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  1. Yes, it is cakephp,unfortunitly I cannot code PHP but I understand how it works and can figure out changes based on other code. I will give it a try. I am assuming the controller is in the cake folder. Thankyou for your replies. Tim
  2. I hope I am in the right place. I have a country array and I need the USA value to be the default value. what changes to the empty"=>"-Select-")); do i need. If I change select to USA it is just a lable. I am trying to select a value in the array an make it the current record. App::import("Vendor","ListingFieldProperties"); } ?> <h2 class="module_title"><?php echo __("Select Country");?></h2> <?php $options = ListingFieldProperties::getCountriesOptions(); echo $form->input(ListingFieldProperties::COUNTRY_FIELD,array("type"=>"select","options"=>$options,"label"=>"","empty"=>"-Select-")); ?> <h2 class="module_title state_field_title"><?php echo __("Select State");?></h2> <?php //$options = ListingFieldProperties::getStateOptions(); $options = array(); echo $form->input(ListingFieldProperties::STATE_FIELD,array("type"=>"select","options"=>$options,"label"=>"","empty"=>"All")); ?> <div id='state_city_search_animation_div'></div> <h2 class="module_title city_field_title"><?php echo __("Select City");?></h2> <?php $options = array();
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