.Beeks@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:41:43 234 of 300 processed >> Ervin.Mcdow@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:42:03 235 of 300 processed >> Brent.Girouard@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:42:17 236 of 300 processed >> King.Schupp@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:42:19 237 of 300 processed >> Josh.Nadler@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:42:25 238 of 300 processed >> Armando.Mcgurk@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:42:37 239 of 300 processed >> Rosendo.Carruth@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:42:54 240 of 300 processed >> Pasquale.Peveto@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:43:01 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:43:19 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:43:19 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:43:19 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:43:19 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:43:19 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:43:19 (PACKET 25 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:43:19 241 of 300 processed >> Ramiro.Barter@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:43:19 242 of 300 processed >> Winford.Costantino@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:43:22 243 of 300 processed >> Clement.Pinkley@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:43:32 244 of 300 processed >> Errol.Goines@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:43:52 245 of 300 processed >> Edmond.Tejeda@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:43:59 246 of 300 processed >> Wilfredo.Jelks@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:44:02 247 of 300 processed >> Lynwood.Fils@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:44:15 248 of 300 processed >> Carson.Oxner@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:44:34 249 of 300 processed >> Valentine.Dealba@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:44:41 250 of 300 processed >> Evan.Boser@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:44:51 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:44:59 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:45:00 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:45:00 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:45:00 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:45:00 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:45:00 (PACKET 26 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:45:00 251 of 300 processed >> Miquel.Bellis@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:45:00 252 of 300 processed >> Ignacio.Melecio@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:45:09 253 of 300 processed >> Lindsay.Mallon@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:45:23 254 of 300 processed >> Norbert.Valade@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:45:42 255 of 300 processed >> Paris.Dillingham@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:46:01 256 of 300 processed >> Chas.Dibernardo@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:46:06 257 of 300 processed >> Rob.Klinger@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:46:22 258 of 300 processed >> Adolph.Leister@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:46:31 259 of 300 processed >> Lyndon.Weinman@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:46:42 260 of 300 processed >> Lyman.Ayars@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:46:45 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:46:53 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:46:54 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:46:54 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:46:54 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:46:54 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:46:54 (PACKET 27 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:46:54 261 of 300 processed >> Dwain.Seguin@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:46:54 262 of 300 processed >> Waylon.Mcburney@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:47:11 263 of 300 processed >> Leonel.Cygan@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:47:28 264 of 300 processed >> Gerardo.Joshi@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:47:41 265 of 300 processed >> Devon.Brass@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:47:58 266 of 300 processed >> Britt.Lebowitz@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:48:09 267 of 300 processed >> Doyle.Husbands@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:48:22 268 of 300 processed >> Michal.Ram@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:48:24 269 of 300 processed >> Mariano.Farley@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:48:26 270 of 300 processed >> Hector.Audet@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:48:36 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:48:44 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:48:45 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:48:45 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:48:45 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:48:45 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:48:45 (PACKET 28 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:48:45 271 of 300 processed >> Richie.Delany@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:48:45 272 of 300 processed >> Alexis.Dale@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:49:03 273 of 300 processed >> Edmond.Schick@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:49:14 274 of 300 processed >> Cornell.Leite@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:49:30 275 of 300 processed >> Pierre.Peasley@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:49:47 276 of 300 processed >> Chester.Lohmann@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:50:04 277 of 300 processed >> Lewis.Jobe@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:50:22 278 of 300 processed >> Darrel.Farinas@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:50:31 279 of 300 processed >> Willie.Credle@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:50:47 280 of 300 processed >> Irving.Bristow@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:50:51 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:51:08 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:51:09 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:51:09 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:51:09 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:51:09 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:51:09 (PACKET 29 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:51:09 281 of 300 processed >> Tory.Laino@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:51:09 282 of 300 processed >> Fernando.Mcmakin@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:51:12 283 of 300 processed >> Gerard.Amon@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:51:23 284 of 300 processed >> Vance.Trojacek@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:51:34 285 of 300 processed >> Calvin.Rode@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:51:54 286 of 300 processed >> Mike.Hollingworth@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:52:04 287 of 300 processed >> Tom.Kellerhouse@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:52:19 288 of 300 processed >> Bryant.Lambrecht@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:52:34 289 of 300 processed >> Jon.Linscott@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:52:51 290 of 300 processed >> Jamal.Maclaren@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:52:56 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:53:13 -Command received --- 13/04/2014 19:53:14 -Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:53:14 -Mailer re-powered on. --- 13/04/2014 19:53:14 *** Sendmail script started *** --- 13/04/2014 19:53:14 Authentification accepted --- 13/04/2014 19:53:14 (PACKET 30 of 30) --- 13/04/2014 19:53:14 291 of 300 processed >> Napoleon.Piersall@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:53:14 292 of 300 processed >> Reginald.Weiser@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:53:19 293 of 300 processed >> Garry.Seckman@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:53:21 294 of 300 processed >> Kory.Koepsell@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:53:35 295 of 300 processed >> Jospeh.Theurer@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:53:51 296 of 300 processed >> Jere.Para@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:54:08 297 of 300 processed >> Leandro.Steib@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:54:13 298 of 300 processed >> Jarred.Salido@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:54:22 299 of 300 processed >> Ernie.Keifer@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:54:40 300 of 300 processed >> Jesus.Warfel@mailinator.com --- 13/04/2014 19:54:45 *** Sendmail script ended *** --- 13/04/2014 19:55:02
  24. I have a php script that receives parsed data from a javascript application via xmlhttp. Everything works fine except I'm finding that the php script will sometimes stop while it's processing a chunk of data and restart with the same POST data that was sent to it. I thought that maybe the javascript's xmlhttp might be double firing somehow, but I've ruled that out with an inProgress flag as shown below: function SendPHP(str, callback) { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); str = "q=" + encodeURIComponent(str); xmlhttp.open("POST", "sendmail.php", true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { inProgress = false; if (xmlhttp.status == 200) { callback(xmlhttp.responseText); } } }; xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); if (inProgress == false) { inProgress = true; xmlhttp.send(str); } else { writeDisplayConsole("ERROR: xmlhttp fired twice!"); } } If the xmlhttp tries to send twice then that error is shown and no further packets will be sent. But that's never the case so the php script must be restarting on it's own. Bear in mind that it happens at random intervals regardless if the data is the same. What could be causing this to happen? The php script frequently writes to big text file logs, could that be something to do with it? Here's the php (but since the error happens at random intervals with the same data, I'm not sure how it could be a problem with the php code): <?php writelog("\n*** Sendmail script started ***"); $q = $_POST['q']; //Split auth code and verify $pieces = explode("(<!asplit!>)", $q); $authc=$pieces[0]; $q=$pieces[1]; if ($authc<>"****"){ echo "!Authentification denied."; writelog ("Authentification denied"); die; } writelog ("Authentification accepted"); //Split off packet details $pieces=explode("(<!psplit!>)", $q); $tpack=$pieces[0]; $q=$pieces[1]; $pieces=explode("-", $tpack); $tpacket=$pieces[0]; $ofpacket=$pieces[1]; $totalcontacts=$pieces[2]; //Split contact data from email message $pieces = explode("(<!dsplit!>)", $q); $split=$pieces[0]; $q=$pieces[1]; //Assign contacts to array $contacts = explode ("<!", $split); $tcount=count($contacts); $tcount=$tcount-1; echo "(PACKET "; echo $tpacket; echo " OF "; echo $ofpacket; echo ")- "; writelog("(PACKET " . $tpacket . " of " . $ofpacket . ")"); //Killswitch check incase double run checkKillSwitch("!Startup aborted as Power set to off.",0); checkKillSwitch("!Aborted, Killswitch set to Kill",1); file_put_contents('log/killswitch.txt', "on"); echo $tcount; echo " contacts processing..."; foreach ($contacts as &$value) { //check killswitch checkKillSwitch("Killswitch aborted during runtime",1); $split=explode ("^!", $value); //Get the contact's details $firstname= $split[0]; $lastname= $split[1]; $temail = $split[2]; if ($firstname<>""){ $mainmessage=str_replace("[firstname]",$firstname,$q); $mainmessage=str_replace("[lastname]",$lastname,$mainmessage); //Split off subject $pieces = explode("(/subject)", $mainmessage); $tsubject=$pieces[0]; $mainmessage=$pieces[1]; testLogMail($temail, $tsubject, $mainmessage); //log progress $adder=$adder+1; //For the log, show progress of total (based on 10 per packet change if different) $tadder = (($tpacket-1)*10)+$adder; echo ($tadder . "."); writelog($tadder . " of " . $totalcontacts . " processed >> " . $temail); sleep(rand(2,20)); } } function testLogMail($xaddress, $xsubject, $xmessage){ $tdate=date('d/m/Y H:i:s'); $file = 'log/testmaillog.txt'; // Open the file to get existing content $current = file_get_contents($file); // Enter email $towrite="To: ".$xaddress."\n"; $towrite.="Subject: ".$xsubject."\n"; $towrite.="Date: ".$tdate."\n"; $towrite.="...\n"; $towrite.=$xmessage."\n"; $towrite.="___________________________________\n\n"; $current .= $towrite; // Write the contents back to the file file_put_contents($file, $current); } function writelog($towrite) { $tdate=date('d/m/Y H:i:s'); $file = 'log/testlog.txt'; // Open the file to get existing content $current = file_get_contents($file); // Append a new person to the file $current .= $towrite." --- ".$tdate."\n"; // Write the contents back to the file file_put_contents($file, $current); } function checkKillSwitch($towrite, $killtype){ if ($killtype==0){ $killswitch = file_get_contents('log/killswitch.txt'); if ($killswitch=="on") { echo $towrite; writelog($towrite); die; } } if ($killtype==1){ $killswitch = file_get_contents('log/killswitch.txt'); if ($killswitch=="kill") { echo $towrite; writelog($towrite); die; } } } writelog("*** Sendmail script ended ***"); ?>
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