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Posts posted by jamesmargolis

  1.   In the code below, I am trying to produce a google-like page where the user can type keywords
    and pages of search results are displayed.
      The main difficulty I am encountering is that when the browser changes pages, it forgets everything about current data.    Perhaps I should include the display of pages inside the HTML form ? How can I fix this code ?

     Here is the contents of my searchpage.php file :

    if(isset($_POST['search_submitted'])) {
        for($k=1;$k<=$totalNbrOfItems;$k++) {
          $search_results[$k]='Your keywords '$keyowrds.' have been found in item number '.$k;
        $nbrOfItemsParPage = 5;
        $nbrOfPages = ceil($totalNbrOfItems / $nbrOfItemsParPage);
        // Compute current page
        $current_page = (isset($_GET['page']))?intval($_GET['page']):1;
        $display_pages=($nbrOfPages<2)?'<p>Page : ':'<p>Pages : ';
        for ($i = 1 ; $i <= $nbrOfPages ; $i++)
            if ($i == $current_page) //No link to the current page
                $display_pages=$display_pages.$i.' ';
                $display_pages=$display_pages.'<a href="searchpage.php?'.
                $i . '</a> ';
        for($k=1;$k<=$nbrOfItemsParPage;$k++) {
    echo '<form method="post" action="searchpage.php">'.
    ' Type your keywords here : <br><br>'.
    '<textarea cols="65" rows="1" '.
    'id="keywords_id" name="keywords">'.$keywords.'</textarea>'.
    '<input type="submit" name="search_submitted" id="search_submitted_id" value="Search" /> '.
    echo $display_search_results;
  2. What do you mean by the term "from the internet"


    From a dropbox or an online image repository, for example.

    If the user chooses to upload "from his computer", everything will work as with an ordinary "input type="file"".

    If the user chooses to upload "from the web", he is to be provided a text field in which he will type the URL of the image/audio/video.


    I know this is something already implemented in many sites ; for example, if you click on the image icon in the panel at http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/ask, you get exactly what I am looking for

  3. I know about

    <input type="file" >

    which allows one to upload files from one’s computer. But
     now I need a pop-up window that allows the user to choose first if he uploads from his computer or from the internet. How may I achieve that ?

      This question is perhaps better suited for the "Javascript" or even "AJAX" forum ; if someone
    advises me to, I will move that question and put it in the appropriate forum.


    A <table> will work, but I prefer to use style="float:right;".


    I recommend always coding the floated nodes as first in the group of nodes so that the floated node will be at the top of its container.

    <input name="words" type="text" id="words" size="60" /><br><br>
    <input type="button" id="rb" name="rightbutton" value="rightbutton" style="float:right;"  />
    <input type="button" id="lb" name="leftbutton" value="leftbutton"  />

    It works. Thanks! There is no way to mark a topic as solved in this forum ?

  5.  I wish to display a text field with two buttons under it, and I want one of the button on the leftmost part   (that’s very easy because that's the default), and the other on the rightmost part (this I don’t really know how to implement this). I am currently using something like this :

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <input name="words" type="text" id="words" size="60" /><br><br>
    <input type="button" id="lb" name="leftbutton" value="leftbutton"  />
    <input type="button" id="rb" name="rightbutton" value="rightbutton"  />

    With this kind of code, I can adjust the number of   to make the other button fit on the far right,
    but that’s obviously not the right way to do things.
     Perhaps I should use a table ? How ?




    Thanks for your help hansford. Your solution makes the button write something, but the <span> tag is just output "as is" instead of being interpreted as HTML code. The reason I'm putting a <span> around the character is that, if I don't, the text area starts writing right-to-left as in Hebrew after the character has been inserted. And I don't want that behavior since this is meant for texts which short quotes in Hebrew, not texts entirely written in Hebrew.

  7. I’m trying to construct a button that simply writes an "aleph" character into a text area, see below.

    My code does not work, can anyone tell me why ? How should I fix it ?

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript">
          //JavaScript code goes here
    function insertAtEnd(text)
      var theArea = document.getElementById("thisArea");
      theArea.value += '' + text + '';;
    <input type="button" id="aleph" name="aleph" value="Write an aleph"
    onClick="javascript:insertAtEnd(\'<span>א</span>\');return(false)" />
    <textarea id="thisArea">  </textarea>
  8. Now, with the code below I get the correct output except that the preview field   appears outside the table even though I declare it inside

    echo '<form method="post" action="proceedtopost.php?>'.
    '<td style width="50%">'.
    '<fieldset> Write your post here : <br> <textarea cols="50" rows="12" '.
    'id="message" name="message">'.$text.'</textarea>'.
    '</fieldset> <p> '.
    '<input type="submit" name="submit" formaction="writepost.php" value="Preview" /> '.
    '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Sent" /> '.
    '<fieldset> Your post will appear as follows :<br>'.
  9.   I’m trying to write a post-panel where the user can see the preview of his post to the right of the
    text area he’s writing into.
      I tried the following into a file called writepost.php :

    echo '<form method="post" action="proceedtopost.php?>'.
    '<td style width="50%"><tr>'.
    '<fieldset> Write your post here : <br> <textarea cols="50" rows="12" '.
    'id="message" name="message">'.$text.'</textarea>'.
    '</fieldset> <p> '.
    '<input type="submit" name="submit" formaction="writepost.php" value="Preview" /> '.
    '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Sent" /> '.
    '<fieldset> Your post will appear as follows :<br><p> '.

    There are several things wrong with this code :

      1) When the user hits the "Preview" button, I expect writepost.php to be reloaded (this is what happens), and the current content of the textarea to be stored in $_GET['message'] (this is not what happens).

      2) Why does my browser output the preview part under the text area (or in other words outputs the HTML table as a single column of two cells), when I insist in my HTML code for the table to be displayed  as a single row ?

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