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  1. A joomla module have the following code which displays the date of an article, and to a seperate line the linked title of that article. Please help me on how to change that code so that the date and the title of the article to be presented in the same line? <div class="smartlatest-title"> <?php if($params->get('show_date',1)) echo '<div class="smartlatest-date">'.strftime($params->get('date_format','%d-%m-%Y'), strtotime($item->publish_up)).'</div>'; ?> <?php if($params->get('link_title',1)) { ?><a href="<?php echo $item->link; ?>" class="smartlatest-title-link"><?php } ?> <?php echo $item->title; ?> <?php if($params->get('link_title',1)) { ?></a><?php } ?> </div>
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