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Posts posted by Stargate22

  1. Hello Guys,


    I am trying to create a function to add contacts to the yahoo mailbox im stuck at posting the contacts and saving them :(

    I need to create function postcontact in order to post and save the on yahoo. How should I do that?

        public function addcontact()
            if (!$this->loggedin)
                $this->Error = 'You must be logged in first';
                return false;
            if (!is_file(ISD_ROOT . '/tmp/camps/' . $this->oferta . '/fromlines.txt'))
                $this->Error = 'No fromlines file' . ISD_ROOT . '/tmp/camps/' . $this->oferta . '/fromlines.txt';
                return false;
            if (!is_file(ISD_ROOT . '/domains.txt'))
                $this->Error = 'No domains file';
                return false;
            $fromlines = @SPUtils::readdata(ISD_ROOT . '/tmp/camps/' . $this->oferta . '/fromlines.txt');
            foreach($fromlines as $a=>$b){
                $nla = $fromlines[array_rand($fromlines, 1)];
                $froms[]=str_replace(' ','.',$nla);
            $domains = @SPUtils::readdata(ISD_ROOT . '/domains.txt');
            $fromm = str_replace(' ', '.', $nla);
            foreach ($domains as $k => $l)
                foreach($froms as $k=>$v){
                    $contact_fields[] = array('type' => 'email', 'value' => $v . '@' . trim($l));
            $fromname = explode(' ', $nla, 2);
            $contact_fields[] = array('type' => 'name', 'value' => array('givenName' => $fromname[0], 'familyName' => (string )$fromname[1]));
            $contact = array('fields' => $contact_fields);
            $data = array('contact' => $contact);
            $body = json_encode($data);
            $resp = $this->generatetokens();
            $retarr = postcontact($this->OAuthConsumerKey, $this->OAuthConsumerSecret, $xoauth_yahoo_guid, $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret, $body, true, true);
            return true;


        foreach($xml->current_observation as $item){
            $current = (string)$item->weather;
            $temperature = (string)$item->temp_c;
            $time = (string)$item->local_time_rfc822;
            $wind = (string)$item->wind_string;
            $humidity = (string)$item->relative_humidity;
            $output[] = array($time, $temperature, $current, $wind); 

    WOW thank you so much.

    Now my php output looks readable

    PHP json_ecoded output is :

    {"data":[["Thu, 24 Sep 2015 02:00:58 +0300","19.3","Clear","From the West at 1.6 MPH Gusting to 2.5 MPH"]]}


    My index still does not show any output or error or any kind.. the problem could be in my ajax now.. I will try to find a solution and post it here to.


  3. Can you post what the city.xml file looks like to see if there are any traversing issues.

    //could not find an attachment option... sorry for spam. o.O
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<city>Central Park</city>
    		<city>New York Downtown Manhattan/w</city>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<neighborhood>Hell's Kitchen</neighborhood>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<neighborhood>Murray Hill</neighborhood>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<neighborhood>Hell's Kitchen</neighborhood>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<neighborhood>Midtown West</neighborhood>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<neighborhood>Lower Manhattan</neighborhood>
    		<neighborhood>Midtown East</neighborhood>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<neighborhood>Lower Manhattan</neighborhood>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<neighborhood>Lower Manhattan</neighborhood>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<neighborhood>Theater District</neighborhood>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<city>Long Island City</city>
    		<title>Weather Underground</title>
    		<full>New York, NY</full>
    		<city>New York</city>
    		<state_name>New York</state_name>
    		<full>Flatiron, New York, New York</full>
    		<city>Flatiron, New York</city>
    		<state>New York</state>
    		<elevation>207 ft</elevation>
    		<observation_time>Last Updated on September 22, 5:43 PM EDT</observation_time>
    		<observation_time_rfc822>Tue, 22 Sep 2015 17:43:01 -0400</observation_time_rfc822>
    		<local_time_rfc822>Tue, 22 Sep 2015 17:43:02 -0400</local_time_rfc822>
    		<temperature_string>69.6 F (20.9 C)</temperature_string>
    		<dewpoint_string>51 F (11 C)</dewpoint_string>
            <feelslike_string>69.6 F (20.9 C)</feelslike_string>
    		<precip_1hr_string>0.00 in ( 0 mm)</precip_1hr_string>
    		<precip_1hr_metric> 0</precip_1hr_metric>
    		<precip_today_string> in ( mm)</precip_today_string>
  4. I find it easier to build the array and check it, once the data is as expected, then send as json and just send the main array.


    $output = array();


    //in a loop adding to the array

    $output[] = array($time[0], $temperature[0], $current[0],$wind[0],);


    or assigning key values

    $output[] = array("time"=>$time[0], "temperature"=>$temperature[0], "current"=>$current[0],"wind"=>$wind[0],);



    does it look right?





    echo "<pre>";


    echo "<pre>";



    If that array is good then echo it out, and comment out anything that echoes prior.

    As Ch0cu3r mentioned do not add html, sending json is just for data and not style. Do that if need to optionally when getting the request for display.


    header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');

    echo json_encode(array('data' => $output),true);

    I tried the changes your provided:

    var_dump($output); prints:

    array (size=1)
      0 => 
        array (size=4)
          0 => 
          1 => 
          2 => 
          3 => 

    where $output is 

            $output[] = array($time[0], $temperature[0], $current[0],$wind[0]);

    while print_r output of the same $output is:

        [0] => Array
                [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object

    tried to json econde stil not working.. it only prints when i click on a city that does not exist.

    is it posible that my array can not be converted to json format? can`t seem to find anything on google about that.

  5. @requinix

    Do not post sensitive things like API keys to a public forum. I've removed it for you this one time as a courtesy so be more careful in the future.

    1. I don't know what XML you're looking at, but the one I'm looking at doesn't have things like location/city or current_observation.
    2. You must do some work with $city before you stick it in the URL. Do some simple validation and then use rawurlencode() when putting it in the URL.
    3. You are using a loop for the current_observation. If there is more than one then your $output will be messed up because you keep overwriting it each time through the loop.
    4. json_encode() does not output anything. You have to echo the return value yourself.
    5. $output[0] is just the time. Or the first character in the error message.
    6. Outputting $output[0] will (likely) not be valid JSON. Use json_encode(), output the return value, and don't output anything else.
    7. That <h1> HTML string is not valid JSON. Figure out another way to show an error message.

    Thank you for removing the key and for the help!

    1. xml is attached (there is location and curent_observation.

    2.3. my loop is working.. if i replace the $output and skip the json_encode().. it is working perfectly script is activated when user click on a <li> element from my index.

    5.6 Updated my last bit of code and it is printing when i click on a city that does not exist.. but when i click one that does.. it does not print anything..

    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($output);

    7. removed the <h1> and its working perfectly

    I think the problem is here... this output does not get printed ...and also no error.. is this line not correct?

            $output = array($time[0], $temperature[0], $current[0],$wind[0],); 

    Thank you very much for your support!

  6. Hello guys,

    I have a ajax connection to my json.php file and its not working... do you have any idea what is going on?

    is it my $output variable is it not convertible to json  can it be my ajax?!

    any help will be greatly appreciated.

        $city = $_POST['city']; //checks if variable city is set if not it will be set as default to bcharest
        $city = 'New York';
    //loads data as simple xml
    $result = "http://api.wunderground.com/api/KEY/geolookup/conditions/q/us/$city.xml";
    $xml = simplexml_load_file($result);
    #echo htmlspecialchars($result, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    $place = $xml->location->city; //gets the city name
    if(!empty($place)){ //checks if city exits
        foreach($xml->current_observation as $item){
            $current = $item->xpath('weather');
            $temperature = $item->xpath('temp_c');
            $time = $item->xpath('local_time_rfc822');   // parsing the document in order to get the needed info
            $wind = $item->xpath('wind_string');
            #$wind =  array_map( 'strtolower' ,$wind);  
            $humidity = $item->xpath('relative_humidity'); 
            $output = array($time[0], $temperature[0], $current[0],$wind[0],); 
        $output = '<h1>No results found, please try a different city.</h1>';  //if variable $place is empty it will print this
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo $output[0];
    and my ajax:

    $(document).ready(function() {
    			var city = $(this).text(); //get the li content as variable city
    				type : 'POST',  	//sending data method
    				url : 'json.php',
    				data : {city:city}, //data to be sent
    				dataType: 'json',
    				success : function(data){
  7. Just show the output of this:


    We want to verify that there is a value that starts with 'E' (not 'e') and that the value doesn't start with a space or some other non-printable character.


    It prints the array cities like:

    array (size=268)

    0 => string 'Aboed' (length=5)

    1 => string '

    Ajold' (length=7)

    2 => string '

    Afed' (length=6)

    3 => string '

    ... etc

    Eugir' (length=7)

    82 => string '

    Eurtici' (length=9)

    83 => string '

    .. etc

    foreach ($new as $city) {
    	$findme = "E";
            $pos2 = strpos($city, $findme);
    	#if($pos2 !== false){
                 #echo "<li>$city</li>";		

    ^-> above code prints all cities that start with E... but why is my initial code not workin`?

  8. Hello guys 

    $myFile = "smt.txt";
    $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r');
    $all = fread($fh, filesize($myFile));
    $cities = explode ("," , $all);
    foreach ($cities as $city) {
            if(0 === strpos($city,'E')){

    I want to print only the strings from the array $cities that start with E , my code does nothing, not an error, nothing.. if i remove the if and let the print it works.. but I need just thous that start with E.

    Do you guys have any tips?

    PS: in my array there are a lot of cities that start with E...

    Thank you!

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