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Everything posted by dil_bert

  1. hello dear php-freaks i tried to create a vserver with webmin the browser says: well - first question: did i succeed in configuring the name-server? i think so - since i have a response with the url.... i guess that the vhost - creation was not successful.
  2. Hello dear PHP-experts i want to formate a external hard drive with linux-file-system - how to do that if the external hard drive is foramtted with MS file system you will lose the permission info and you may have problems restoring it correctly. so i want to formate the external hdd with linux. can i do that with gparted or should i do it with the commandline many thanks in advance for your help
  3. well one solution might be: iff all the accounts are imap, and we have the mails on the mail servers, no problem: just delete your 20.000 mails (i assume that's what you meant). but then, before thunderbird starts automatically downloading them again, we have to make sure it is set up to not create too many local copies of our mail. and besides that, all this can be achieved by: - opening the menu: Edit => Account settings => Synchronization & Storage and making the appropriate adjustments, seperately for each account. - deleting the "$HOME/.thunderbird/XXXXXXXX.default/ImapMail" folder But wait: how to find out if i use imap - can you help here?
  4. good day dear php-freaks i have tbird installed on a notebook. now his tbird has more than 20 kmails - how to clean this ? i have to celan this. how can this be done!?
  5. hello dear php-freaks running a wp version 4.2.2 with a theme 2014 the Plugins: metaslider, shortcode-ultimate can i run metaslider in a Posting with a alignment on the left or the right side. note: i do not want to have the meta slider filling out the whole width of the posting. question: can this be arranged with the shortcode-ultimate plugin in other words one example: can i run the meta-slider on the left side and text on the left? see the example-site: http://www.ex-libri.org here you can see the Metaslider. tried to do this with the following code .metaslider { max-width: 50% !important; float: right; } this code snipped i have added into a plugin called simple custom-css taken from here https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-custom-css/ but as you see the page http://www.ex-libri.org - it makes the metaslider half width - but there is no floating of the text. can i make the visibilitiy of the meta slider as described - with floating around text if you have any question - please just ask - then i can explain more
  6. hello dear php-freaks http://www.xy vs. www.xy how to adjust the webmin-apache? fairly new to webmin i have set up several pages but i have to type http://www.xy vs. www.xy to access the page why is this so? how to adjust the webmin-apache?
  7. hello dear php community today a question regarding facebook.- note; i have a little facebook-page can a facebook page like other pages? i saw this on the page: https://www.facebook.com/exlibris.ch just scroll down the page till you see the following block ## "liked by this page " i allways thougth that this is just impossible - that it is not possible that pages like other sites. what do you say?
  8. good day dear requinix many many thanks for the reply - glad to hear from you well i thougt that i can use the dd-command. But your ideas are worth to think over. my colleague here - in the office told me that i should go the dd-ing way. but your ideas are quiet very interesting. welll - if i take the external-drive and do a copy with command line then i can use the dd-command do you think so? regarding the dd-command The powerful dd command is quiet very very simple - at least to my opinion and i would say it is a pretty efficient command. i guess that we can say that this command works as following : dd if=[input location] of=[output location] conv=sync,noerror note; conv=sync,noerrorwill prevent problems from read errors. we don’t need it, but it sucks to see our backup halt 12 hours in because of a small error on your disk. that said; The input and output locations can be files, folders, partitions, media, anything. In our case we can, for example, make an ISO image of a CD by setting the input as /dev/cdrom and the output as cdcopy.iso. But wait; we do not want to create a iso. We want to do a backup! In our case, we will set the input to the drive to backup and the output to our external drive. Therefore we have to open a terminal and type our command using the locations from #5: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb conv=sync,noerror (here we have to (!!!!) make sure that we have the right locations!!!: note; we want to use a external-drive. Conclusion: To restore our backup, we can use the dd-command - it is simple and powerful. Any idea to add?
  9. hello dear comunity how to make a copy on DVD - want to save all the data background: my notebook stops every day. i guess that it is likely to quit the job very soon. what do i need to do to do a full copy can i do this a. on comand line with the dd command `?
  10. hello dear php-experts i run a request on osm - the openstreetmap tool: see here overpass turbo - see the request below well - though i could use the blob-feature of the mysql-db i also can run some parser eg the following - perl-things... some of the XML parsers on cpan. XML::Parser - search.cpan.org XML::Twig - search.cpan.org The CPAN Search Site - search.cpan.org well i think it is time for parsing xml - with PHP-simpleXML - a headstart into this technique I'd set up a mysql table with fields like street name, house number, Web address. Things like street name need to be big, but of the type vchar. With things like zip code 20 fixed should be big enough for anywhere in the world. Phone numbers are best stored as strings to allow for chars like ()+ Things like Web address should be a massive vchar or blob cos some addresses are stupidly long. $fields = array('id','lat','lon','name','amenity','operator','vending'); we need to be able to pick up any additional columns added to our pois table. a. see a request: overpass turbo b. or run it at Overpass API Query Form but see - we can go like so...: CREATE DATABASE `db123` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci; USE hans; CREATE TABLE `pois` ( `id` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `lat` FLOAT(10,7) NOT NULL, `lon` FLOAT(10,7) NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `amenity` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `operator` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `vending` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin; $fields = array('id','lat','lon','name','amenity','operator','vending'); we could use this to pick up any additional columns added to your pois table $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM pois"; $fields = array(); $res = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) { $fields[] = $row[0]; } besides this ..... an alternative structure would be CREATE TABLE `pois` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `lat` float(10,7) NOT NULL, `lon` float(10,7) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) CREATE TABLE `pois_tag` ( `poisid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `tagname` varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `tagvalue` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`poisid`,`tagname`) ) [out:json][timeout:250]; // fetch area “chile” to search in {{geocodeArea:chile}}->.searchArea; // gather results ( // query part for: “amenity=library and website~/./” node(area.searchArea)["amenity"="library"]["website"~"."]; way(area.searchArea)["amenity"="library"]["website"~"."]; relation(area.searchArea)["amenity"="library"]["website"~"."]; ); // print results out meta; >; out skel qt; see the results that were gathered... note: i want to strip out all the things that are not name of the library town and postal code street housnumber website e-mail-adress is this possible { "version": 0.6, "generator": "Overpass API", "osm3s": { "timestamp_osm_base": "2015-06-29T15:43:02Z", "timestamp_areas_base": "2015-06-28T08:36:02Z", "copyright": "The data included in this document is from www.openstreetmap.org. The data is made available under ODbL." }, "elements": [ { "type": "node", "id": 133769438, "lat": -33.4465780, "lon": -70.6147822, "timestamp": "2012-01-08T18:27:49Z", "version": 5, "changeset": 10334875, "user": "dbusse", "uid": 149876, "tags": { "addr:city": "Providencia", "addr:country": "CL", "addr:housenumber": "1240", "addr:street": "Santa Isabel", "amenity": "library", "email": "cafesantaisabel@providencia.cl", "name": "Café Literario Santa Isabel", "phone": "+5622098966", "website": "http://www.providencia-biblioteca.cl" } }, { "type": "node", "id": 479370406, "lat": -33.4391656, "lon": -70.6324397, "timestamp": "2011-10-10T01:43:34Z", "version": 4, "changeset": 9518356, "user": "wheelmap_visitor", "uid": 290680, "tags": { "amenity": "library", "name": "Café Literario", "source": "Providencia.cl", "website": "http://www.providencia-biblioteca.cl/Bustamante.htm", "wheelchair": "limited" } }, { "type": "node", "id": 1251193349, "lat": -33.4385638, "lon": -70.6533250, "timestamp": "2014-07-20T00:27:59Z", "version": 2, "changeset": 24246469, "user": "OttoPilot", "uid": 449385, "tags": { "addr:city": "Santiago", "addr:housenumber": "1175", "addr:street": "Compañia", "amenity": "library", "name": "Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional", "phone": "+5622701700", "website": "http://www.bcn.cl" } }, { "type": "node", "id": 2573915770, "lat": -36.6119931, "lon": -72.1047096, "timestamp": "2013-12-10T02:03:38Z", "version": 2, "changeset": 19369781, "user": "mandrakula", "uid": 1836603, "tags": { "addr:city": "Chillán", "addr:housenumber": "974", "addr:street": "Arauco", "amenity": "library", "name": "Biblioteca Volodia Teitelboim V.", "website": "http://www.biblioredes.cl/chillan/arauco" } }, { "type": "way", "id": 173295662, "timestamp": "2014-10-05T12:27:04Z", "version": 2, "changeset": 25874804, "user": "hybridOL", "uid": 2344498, "nodes": [ 1064401098, 1064401050, 1064401078, 1064401049, 1064401054, 1064401107, 1064401111, 1064401098 ], "tags": { "addr:city": "Santiago", "addr:housenumber": "151", "addr:street": "Matucana", "amenity": "library", "building": "yes", "name": "Biblioteca de Santiago", "website": "http://www.bibliotecasantiago.cl/", "wheelchair": "yes", "wheelchair:description": "único problema un escalón de la vereda al patio" } }, { "type": "way", "id": 305640042, "timestamp": "2015-02-13T18:55:03Z", "version": 2, "changeset": 28827795, "user": "KDDLB", "uid": 578609, "nodes": [ 3102949094, 3102949095, 3102949096, 3102949097, 3102949094 ], "tags": { "addr:city": "Antofagasta", "addr:housenumber": "2623", "addr:street": "Washington", "amenity": "library", "building": "yes", "name": "Biblioteca Regional Antofagasta", "operator": "DIBAM", "website": "http://www.bibliotecaregionalantofagasta.cl/", "wikipedia": "es:Biblioteca Regional de Antofagasta" } },
  11. hello dear linux-experts, i struggle with a overpass-turbo-request: according this page: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_turbo/Wizard i want to have all libraries in spain with but only the results - that have a website is this possible!? additionally: can i add another criteria to the search: i want to have only the last 30 results that have been added love to hear from you greetings
  12. i want to filter out the latest entries of libraries in the openstreetmap file: inSouth America is a Continent in Earth at latitude 26° 8′ 54″ South, longitude 60° 53′ 58″ West can somebody help me here
  13. what happens to the url of a page if it reach over 50 likes i allways thought that the url gets short - is this correct? in other words - it gets from long ulr https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-project-page/966068926738451?ref=hl to a short url https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-project-page is this true ? love to hear from you
  14. dear community i want to implement this search site in a wordpress-site - see this library catalogue: http://www.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/kvk.html in fact it is a meta-search-engine by a widget or an i-frame or some other ways is this possible ?
  15. hello dear chocu3r many many thanks - well i think i have learned abit. i have to see under which condidions i use the FireFox password-manager. I did not care about this so far. are there some different ways to use it!? i will make sure that i learn the things bout this thanks for your post
  16. hello dear requinix youre right - the firefox stores the passwd well i will try to not Firefox for storing any part of my authentification: i will try to avoid to use it myself as even though they are stored in an encrypted format in Firefox, doing so could give someone access to my accounts if they got hold of my computer. besides fireFox. i want to learn something new: I try to store my passwords using keepassx as my password manager and log in / out as needed. we can use keeppassx in different modes: The way I want to set up keepassx requires a key file and a master password to be allowed in. I keep the key on a USB key and backed up on another one. An auto-generated keepassx (160 bit) password looks like this gJLMsn+~>1Vepl0/3!'K/hk/jolly_feedback| How do you like this: so they are very, very strong. So strong that i feel safe with it and the best thing of all: You don't have to type it, just use the copy password menu item and paste it in the appropriate field. What do you think!?
  17. hello dear php-experts is it a good Way to Manage the Passwords in cookies? well for some sensible accounts i have made up my mind and created some very very difficult passwds in the past i stored some of these critical passwds in cookies so that i did not need to retype this. BUT wait: is this a secure way to do so?` note: i run opensuse-linux but i think that this is no guarantee that all is safe. so what do you suggest: a. create a passwd that i can remember and do not need to story in the cookie b. create a very very hard passwd that i cannot remmeber at any time and store it in the coookie. love to hear from you greetings
  18. dear community, i am looking for an easy way to get a password-secured hdd in opensuse 13.2 which methods, tools or options are suitable? look forward to hear from you dilbert
  19. hello dear cyber-robot. many many thanks for the quick reply. GREAT advices that i will follow. i will add the child-theme. question: what would you add to the child-theme. besides the code that is shown in the link you have given - this following /* Theme Name: Twenty Fifteen Child Theme URI: http://example.com/twenty-fifteen-child/ Description: Twenty Fifteen Child Theme Author: John Doe Author URI: http://example.com Template: twentyfifteen Version: 1.0.0 License: GNU General Public License v2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Tags: light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready Text Domain: twenty-fifteen-child */ would you add: - this .... <?php if ( is_front_page() && twentyfourteen_has_featured_posts() ) { // Include the featured content template. get_template_part( 'featured-content' ); } ?> dear cyberrobot. i love to hear from you regards dilbert
  20. hello dear phpfreaks this is a question regarding a wordpress-thing. I run wp with the theme twentyfourteen can i put the "featured-images" in the theme 2014 to another position. see the example-page http://www.ex-libri.org note: it is beta-beta at the moment they are at the top of the postings. can i put these images to another position - let me say to the mid of the page. in other words - put them down is this possible.? guess that we can go like so; The code that controls the Featured Content is found in a file called "page.php" in the main directory of the theme. It contains the following lines: <?php if ( is_front_page() && twentyfourteen_has_featured_posts() ) { // Include the featured content template. get_template_part( 'featured-content' ); } ?> In theory we should be able to copy that bit of code and put it anywhere we like. If we put it somewhere other than the homepage then we need to delete the characters "is_front_page() &&" because that line is checking to see if the homepage is being displayed, and that we have chosen to display featured posts. What do you think about this....
  21. hello dear community, i need this for adding to a calc /(or excel-sheet) 01.01.2015 02.01.2015 03.01.2015 04.01.2015 05.01.2015 06.01.2015 07.01.2015 08.01.2015 09.01.2015 10.01.2015 11.01.2015 12.01.2015 13.01.2015 14.01.2015 15.01.2015 16.01.2015 17.01.2015 18.01.2015 19.01.2015 20.01.2015 21.01.2015 22.01.2015 23.01.2015 and so forth q: how to generate this in calc?
  22. which is the best tool to test the win `? background: in office my (windows) machine is so slow - this stops me allmost from workin see the data: Prozessor Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz Memory 2,00 GB RAM Systemtyp 64 Bit-Operating system number of Prozessorkernels 2 graphic: Intel® G33/G31 Express Chipset Family memory Harddrive 149 GB Partition (C has 102 GB free from (149 GB alltogether) what can i do? run some performance tests? add more memory? - love to hear from you
  23. hello dear linux-experts i run opensuse 13.1 Esc by default closes the file opened, but it doesn't close Gwenview. how to close Gwenview - can i do this with the terminal?
  24. hey there - again me finally found this one - it is written in php and under sustainable development gardez http://www.question2answer.org/ http://www.question2answer.org/sites.php Download Question2Answer 1.7, then read how to install. Version 1.7 was released on January 7, 2015. Also on GitHub. Question2Answer (Q2A) is a popular open source Q&A platform for PHP/MySQL, currently running on 16,069 sites in 40 languages. What does Q2A need? PHP 5.2 or later, with the MySQLi extension. MySQL 4.1 or later, MySQL 5.x for best performance.
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