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  1. Hi guys I'm looking for a great php smtp script. I run a social network and I need a solid way to send emails to members based on their profile information. I have a few different SMTP servers, so I just need to write the script. I have pulled alot of examples but none seem to work. If you have a direction I can go in please let me know.
  2. I really need to switch it over to SMTP but that's a whole new issue.
  3. not receiving the email, is my guess
  4. I'm looking to send the reset password information back to users, but for some reason it's not working. Am I missing something? /*RESET*/ if($hidden == "reset+63-"){ $MemberCheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE email = '$email'"); if(mysql_num_rows($MemberCheck)==1) { $thisView = mysql_fetch_array($MemberCheck); $MemberCode = $thisView['code']; $code = md5(uniqid(rand())); $updateMember = mysql_query("UPDATE members SET pass = 'reset' WHERE email = '$email'"); $insertReset = mysql_query("INSERT INTO members_reset(`idMember`,`code`)VALUES('$MemberCode', '$code')"); $to = "$email"; $subject = "Password Reset"; $message = "Click or Copy the link below to reset your Password:<br/>http://entangledencounters.com/confirmation.php?reset=$code\r\n"; $headers = 'From: hello@entangledencounters.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: hello@entangledencounters.com' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { echo '<script>';echo 'location.href="http://entangledencounters.com/splash.php?error=3&request=3";';echo '</script>'; }else{echo '<script>';echo 'location.href="http://entangledencounters.com/splash.php?error=4&request=2";';echo '</script>';} }else{echo '<script>';echo 'location.href="http://entangledencounters.com/splash.php?error=4&request=2";';echo '</script>';} } /*RESET*/
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