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Everything posted by craichton

  1. Well, i will try it on a XaMPP Server, who i can test it. I will give you the Result Ch0cu3r! Please be patient for awhile. Now i am sure it's a upgrade PHP Problem from Version 5.4. to 5.5.! On PHP Version 5.4 thee old Script works perfectly. Test it on 5.3 too. Runs absolute great. 5.5 get only this Error. Only this on Apache Error log, when i make, made a post. AccessLog, Syslog an MySQLLog give no Errors. Best Regards, and i think i must spend a SIXPACK! craichton
  2. All the Code! // Make sure no one attempts to run this script "directly" if (!defined('FORUM')) exit; // Load the IDNA class for international url handling if (defined('FORUM_SUPPORT_PCRE_UNICODE') && defined('FORUM_ENABLE_IDNA')) { require FORUM_ROOT.'include/idna/idna_convert.class.php'; } // Here you can add additional smilies if you like (please note that you must escape singlequote and backslash) $smilies = array(':)' => 'smile.png', '=)' => 'smile.png', ':|' => 'neutral.png', '=|' => 'neutral.png', ':(' => 'sad.png', '=(' => 'sad.png', ':D' => 'big_smile.png', '=D' => 'big_smile.png', ':o' => 'yikes.png', ':O' => 'yikes.png', ';)' => 'wink.png', ':/' => 'hmm.png', ':P' => 'tongue.png', ':p' => 'tongue.png', ':lol:' => 'lol.png', ':mad:' => 'mad.png', ':rolleyes:' => 'roll.png', ':cool:' => 'cool.png'); ($hook = get_hook('ps_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; // // Make sure all BBCodes are lower case and do a little cleanup // function preparse_bbcode($text, &$errors, $is_signature = false) { global $forum_config; $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_preparse_bbcode_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; if ($is_signature) { global $lang_profile; if (preg_match('#\[quote(=("|"|\'|)(.*)\\1)?\]|\[/quote\]|\[code\]|\[/code\]|\[list(=([1a\*]))?\]|\[/list\]#i', $text)) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Signature quote/code/list']; } if ($forum_config['p_sig_bbcode'] == '1' && $is_signature || $forum_config['p_message_bbcode'] == '1' && !$is_signature) { // If the message contains a code tag we have to split it up (text within [code][/code] shouldn't be touched) if (strpos($text, '[code]') !== false && strpos($text, '[/code]') !== false) { list($inside, $outside) = split_text($text, '[code]', '[/code]', $errors); $text = implode("\x1", $outside); } // Tidy up lists $pattern = array('%\[list(?:=([1a*]))?+\]((??>.*?(?=\[list(?:=[1a*])?+\]|\[/list\]))|(?R))*)\[/list\]%ise'); $replace = array('preparse_list_tag(\'$2\', \'$1\', $errors)'); $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text); $text = str_replace('*'."\0".']', '*]', $text); if ($forum_config['o_make_links'] == '1') { $text = do_clickable($text, defined('FORUM_SUPPORT_PCRE_UNICODE')); } // If we split up the message before we have to concatenate it together again (code tags) if (isset($inside)) { $outside = explode("\x1", $text); $text = ''; $num_tokens = count($outside); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tokens; ++$i) { $text .= $outside[$i]; if (isset($inside[$i])) $text .= '[code]'.$inside[$i].'[/code]'; } } $temp_text = false; if (empty($errors)) $temp_text = preparse_tags($text, $errors, $is_signature); if ($temp_text !== false) $text = $temp_text; // Remove empty tags while ($new_text = preg_replace('/\[(b|u|i|h|colou?r|quote|code|img|url|email|list)(?:\=[^\]]*)?\]\[\/\1\]/', '', $text)) { if ($new_text != $text) $text = $new_text; else break; } } $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_preparse_bbcode_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; return forum_trim($text); } // // Check the structure of bbcode tags and fix simple mistakes where possible // function preparse_tags($text, &$errors, $is_signature = false) { global $lang_common, $forum_config; // Start off by making some arrays of bbcode tags and what we need to do with each one // List of all the tags $tags = array('quote', 'code', 'b', 'i', 'u', 'color', 'colour', 'url', 'email', 'img', 'list', '*', 'h'); // List of tags that we need to check are open (You could not put b,i,u in here then illegal nesting like [b][i][/b][/i] would be allowed) $tags_opened = $tags; // and tags we need to check are closed (the same as above, added it just in case) $tags_closed = $tags; // Tags we can nest and the depth they can be nested to (only quotes ) $tags_nested = array('quote' => $forum_config['o_quote_depth'], 'list' => 5, '*' => 5); // Tags to ignore the contents of completely (just code) $tags_ignore = array('code'); // Block tags, block tags can only go within another block tag, they cannot be in a normal tag $tags_block = array('quote', 'code', 'list', 'h', '*'); // Inline tags, we do not allow new lines in these $tags_inline = array('b', 'i', 'u', 'color', 'colour', 'h'); // Tags we trim interior space $tags_trim = array('img'); // Tags we remove quotes from the argument $tags_quotes = array('url', 'email', 'img'); // Tags we limit bbcode in $tags_limit_bbcode = array( '*' => array('b', 'i', 'u', 'color', 'colour', 'url', 'email', 'list', 'img'), 'list' => array('*'), 'url' => array('b', 'i', 'u', 'color', 'colour', 'img'), 'email' => array('b', 'i', 'u', 'color', 'colour', 'img'), 'img' => array() ); // Tags we can automatically fix bad nesting $tags_fix = array('quote', 'b', 'i', 'u', 'color', 'colour', 'url', 'email', 'h'); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_preparse_tags_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; $split_text = preg_split("/(\[[\*a-zA-Z0-9-\/]*?(?:=.*?)?\])/", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE|PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $open_tags = array('post'); $open_args = array(''); $opened_tag = 0; $new_text = ''; $current_ignore = ''; $current_nest = ''; $current_depth = array(); $limit_bbcode = $tags; foreach ($split_text as $current) { if ($current == '') continue; // Are we dealing with a tag? if (substr($current, 0, 1) != '[' || substr($current, -1, 1) != ']') { // Its not a bbcode tag so we put it on the end and continue // If we are nested too deeply don't add to the end if ($current_nest) continue; $current = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $current); $current = str_replace("\r", "\n", $current); if (in_array($open_tags[$opened_tag], $tags_inline) && strpos($current, "\n") !== false) { // Deal with new lines $split_current = preg_split("/(\n\n+)/", $current, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE|PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $current = ''; if (!forum_trim($split_current[0], "\n")) // the first part is a linebreak so we need to handle any open tags first array_unshift($split_current, ''); for ($i = 1; $i < count($split_current); $i += 2) { $temp_opened = array(); $temp_opened_arg = array(); $temp = $split_current[$i - 1]; while (!empty($open_tags)) { $temp_tag = array_pop($open_tags); $temp_arg = array_pop($open_args); if (in_array($temp_tag , $tags_inline)) { array_push($temp_opened, $temp_tag); array_push($temp_opened_arg, $temp_arg); $temp .= '[/'.$temp_tag.']'; } else { array_push($open_tags, $temp_tag); array_push($open_args, $temp_arg); break; } } $current .= $temp.$split_current[$i]; $temp = ''; while (!empty($temp_opened)) { $temp_tag = array_pop($temp_opened); $temp_arg = array_pop($temp_opened_arg); if (empty($temp_arg)) $temp .= '['.$temp_tag.']'; else $temp .= '['.$temp_tag.'='.$temp_arg.']'; array_push($open_tags, $temp_tag); array_push($open_args, $temp_arg); } $current .= $temp; } if (array_key_exists($i - 1, $split_current)) $current .= $split_current[$i - 1]; } if (in_array($open_tags[$opened_tag], $tags_trim)) $new_text .= forum_trim($current); else $new_text .= $current; continue; } // Get the name of the tag $current_arg = ''; if (strpos($current, '/') === 1) { $current_tag = substr($current, 2, -1); } else if (strpos($current, '=') === false) { $current_tag = substr($current, 1, -1); } else { $current_tag = substr($current, 1, strpos($current, '=')-1); $current_arg = substr($current, strpos($current, '=')+1, -1); } $current_tag = strtolower($current_tag); // Is the tag defined? if (!in_array($current_tag, $tags)) { // Its not a bbcode tag so we put it on the end and continue if (!$current_nest) $new_text .= $current; continue; } // We definitely have a bbcode tag. // Make the tag string lower case if ($equalpos = strpos($current,'=')) { // We have an argument for the tag which we don't want to make lowercase if (strlen(substr($current, $equalpos)) == 2) { // Empty tag argument $errors[] = sprintf($lang_common['BBCode error 6'], $current_tag); return false; } $current = strtolower(substr($current, 0, $equalpos)).substr($current, $equalpos); } else $current = strtolower($current); //This is if we are currently in a tag which escapes other bbcode such as code if ($current_ignore) { if ('[/'.$current_ignore.']' == $current) { // We've finished the ignored section $current = '[/'.$current_tag.']'; $current_ignore = ''; } $new_text .= $current; continue; } if ($current_nest) { // We are currently too deeply nested so lets see if we are closing the tag or not. if ($current_tag != $current_nest) continue; if (substr($current, 1, 1) == '/') $current_depth[$current_nest]--; else $current_depth[$current_nest]++; if ($current_depth[$current_nest] <= $tags_nested[$current_nest]) $current_nest = ''; continue; } // Check the current tag is allowed here if (!in_array($current_tag, $limit_bbcode) && $current_tag != $open_tags[$opened_tag]) { $errors[] = sprintf($lang_common['BBCode error 3'], $current_tag, $open_tags[$opened_tag]); return false; } if (substr($current, 1, 1) == '/') { //This is if we are closing a tag if ($opened_tag == 0 || !in_array($current_tag, $open_tags)) { //We tried to close a tag which is not open if (in_array($current_tag, $tags_opened)) { $errors[] = sprintf($lang_common['BBCode error 1'], $current_tag); return false; } } else { // Check nesting while (true) { // Nesting is ok if ($open_tags[$opened_tag] == $current_tag) { array_pop($open_tags); array_pop($open_args); $opened_tag--; break; } // Nesting isn't ok, try to fix it if (in_array($open_tags[$opened_tag], $tags_closed) && in_array($current_tag, $tags_closed)) { if (in_array($current_tag, $open_tags)) { $temp_opened = array(); $temp_opened_arg = array(); $temp = ''; while (!empty($open_tags)) { $temp_tag = array_pop($open_tags); $temp_arg = array_pop($open_args); if (!in_array($temp_tag, $tags_fix)) { // We couldn't fix nesting $errors[] = sprintf($lang_common['BBCode error 5'], array_pop($temp_opened)); return false; } array_push($temp_opened, $temp_tag); array_push($temp_opened_arg, $temp_arg); if ($temp_tag == $current_tag) break; else $temp .= '[/'.$temp_tag.']'; } $current = $temp.$current; $temp = ''; array_pop($temp_opened); array_pop($temp_opened_arg); while (!empty($temp_opened)) { $temp_tag = array_pop($temp_opened); $temp_arg = array_pop($temp_opened_arg); if (empty($temp_arg)) $temp .= '['.$temp_tag.']'; else $temp .= '['.$temp_tag.'='.$temp_arg.']'; array_push($open_tags, $temp_tag); array_push($open_args, $temp_arg); } $current .= $temp; $opened_tag--; break; } else { // We couldn't fix nesting $errors[] = sprintf($lang_common['BBCode error 1'], $current_tag); return false; } } else if (in_array($open_tags[$opened_tag], $tags_closed)) break; else { array_pop($open_tags); array_pop($open_args); $opened_tag--; } } } if (in_array($current_tag, array_keys($tags_nested))) { if (isset($current_depth[$current_tag])) $current_depth[$current_tag]--; } if (in_array($open_tags[$opened_tag], array_keys($tags_limit_bbcode))) $limit_bbcode = $tags_limit_bbcode[$open_tags[$opened_tag]]; else $limit_bbcode = $tags; $new_text .= $current; continue; } else { // We are opening a tag if (in_array($current_tag, array_keys($tags_limit_bbcode))) $limit_bbcode = $tags_limit_bbcode[$current_tag]; else $limit_bbcode = $tags; if (in_array($current_tag, $tags_block) && !in_array($open_tags[$opened_tag], $tags_block) && $opened_tag != 0) { // We tried to open a block tag within a non-block tag $errors[] = sprintf($lang_common['BBCode error 3'], $current_tag, $open_tags[$opened_tag]); return false; } if (in_array($current_tag, $tags_ignore)) { // Its an ignore tag so we don't need to worry about whats inside it, $current_ignore = $current_tag; $new_text .= $current; continue; } // Deal with nested tags if (in_array($current_tag, $open_tags) && !in_array($current_tag, array_keys($tags_nested))) { // We nested a tag we shouldn't $errors[] = sprintf($lang_common['BBCode error 4'], $current_tag); return false; } else if (in_array($current_tag, array_keys($tags_nested))) { // We are allowed to nest this tag if (isset($current_depth[$current_tag])) $current_depth[$current_tag]++; else $current_depth[$current_tag] = 1; // See if we are nested too deep if ($current_depth[$current_tag] > $tags_nested[$current_tag]) { $current_nest = $current_tag; continue; } } // Remove quotes from arguments for certain tags if (strpos($current, '=') !== false && in_array($current_tag, $tags_quotes)) { $current = preg_replace('#\['.$current_tag.'=("|\'|)(.*?)\\1\]\s*#i', '['.$current_tag.'=$2]', $current); } if (in_array($current_tag, array_keys($tags_limit_bbcode))) $limit_bbcode = $tags_limit_bbcode[$current_tag]; $open_tags[] = $current_tag; $open_args[] = $current_arg; $opened_tag++; $new_text .= $current; continue; } } // Check we closed all the tags we needed to foreach ($tags_closed as $check) { if (in_array($check, $open_tags)) { // We left an important tag open $errors[] = sprintf($lang_common['BBCode error 5'], $check); return false; } } if ($current_ignore) { // We left an ignore tag open $errors[] = sprintf($lang_common['BBCode error 5'], $current_ignore); return false; } $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_preparse_tags_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; return $new_text; } // // Preparse the contents of [list] bbcode // function preparse_list_tag($content, $type = '*', &$errors) { global $lang_common; if (strlen($type) != 1) $type = '*'; if (strpos($content,'[list') !== false) { $pattern = array('%\[list(?:=([1a*]))?+\]((??>.*?(?=\[list(?:=[1a*])?+\]|\[/list\]))|(?R))*)\[/list\]%ise'); $replace = array('preparse_list_tag(\'$2\', \'$1\', $errors)'); $content = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $content); } $items = explode('[*]', str_replace('\"', '"', $content)); $content = ''; foreach ($items as $item) { if (forum_trim($item) != '') $content .= '[*'."\0".']'.str_replace('[/*]', '', forum_trim($item)).'[/*'."\0".']'."\n"; } return '[list='.$type.']'."\n".$content.'[/list]'; } // // Split text into chunks ($inside contains all text inside $start and $end, and $outside contains all text outside) // function split_text($text, $start, $end, &$errors, $retab = true) { global $forum_config, $lang_common; $tokens = explode($start, $text); $outside[] = $tokens[0]; $num_tokens = count($tokens); for ($i = 1; $i < $num_tokens; ++$i) { $temp = explode($end, $tokens[$i]); if (count($temp) != 2) { $errors[] = $lang_common['BBCode code problem']; return array(null, array($text)); } $inside[] = $temp[0]; $outside[] = $temp[1]; } if ($forum_config['o_indent_num_spaces'] != 8 && $retab) { $spaces = str_repeat(' ', $forum_config['o_indent_num_spaces']); $inside = str_replace("\t", $spaces, $inside); } return array($inside, $outside); } // // Truncate URL if longer than 55 characters (add http:// or ftp:// if missing) // function handle_url_tag($url, $link = '', $bbcode = false) { $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_handle_url_tag_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; $full_url = str_replace(array(' ', '\'', '`', '"'), array('%20', '', '', ''), $url); if (strpos($url, 'www.') === 0) // If it starts with www, we add http:// $full_url = 'http://'.$full_url; else if (strpos($url, 'ftp.') === 0) // Else if it starts with ftp, we add ftp:// $full_url = 'ftp://'.$full_url; else if (!preg_match('#^([a-z0-9]{3,6})://#', $url)) // Else if it doesn't start with abcdef://, we add http:// $full_url = 'http://'.$full_url; if (defined('FORUM_SUPPORT_PCRE_UNICODE') && defined('FORUM_ENABLE_IDNA')) { static $idn; static $cached_encoded_urls = null; if (is_null($cached_encoded_urls)) $cached_encoded_urls = array(); // Check in cache $cache_key = md5($full_url); if (isset($cached_encoded_urls[$cache_key])) $full_url = $cached_encoded_urls[$cache_key]; else { if (!isset($idn)) { $idn = new idna_convert(); $idn->set_parameter('encoding', 'utf8'); $idn->set_parameter('strict', false); } $full_url = $idn->encode($full_url); $cached_encoded_urls[$cache_key] = $full_url; } } // Ok, not very pretty :-) if (!$bbcode) { if (defined('FORUM_SUPPORT_PCRE_UNICODE') && defined('FORUM_ENABLE_IDNA')) { $link_name = ($link == '' || $link == $url) ? $url : $link; if (preg_match('!^(https?|ftp|news){1}'.preg_quote('://xn--', '!').'!', $link_name)) { $link = $idn->decode($link_name); } } $link = ($link == '' || $link == $url) ? ((utf8_strlen($url) > 55) ? utf8_substr($url, 0 , 39).' … '.utf8_substr($url, -10) : $url) : stripslashes($link); } $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_handle_url_tag_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; if ($bbcode) { if (defined('FORUM_SUPPORT_PCRE_UNICODE') && defined('FORUM_ENABLE_IDNA')) { if (preg_match('!^(https?|ftp|news){1}'.preg_quote('://xn--', '!').'!', $link)) { $link = $idn->decode($link); } } if ($full_url == $link) return '[url]'.$link.'[/url]'; else return '[url='.$full_url.']'.$link.'[/url]'; } else return '<a href="'.$full_url.'">'.$link.'</a>'; } // // Turns an URL from the [img] tag into an <img> tag or a <a href...> tag // function handle_img_tag($url, $is_signature = false, $alt = null) { global $lang_common, $forum_user; $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_handle_img_tag_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; if ($alt == null) $alt = $url; $img_tag = '<a href="'.$url.'"><'.$lang_common['Image link'].'></a>'; if ($is_signature && $forum_user['show_img_sig'] != '0') $img_tag = '<img class="sigimage" src="'.$url.'" alt="'.forum_htmlencode($alt).'" />'; else if (!$is_signature && $forum_user['show_img'] != '0') $img_tag = '<span class="postimg"><img src="'.$url.'" alt="'.forum_htmlencode($alt).'" /></span>'; $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_handle_img_tag_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; return $img_tag; } // // Parse the contents of [list] bbcode // function handle_list_tag($content, $type = '*') { if (strlen($type) != 1) $type = '*'; if (strpos($content,'[list') !== false) { $pattern = array('%\[list(?:=([1a*]))?+\]((??>.*?(?=\[list(?:=[1a*])?+\]|\[/list\]))|(?R))*)\[/list\]%ise'); $replace = array('handle_list_tag(\'$2\', \'$1\')'); $content = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $content); } $content = preg_replace('#\s*\[\*\](.*?)\[/\*\]\s*#s', '<li><p>$1</p></li>', forum_trim($content)); if ($type == '*') $content = '<ul>'.$content.'</ul>'; else if ($type == 'a') $content = '<ol class="alpha">'.$content.'</ol>'; else $content = '<ol class="decimal">'.$content.'</ol>'; return '</p>'.$content.'<p>'; } // // Convert BBCodes to their HTML equivalent // function do_bbcode($text, $is_signature = false) { global $lang_common, $forum_user, $forum_config; $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_do_bbcode_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; if (strpos($text, '[quote') !== false) { $text = preg_replace('#\[quote=(&\#039;|"|"|\'|)(.*?)\\1\]#e', '"</p><div class=\"quotebox\"><cite>".str_replace(array(\'[\', \'\\"\'), array(\'[\', \'"\'), \'$2\')." ".$lang_common[\'wrote\'].":</cite><blockquote><p>"', $text); $text = preg_replace('#\[quote\]\s*#', '</p><div class="quotebox"><blockquote><p>', $text); $text = preg_replace('#\s*\[\/quote\]#S', '</p></blockquote></div><p>', $text); } if (!$is_signature) { $pattern[] = '%\[list(?:=([1a*]))?+\]((??>.*?(?=\[list(?:=[1a*])?+\]|\[/list\]))|(?R))*)\[/list\]%ise'; $replace[] = 'handle_list_tag(\'$2\', \'$1\')'; } $pattern[] = '#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#ms'; $pattern[] = '#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#ms'; $pattern[] = '#\[u\](.*?)\[/u\]#ms'; $pattern[] = '#\[colou?r=([a-zA-Z]{3,20}|\#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}|\#[0-9a-fA-F]{3})](.*?)\[/colou?r\]#ms'; $pattern[] = '#\[h\](.*?)\[/h\]#ms'; $replace[] = '<strong>$1</strong>'; $replace[] = '<em>$1</em>'; $replace[] = '<span class="bbu">$1</span>'; $replace[] = '<span style="color: $1">$2</span>'; $replace[] = '</p><h5>$1</h5><p>'; if (($is_signature && $forum_config['p_sig_img_tag'] == '1') || (!$is_signature && $forum_config['p_message_img_tag'] == '1')) { $pattern[] = '#\[img\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\s<"]*?)\[/img\]#e'; $pattern[] = '#\[img=([^\[]*?)\]((ht|f)tps?://)([^\s<"]*?)\[/img\]#e'; if ($is_signature) { $replace[] = 'handle_img_tag(\'$1$3\', true)'; $replace[] = 'handle_img_tag(\'$2$4\', true, \'$1\')'; } else { $replace[] = 'handle_img_tag(\'$1$3\', false)'; $replace[] = 'handle_img_tag(\'$2$4\', false, \'$1\')'; } } $pattern[] = '#\[url\]([^\[]*?)\[/url\]#e'; $pattern[] = '#\[url=([^\[]+?)\](.*?)\[/url\]#e'; $pattern[] = '#\[email\]([^\[]*?)\[/email\]#'; $pattern[] = '#\[email=([^\[]+?)\](.*?)\[/email\]#'; $replace[] = 'handle_url_tag(\'$1\')'; $replace[] = 'handle_url_tag(\'$1\', \'$2\')'; $replace[] = '<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>'; $replace[] = '<a href="mailto:$1">$2</a>'; $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_do_bbcode_replace')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; // This thing takes a while! $text = preg_replace ($pattern, $replace, $text); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_do_bbcode_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; return $text; } // // Make hyperlinks clickable // function do_clickable($text, $unicode = FALSE) { $text = ' '.$text; if ($unicode) { $text = preg_replace('#(?<=[\s\]\)])(<)?(\[)?(\()?([\'"]?)(https?|ftp|news){1}://([\p{Nd}\p{L}\-]+\.([\p{Nd}\p{L}\-]+\.)*[\p{Nd}\p{L}\-]+(:[0-9]+)?(/[^\s\[]*[^\s.,?!\[;:-]?)?)\4(?(3)(\)))(?(2)(\]))(?(1)(>))(?![^\s]*\[/(?:url|img)\])#ieu', 'stripslashes(\'$1$2$3$4\').handle_url_tag(\'$5://$6\', \'$5://$6\', true).stripslashes(\'$4$10$11$12\')', $text); $text = preg_replace('#(?<=[\s\]\)])(<)?(\[)?(\()?([\'"]?)(www|ftp)\.(([\p{Nd}\p{L}\-]+\.)*[\p{Nd}\p{L}\-]+(:[0-9]+)?(/[^\s\[]*[^\s.,?!\[;:-])?)\4(?(3)(\)))(?(2)(\]))(?(1)(>))(?![^\s]*\[/(?:url|img)\])#ieu', 'stripslashes(\'$1$2$3$4\').handle_url_tag(\'$5.$6\', \'$5.$6\', true).stripslashes(\'$4$10$11$12\')', $text); } else { $text = preg_replace('#(?<=[\s\]\)])(<)?(\[)?(\()?([\'"]?)(https?|ftp|news){1}://([\w\-]+\.([\w\-]+\.)*[\w]+(:[0-9]+)?(/[^\s\[]*[^\s.,?!\[;:-]?)?)\4(?(3)(\)))(?(2)(\]))(?(1)(>))(?![^\s]*\[/(?:url|img)\])#ie', 'stripslashes(\'$1$2$3$4\').handle_url_tag(\'$5://$6\', \'$5://$6\', true).stripslashes(\'$4$10$11$12\')', $text); $text = preg_replace('#(?<=[\s\]\)])(<)?(\[)?(\()?([\'"]?)(www|ftp)\.(([\w\-]+\.)*[\w]+(:[0-9]+)?(/[^\s\[]*[^\s.,?!\[;:-])?)\4(?(3)(\)))(?(2)(\]))(?(1)(>))(?![^\s]*\[/(?:url|img)\])#ie', 'stripslashes(\'$1$2$3$4\').handle_url_tag(\'$5.$6\', \'$5.$6\', true).stripslashes(\'$4$10$11$12\')', $text); } return substr($text, 1); } // // Convert a series of smilies to images // function do_smilies($text) { global $forum_config, $base_url, $smilies; $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_do_smilies_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; $text = ' '.$text.' '; foreach ($smilies as $smiley_text => $smiley_img) { if (strpos($text, $smiley_text) !== false) $text = preg_replace("#(?<=[>\s])".preg_quote($smiley_text, '#')."(?=\W)#m", '<img src="'.$base_url.'/img/smilies/'.$smiley_img.'" width="15" height="15" alt="'.substr($smiley_img, 0, strrpos($smiley_img, '.')).'" />', $text); } $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_do_smilies_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; return substr($text, 1, -1); } // // Parse message text // function parse_message($text, $hide_smilies) { global $forum_config, $lang_common, $forum_user; $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_message_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; if ($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') $text = censor_words($text); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_message_post_censor')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; // Convert applicable characters to HTML entities $text = forum_htmlencode($text); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_message_pre_split')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; // If the message contains a code tag we have to split it up (text within [code][/code] shouldn't be touched) if (strpos($text, '[code]') !== false && strpos($text, '[/code]') !== false) { list($inside, $outside) = split_text($text, '[code]', '[/code]', $errors); $text = implode("\x1", $outside); } $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_message_post_split')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; if ($forum_config['p_message_bbcode'] == '1' && strpos($text, '[') !== false && strpos($text, ']') !== false) $text = do_bbcode($text); if ($forum_config['o_smilies'] == '1' && $forum_user['show_smilies'] == '1' && $hide_smilies == '0') $text = do_smilies($text); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_message_bbcode')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; // Deal with newlines, tabs and multiple spaces $pattern = array("\n", "\t", ' ', ' '); $replace = array('<br />', ' ', ' ', ' '); $text = str_replace($pattern, $replace, $text); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_message_pre_merge')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; // If we split up the message before we have to concatenate it together again (code tags) if (isset($inside)) { $outside = explode("\x1", $text); $text = ''; $num_tokens = count($outside); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tokens; ++$i) { $text .= $outside[$i]; if (isset($inside[$i])) $text .= '</p><div class="codebox"><pre><code>'.forum_trim($inside[$i], "\n\r").'</code></pre></div><p>'; } } $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_message_post_merge')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; // Add paragraph tag around post, but make sure there are no empty paragraphs $text = preg_replace('#<br />\s*?<br />((\s*<br />)*)#i', "</p>$1<p>", $text); $text = str_replace('<p><br />', '<p>', $text); $text = str_replace('<p></p>', '', '<p>'.$text.'</p>'); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_message_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; return $text; } // // Parse signature text // function parse_signature($text) { global $forum_config, $lang_common, $forum_user; $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_signature_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; if ($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') $text = censor_words($text); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_signature_post_censor')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; // Convert applicable characters to HTML entities $text = forum_htmlencode($text); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_signature_pre_bbcode')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; if ($forum_config['p_sig_bbcode'] == '1' && strpos($text, '[') !== false && strpos($text, ']') !== false) $text = do_bbcode($text, true); if ($forum_config['o_smilies_sig'] == '1' && $forum_user['show_smilies'] == '1') $text = do_smilies($text); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_signature_post_bbcode')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; // Deal with newlines, tabs and multiple spaces $pattern = array("\n", "\t", ' ', ' '); $replace = array('<br />', ' ', ' ', ' '); $text = str_replace($pattern, $replace, $text); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_parse_signature_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; return $text; } define('FORUM_PARSER_LOADED', 1);
  3. Try it, does not work! Please can you show me the correct Code. Thank you in Advance for your helping Hands. Regards craichton
  4. $text = preg_replace_callback($replace, $text); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_do_bbcode_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; return $text; } The right Way?
  5. Following Error i found on my Server Error Log. PHP5.4 changed to PHP5.5. The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /var/www/include/parser.php on line $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $replace, $text); $return = ($hook = get_hook('ps_do_bbcode_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($return != null) return $return; return $text; } Problem must be here. Please can you tell me whats wrong here? Best Regards craichton
  6. Let me short introduce myself. I am just a bloody starten at PHP. But i try to learn. craichton
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