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  1. A member @kicken pointed me towards: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/class.directoryiterator.php which I am looking over now and so far it is looking pretty promising.
  2. Hey Guys, I am new to PHP and have been creating a quick distributor area for my company and everything has gone well Google has been my friend for the last few days and now I have hit a door and it isn't budging. Here is what I am trying to make using CSS/HTML and PHP: The script itself is going to be calling displayed to anyone who logs in (I already have the sessions worked out, just need help with this script). And well, it seems all well and good on paper but when I try to cut it out of the paper it turns into shambles and my brain turns to mush and I get annoyed etc etc.. Even if I was to be able to get the template coded and working I would have had an easier time explaining this to you.. The files are going to be stored in one folder is going to be called.. you guessed it "Files" so its going to be domain.com/distrib/files/, the files are going to be uploaded by another script which brings me to my next question.. If I get the above script working, how can I get it to update the list periodically? So say I have file 1,2,3 and 4 in the list, then I decide to upload a new file called file 5 how could I get the list to add file 5 automatically? I know its going to be something simple like a directory lookup or something but this door is in my way of progress. Any help will be very much appreciated (Even give you a mention in the final script if you wish). James --- <3
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