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Posts posted by wildteen88

  1. The design isn't that nice however i was suprised its a "table-less" design.

    I would recommend you to scrap your images as they are all pixelated and very unprofessional. Think about your grammer and spelling and making sure your sentances make sense too. Also you say you have a passion for web design, I can tell you their aint much passion in your site design at the moment.

    You might want to think about completly redesigning your site which will show all the knowledge that you have studied/learn't every language under the sun. At the moment it shows a couple of hours of HTML and CSS and a touch of "MS Paint".

    If you want business coming your way then you should seriously try to make your site a lot more professional showing what you can do on your site. With HTML/CSS/PHP.
  2. You can send emails but you just need an address to an SMTP server. You dont have to have your site hosted by a webhost to send an email. You just go to find a public SMTP server that you can send emails through without having to sign into the SMTP server. Usually ISPs (Internet Service Provider - the company you pay to use the Internet) use POP/SMTP so their customers can send/recieve emails.

    You should be able to get an address to your ISPs SMTP server so you can send emails through PHP to it. But if the SMTP server requires athenitication then you wont be able to use the mail server.

    I use my ISPs mail server which is smtp.ntlworld.com - however I believe you can only send emails through NTLs SMTP server unless you're an NTL customer but you can try. Just copy and paste that into your php.ini to replace
    [b]SMTP = localhost [/b]
    [b]SMTP = smtp.ntlworld.com [/b]

    Save your php.ini and restart your server software (IIS, Apache etc).
  3. So you want to disply Hi instead of Bye?

    I dont get what you are trying to do. PHP is not like Javascript you know where you click say a link and the text in the certain div changes to something else. PHP is completly different the code will only run when you request a page, ie when you submit a form or click a link.

    Can you please explain in more detail about what you are attempting to do when you click the delete button. As currently your code is working correctly as when you request a page nothing will be set in the $_POST variable until you send _POST data to one of your pages, which the $_POSt['iii'] variable will be set when you click the delete button and your form submits, untill your form submits nothing will evaluate to true in the current you are using to show Hi or Bye.

    Take this example:

        echo "You have clicked the link! (Hi)";
        echo "Oh, You havn't clicked the link. (Bye)";

    <p><a href="?iii=Delete">Click this link</a></p>[/code]That code is the same as what you have got currently but I'm using a link and submitting the data over the URL whihc is the GET method. That is currently way your script is doing. The message [i]Oh, You havn't clicked the link. (Bye)[/i] wont change until you click the link.
  4. If you want to submit your form data over the URL then change your method attribute in your form to GET then any thing you submit via the form will places in the URL instead in this format:

    password and submit are you form elements and any think after the equals sign is the value.
  5. You need to point PHP to a SMTP sever. The address is usally like smtp.hostname.com. Usually you your ISP deals with an SMTP server so tehir customer can send and recieve emails with thier account. If your ISP has an smtp server then use the address for that smtp server and PHP should be able to send an email through the smpt server you specify.

    localhost which is your PC won't have an SMPT server to send emails.
  6. What are you trying to do? Becuase that is the correct result your getting with the following codet:
    [code] if(isset($_POST['iii'])) {
    echo "Hi";
    else {
      echo "Bye";
    Because what the above code does is check whether $_POST['iii'] is set, if it is it'll echo out [b]Hi[/b], otherwise if $_POST['iii'] is not set it'll echo [b]Bye[/b]. This code will run with or without the Delete button being clicked.

    So what are you trying to do?
  7. Why not try out [a href=\"http://www.webhostfreaks.com/web-hosting.php\" target=\"_blank\"]WebHostFreaks.com[/a]. Prices are at the bottom of the page the link goes to.

    It is reliable as I believe PHPFreaks.com is hosted of webhostfreaks.com or ServerPowered, however webhostfreaks.com are hosted of ServerPowered.com. So you have two webshots you can look either Webhostfreaks.com and ServerPowered.com.
  8. Its not working because you are not use backticks but single quotes around the word table, Backticks are these: ` (hit the key just above the the [b]Tab[/b] key, or the one directly underneath the [b]Esc[/b] key to inset a backtick).

    You are doing 'table' instead of [!--sizeo:4--][span style=\"font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--][b][!--coloro:red--][span style=\"color:red\"][!--/coloro--]`[!--colorc--][/span][!--/colorc--][/b][!--sizec--][/span][!--/sizec--]table[!--sizeo:4--][span style=\"font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--][b][!--coloro:red--][span style=\"color:red\"][!--/coloro--]`[!--colorc--][/span][!--/colorc--][/b][!--sizec--][/span][!--/sizec--].
  9. When you apply any changes to the php.ini you will need to restart your server. But I would not recommend you to turn regsiter_globals on. If you have other scripts running on the server these may stop running due to register_globals being turned on.

    Register Globals can become a security issue and is recommended by php.net to have it turned off, which is why its off by defualt. I would not recommend you to use the script you are truing to use, or see if there is another version so you can run it with register_global off.
  10. Either delete or rename the install folder and everthing will be all fine. This is not a PHP error message but an error message being produced by oscommerce.

    Now make sure you have ran through the required steps oscommerce may need to be fully installed, to chekc you mighjt want to read through the documentation, then just delete or rename the install folder. You're best of just deleting the install folder for added security.
  11. As I said before it helps if you can post [b]ALL[/b] error messages, maybe not all but a few of them here in full so we can help you a lot more. Without seening any error messages we are shooting in the dark so we can't help you much.

    For now I would recommend yo uto read through [a href=\"http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=37442&view=findpost&p=146490\" target=\"_blank\"]this post[/a] here to see if that post can help rectify your problem.
  12. [b]EDIT[/b] Ooh crap! I didn't rerad your post correclty. What I would recommend you to do instead then is just change:
    [code]$garage = $_POST['garage'];
    $cellar = $_POST['cellar'];
    $garden = $_POST['garden'];
    $pool = $_POST['pool'];[/code]
    to the following:
    [code]$garage = (isset($_POST['garage']) ? $_POST['garage'] : '');
    $cellar = (isset($_POST['cellar'] ? $_POST['cellar']: '');
    $garden = (isset($_POST['garden'] ? $_POST['garden'] : '');
    $pool = (isset($_POST['pool'] ? $_POST['pool']  : '');[/code]

    This should stop the errors from appearing, as it checks whether for example the cellar ckeckbox has been checked, if has it'll set the value of $cellar to the value $_POST['cellar'], but if $_POST['celler'] isn;t set it give the value of $celler the value of nothing.

    Hope that helps

    [b]----------------------- BELOW IS WHAT I POSTES REVIOUSLY BUT STILL APPLIES -----------------------[/b]

    The problem is checkboxes are treated differently when submiitting a checkbox compared to a normal textarea. When you name your checkboxes you need to name all the same by give them seperate values wiith the [b]value[/b] attribute instead. So if you rename you checkboxes to the following, such as [b]places[][/b] and dont forget to put this - [] - at the of the name too, that way you checkbox data gets sent as an array within the $_POST['places'] array.
    [code]<input type="checkbox" name="places[]" value="Garage" /></td>
    <input type="checkbox" name="places[]" value ="Cellar" /></td>
    <input type="checkbox" name="places[]" value="Garden" /></td>
    <input type="checkbox" name="places[]" value ="Pool" /></td>[/code]
    Now to see which checkboxes have been ticked you use this code:
    [code]foreach($_POST['places'] as $k => $v)
        echo "You have selected - " . $v . "<br />\n";
    }[/code]What this code does is loop through the $_POST['places'] array and then echoes out which checkboxes you have submitted.

    Only checked checkboxes get submitted. Unchecked checkboxes dont get submitted.

    Hope that helps.
  13. [!--quoteo(post=364730:date=Apr 14 2006, 10:22 AM:name=Yesideez)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(Yesideez @ Apr 14 2006, 10:22 AM) [snapback]364730[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]
    You have created "TABLE" yet you're trying to access "table".[/quote]
    Actually that is not the case here, beacuse if MySQL couldn't find a TABLE called "table" then it'll be a complety different error message.

    What I would recommend you to do is to apply backticks to the word [b]table[/b] in your SELECT query as the word table is a predefined keyword inside MySQL. So MySQL is gettinga little confused. If you apply backtick MySQL will then treat the word table as-is. So change your query to this:

    [!--sql--][div class=\'sqltop\']SQL[/div][div class=\'sqlmain\'][!--sql1--][span style=\'color:blue;font-weight:bold\']SELECT[/span] * [color=green]FROM[/color] [color=orange]`table`[/color] [!--sql2--][/div][!--sql3--]
  14. I guess this si the code you're using to convert [br] tp <br>?
    [code]$SUMMARY = str_replace('[','<',$data['SUMMARY']);
    $SUMMARY = str_replace(']','>',$data['SUMMARY']);[/code]
    If so change it to:
    [code]$SUMMARY = str_replace("[br]", "<br />", $data['SUMMARY']);[/code]
    Also why are you using [br] why not just hit enter to add a new line in your textarea, then use nl2br when you retrieve the data out of the database instead? Makes life so much easier.
  15. [!--quoteo(post=364470:date=Apr 13 2006, 05:24 PM:name=Orio)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(Orio @ Apr 13 2006, 05:24 PM) [snapback]364470[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]
    I dont know...
    Is there a way knowing by using phpinfo() or something?

    EDIT- just went over the info phpinfo() gives, and I cant find anything about writing to files.

    What Kan ment was does your file 46.txt have the correct CHMOD settings set, this is nothing to do with how PHP is setup but the permissions on the file(s) you are writting data to.
  16. If nothing is being added to your Database then there is a likely chance you have an error with your Query. To find out change this:
    [code]mysql_query($query) or die("Error: " . mysql_error());[/code]
    Run you code again this time if there is a problem with your query it'll stop the script and show an error message. if it does return an error, post the full error message here and we'll try to help.
  17. Oh, ok. I think I know why you couldn't post becuase of the use of f read, f write etc (with out the spaces). If you put space in from f read, f write then you'll be able to post.

    The thing that causes this is due to a security script that is installed on the server which checks the contents of any POST data and if finds something like f read, f write or any other functions it thinks your attacking the forum/server and so you get an Access Denied error.
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