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  1. Audacious

    Hi :)

    Amateur PHP programmer and wants to make PHP as a career. I'm still a student studying about computers. I've been into coding since 12. I started with simple HTML codes with notepad and started exploring the web and used different software for web designing like Coffee HTML editor and Dreamweaver. I also had experience coding with Visual Basic 6 and 2008 and also with C/C++. I know some Java but I'm not that good enough. Instead of being a computer geek, I play video games, swim on the nearby community pool and read some interesting books. I don't mind learning and trying new stuff. I prefer learning hands-on than theories. I'm also interested with Music and Mathematics (especially binaries). I am also a poet (though recently haven't write any poems due to being busy at a university I am attending to). Where I am from and how old am i? I'd like to keep it to myself for now. I'm here to learn more about PHP and get help when I need it Also, help others when I can.
  2. Hi I'm new here in this forum and I'm currently developing a system that is coded in PHP... Right now, I'm building a registration page.. In my coding here, the first name, middle name, surname, position, company name, company address, telephone number, email and password should not be left blank. I don't have problems with the fields except Email. I'm going dizzy looking at what's wrong with my coding. Please help me! KNOWN PROBLEMS: It does not display "Email Already Exist" when i put an email from the database. I don't know where i should put my addtoDB function. checkEmail function does not return a value TOOLS USED FOR THIS: Notepad ++ Dreamweaver (For the HTML forms layout) Easy PHP server (I use this to compile my PHP codes and at the same time, connect to a sql database using PHPMyAdmin) *I believe there's a lot of errors here in my codes. if you find them, please let me know My php codes are within my website. I use $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] on the form tag. I did this to save time and to avoid being confused on debugging when i should find the codes on my folder. Anyway, I mix my HTML and PHP codes in one .php file. I know this works fine. Only that I think what's wrong with this code is the logical error. I have tested this on a PHP compiler and there's no syntax error. Here's my php tag that is responsible for validating my fields: <?php // Validates the registration form before it is saved to the database // set to empty values $fnamErr = $mnamErr = $snamErr = $cnamErr = $posErr = $addErr = $telErr = $mobErr = $faxErr = $emailErr = $passErr = $rpassErr = " "; $check = $fnam = $mnam = $snam = $cnam = $pos = $add = $tel = $mob = $fax = $email = $pass = $rpass = " "; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (empty($_POST["fnam"])) { $fnamErr = " * "; } else { $fnam = test_input($_POST["fnam"]); } //Test first name if its valid if (empty($_POST["mnam"])) { $mnamErr = " * "; } else { $mnam = test_input($_POST["mnam"]); } //Test middle name if its valid if (empty($_POST["snam"])) { $snamErr = " * "; } else { $snam = test_input($_POST["snam"]); } //Test surname if its valid if (empty($_POST["cnam"])) { $cnamErr = " * "; } else { $cnam = test_input($_POST["cnam"]); } //Test company name if its valid if (empty($_POST["pos"])) { $posErr = " * "; } else { $pos = test_input($_POST["pos"]); } //Test Position if its valid if (empty($_POST["add"])) { $addErr = " * "; } else { $add = test_input($_POST["add"]); } //Test Address if its valid if (empty($_POST["tel"])) { $telErr = " * "; } else { $tel = test_input($_POST["tel"]); } //Test Telephone if its valid if (empty($_POST["pass"])) { $passErr = " * "; } else { $pass = test_input($_POST["pass"]); //Test password if its valid $count = strlen($pass); // count characters if ($count < 4) { $passErr = "Password must contain at least 4 characters. Enter correct password."; } } if (empty($_POST["rpass"])) { $rpassErr = " * "; } else { $rpass = test_input($_POST["rpass"]); //Test re-entered password if its valid if ($pass != $rpass) { $rpassErr = "Doesn't match the password."; { echo addtoDB(); echo "<script>alert('Registration Complete! You are automatically directed to the Home page.'); location.href='MAIN.php'; </script>"; }} } if (empty($_POST["email"])) { $emailErr = " * "; } //Test email if its valid else { $email = test_input($_POST["email"]); $a=""; $check = checkEmail($a); } if (!preg_match("/([\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+.[\w\_]+)/",$email)) { $emailErr = "Invalid email format. Enter correct email"; echo $check;} if ($email == $check) { $emailErr="Email Already exists"; } } ?> Here's my other php tag: <?php //Functions are listed in here for calling function checkEmail($em) //checks if email already exists { $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","ojt_ms"); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $clog = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM `company info` "); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($clog)) { $em = $row['email']; } return $em; } function test_input($data) { //To avoid hacking of database called SQL INJECTION //This function removes other unnecessary characters //That hackers may used to get on the website //This is for security issues $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } function addtoDB() //adds form to database { $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","ojt_ms"); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $sql=mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO `company info` (`fnam`, `mnam`, `snam`, `pos`, `cnam`, `cadd`, `tel`, `mob`, `fax`, `pass`, `email`) VALUES ( '$_POST[fnam]', '$_POST[mnam]', '$_POST[snam]', '$_POST[pos]', '$_POST[cnam]', '$_POST[add]', '$_POST[tel]', '$_POST[mob]', '$_POST[fax]', '$_POST[pass]', '$_POST[email]' ) "); mysqli_close($con); return; } ?> I appreciate any help as possible. Thank you
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