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  1. Thanks for your response... how would you go about creating an array before it compiles $results? At which point in the script? Example? Thank you again!
  2. Hello - hoping to find some direction with this. I think this is fairly simple for more experienced php coders but I'm having trouble with it. It's a php grep text string search that results in a list of files that contain the string. Hoping to split the $results value (list of file names) into separate links to open the file. I was able to convert into a link for the first file listed, but it links to that same file for all the entries in the list. I assume that maybe an array of $results needs to be created first rather than try and work with $results at the end? <?php /** * E.Yekta * cafewebmaster.com */ define("SLASH", stristr($_SERVER[SERVER_SOFTWARE], "win") ? "\\" : "/"); $path = ($_POST[path]) ? $_POST[path] : dirname(__FILE__) ; $q = $_POST[q]; function php_grep($q, $path){ $fp = opendir($path); while($f = readdir($fp)){ if( preg_match("#^\.+$#", $f) ) continue; // ignore symbolic links $file_full_path = $path.SLASH.$f; if(is_dir($file_full_path)) { $ret .= php_grep($q, $file_full_path); } else if( stristr(file_get_contents($file_full_path), $q) ) { $ret .= "$file_full_path\n"; } } return $ret; } if($q){ $results = php_grep($q, $path); } echo <<<HRD <pre > <form method=post> <input name=path size=100 value="$path" /> Path <input name=q size=100 value="$q" /> Query <input type=submit> </form> $results </pre > HRD; ?> php_grep.php
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