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  1. Hi and thanks again I see no change with the below. I am wondering where your files are. I have download.php and index.php in the same folder as the 2 "r" text files. Your functions.php, log and TalkPHP_Timer.class.php are inside an "Includes" folder. Perhaps you need to download the php files you don't have from the link and replicate that structure, if you have not already? I had a look at http://php.net/manual/en/function.var-dump.php but was not too sure what command you wanted me to run from which directory. Various commands are suggested in the comments. I'll do that when you let me know.
  2. Hello Many thanks again for your help and explanation. It's not yet working with your krsort code below. All the download counts are reset to 0 and there is no descending by date sort. There are some other script files which I did not mention before as I thought only the snippet I posted was relevant. If you have time to look at it I made a demo page here http://gaclrecords.org.uk/scripts/ where you can see and download the relevant files. "functions.php" has your modified snippet inserted and as you can see does not count when you refresh the page. "functionsold.php" is the code which works when renamed to "functions.php" - except it only does descending alphanumeric sort on on the file name. The objective is to have the "r92502_0628.txt" file at the top of the list as it has a later time stamp than the "r92503_0627.txt" file.
  3. Hi Joel24 - many thanks for your reply. There is only a single log file. When a new file for download is added to the download location, the script adds a new line for that file at the bottom of the log. Each time any file is downloaded, the log is updated with the new count for that file. Each line in the log has the form <file name>TAB<download count>
  4. I'm seeking to change a download counter script: http://www.phpkode.com/source/s/dscript-php-file-download-counter/dscript-php-file-download-counter/Includes/functions.php so that it sorts by descending date order of filename as seen by the server instead of sorting in descending alphanumeric order of filename as now. The script counts downloads for files stored on a server, saves the download counts in a log file, then using an array built from the log file, outputs the download count for each file to a web page. This is the function I believe needs to change // Function to read the log file, and return an array as (filename => downloads) function read_log() { global $path; // Declare Array for holding data read from log file $name = array(); // array for file name $count = array(); // array for file count $file = @file("$path/Includes/log"); if(empty($file)) { return null; } // Read the entire contents of the log file into the arrays $file = fopen("$path/Includes/log","r"); while ($data = fscanf($file,"%[ -~]\t%d\n")) { list ($temp1, $temp2) = $data; array_push($name,$temp1); array_push($count,$temp2); } fclose($file); // $file_list contains data read from the log file as an array (filename => count) $file_list=@array_combine($name,$count); ksort($file_list); // Sorting it in alphabetical order of key return $file_list; } The log file syntax is file name then a TAB then download count (0 or higher). New files are added frequently which the script has to count. I need the latest added file to be at the top of the web page but I now need to change the file names of new files which causes them not to come to the top of the list if sorted as now. I looked at these http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16733128/sort-array-by-date-in-descending-order-by-date-in-php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6401714/php-order-array-by-date https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3302900/how-to-sort-output-from-several-log-files-by-date but I don't get a specific enough idea of what I must change in the script above the lines where ksort is invoked.
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