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  1. Thanks for all your suggestions. I've built desktop applications in Access VBA (front end) and Sql Server (backend) but I know that web development is more complicated. I went after Time Trex as I'm trying to learn some of the time sheet functuionality. Currently, I have a small project where someone built a log-in form, a time sheet, and a database for me. Looking in the folder I see there is structure. However, I don't even know where to begin to understand how all the folders and files fit together. I want to understand the workflow of this application. Should I be paying attention to a particular file? Any suggestions on how to dissect this small application? Thanks
  2. Hi all, I apologize if this is not very well thought out as I'm still new to PHP, the LAMP Stack and web development. I have a very general idea of how everything fits together but it's still very foggy for me. Most of the books I read focus on coding examples in PHP and some SQL but I'm looking to learn about how everything fits in together before coding. I'd like to reverse engineer an application to get a better feel for how everything fits together. I've downloaded an open source application called Time Trex but I'm already stuck. I'm even more lost now as it seems by browsing other projects that there's different structures or strategies to setting up the directory for websites. In the case of Tim Trex : After installed, I looked at the shortcut icon on my desktop and it showed http://localhost:8085 . After double click, I am directed to the login page. Right clicking on the page in Mozilla to show the page source came up with view-source:http://localhost:8085/interface/html5/#!m=Login . I traced it as far as C:\TimeTrex\timetrex\interface\html5 but where does the rest of the path: #!m=Login come from? Also, how do I determine why this page was first to show? Are there specific files or folders I should be paying attention to? Thanks
  3. So the project I have is involved with customizing Time Trex. It is an open source time tracking software. I would like to customize Time Trex's web-based time sheet. I would use a new time sheet, pdf converted to a web form, to replace current time sheet that exists in the application. There is compliance requirements for us to use a standardized time sheet. I will also need to add an additional table in the database to house new fields found in the new time sheet. The self server Time Trex demo is located at https://www.timetrex.com/request_demo.php The time sheet is located at http://registrations.dhs.state.mn.us/PCACourse/PDFs/DHS-4691-ENG.PDF Does this seem like something doable within a short period? If you think it's doable then let me know the cost and time associated. I assume it shouldn't be a hard project but then I don't know much of anything.
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