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  1. would like to apologize if this is a silly question, but I really don't know how to write that in javascript.
  2. so I am not the best coder, and have been having a really hard time getting this devision in javascript. I would put it in html, but I use javascript to clear the page <div id="test" style='position:fixed;bottom:0;left:0; height:76;background:darkorange;width:100%;'><h><object width="75" onclick="web()" height="75" data="img1.jpg"></object> <object width="75" onclick="mdoge()" height="75" data="img2.jpg"></object> <object width="75" onclick="word()" height="75" data="img3.jpg"></object></h></div> so that code above is the code I need to put in a document.write of something of equivalence. Is there any way to put this in javascript? thank you
  3. This is just my firs php script, only for my friends and I. ok back to the drawing board...
  4. so I have been making a php chat service, and when i use this code: Welcome <?php echo $_COOKIE["username"]; ?><br> chatroom: <?php echo $_COOKIE["chatroom"]; ?> <?php $phpfile=$_COOKIE["chatroom"]; $chpage = $phpfile .".php"; $chtext = $phpfile .".txt"; $filename = $_COOKIE["chatroom"] . ".txt"; $myfile = fopen($filename, "r") or die("Unable to open file!"); fopen($myfile); fclose($myfile); include $chtxt; ?> <form action="post.php" method="post"> message: <input type="text" name="msg"><br> <input type="submit"> </form> I get a 403 error. I does anyone know that is wrong with the code? there are more files that set the cookies but they work fine. I can't find anything wrong. please help.
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