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Everything posted by boby

  1. Hello guys! I have a probably simple question for you... Let's say I have these two classes: class core { function core() { //do stuff here } } class parser extends core { function parser() { //do other stuff here } } Can I somehow tell the "core" class when it runs the constructor to load inside it (parent) all available extender classes? So if someone writes a new class to extend the "core" it should be automatically loaded, without needing me to load it in the constructor of the parent or to initialize with: $sub = new $subclassX; I am looking into something like adding a few classes that I need into the "core" class, but more if I have let's say a function "getID()" in the "core" and someone wants to use a different method, to easy load a new class with a new function that will do it the new way. Is this possible? Thank you for any help. Boby
  2. Thank you very much guys! I'll go with the switch
  3. I never had success using transparent PNGs in CSS, either use them as <img> tag in your HTML and a Javascript to make transparency (not the best method but anyway) or use transparent GIFs in your CSS.
  4. Hello guys! I am working on a script and asking myself which way to go. The script is for adding a new entry to the DB or editing an existing entry. Some of the fields are the same, but I cannot populate the fields that I use to add/edit an entry at the top and then populate if user is editing or if adding new. So, I am now asking what would be better, many IF clauses or a SWITCH? ...do common stuff... if ($action == 'edit') ...do edit stuff... ...do common stuff... if ($action == 'edit') ...do edit stuff... ...do common stuff... if ($action == 'new') ...do new entry stuff... or use the SWITCH like: switch (action) { case 'edit' : ...do edit stuff... ...do common stuff... ...do common stuff... ...do edit stuff... break; case 'new' : ...do common stuff... ...do common stuff... break; } If I choose the IF clause, the whole code is here and there. With the switch it would be more structured but I would have some things to write twice once for edit and the same in the new entry case. Thanks for any help! Regards, Boby Later Edit: Or should I use two different files? Here I would have again the same thing, both would have part of the code identical.
  5. Hello, I've been working on a search function for a while now and have seen some MySQL installations where boolean searches can not be performed even according to the MySQL version this should be no problem. Can anyone tell me how can I check if the server supports boolean searches? Right now I am checking against MySQL version, but it seems it's not enough: $booleanSearch = version_compare (mysql_get_server_info(), '4.0.1', '>=') == 1; Thank you for any help! Boby
  6. Hello guys, I am looking for a simple way to replace some paging links on a script, but I have a problem that sometimes the regex matches more than I need. Basically, I need to replace/remove all page 1 links, but it removes also pages starting with 1, for example page 11, 12, 13, 115, etc. I also don't know, if the paging variables are passed via URL with "[color=red]?[/color]" or "[color=red]&[/color]" or escaped as "[color=red]&a[i]m[/i]p;[/color]" I am using this code: [code=PHP]<?php   preg_replace (array ('#?p=1#i', '#&p=1#i', '#&amp;p=1#i'), '', $source); ?>[/code] My question is now, how to write te regexp to not include for matching if another numeric value is after the "1" because it now removes also ?p=12 or &p=13 and I don't want that. Can it be done without adding to the regexp all possibilities like line end after 1, or another "&" and then replace the &p=1& with &? I know this should be done in the paging function, but I don't want to alter the plugin because some are using it as is and not all will have this page 1 removed. Thank you very much.
  7. You can use [url=http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php]preg_replace[/url] to replace all occurences of "," with "." Here is a little example: [code=php]<?php //Your lap time, get it from DB or whatever $time = '0:51,96 lap time'; //Remplace "," (comma) with "." (dot) //Multiple commas are trimmed down to one dot $time = preg_replace ('#,+#', '.', $time); echo $time; ?>[/code] I hope this is what you're looking for. BTW, the above will replace multiple commas with just one dot. [b]0:51,,,,,,,,,,,,96 lap time[/b] will result [b]0:51.96 lap time[/b] Boby
  8. I voted for SMF, I like it over all free forum softwares. Another nice forum software is [url=http://getvanilla.com/]Vanilla[/url], it doesn't have many out-of-box features, but there are a lot of plugins.
  9. I vote for vBulletin! It's just a matter of like or don't like. For example I like vBulleting (paid) and SMF (free) but I don't like IPB (paid) and phpBB (free). However I must admit, in my opinion vBulleting is the strongest Forum software. Some may disagree, but this is just my opinion.
  10. [url=http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ereg-replace.php]ereg_replace[/url] = [i]Replace regular expression[/i] [url=http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.str-replace.php]str_replace[/url] = [i]Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string[/i] If you know the exact submit messages (strings), I suggest to use [i]str_replace[/i], but if you need regular expression to determine messages, go for [url=http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php]preg_replace[/url] instead of [i]ereg_replace[/i]. Boby
  11. Here is a more detailed example of what you are (hopefully) looking for: [code=PHP]<?php ... //Define your search keyword(s) $search = 'eggs'; //Escape special chars for use in a SQL statement $search_word = mysql_real_escape_string ($search); //Build SQL query $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `db_table` WHERE `field_1` LIKE '%{$search_word}%' OR `field_2` LIKE '%{$search_word}%' OR `field_3` LIKE '%{$search_word}%'"; //Run SQL query $result = mysql_query ($sql); //Check if query was successfull if (!$result) {   echo "Could not successfully run query ({$sql}) from DB: " . mysql_error();   exit; } //Get number of found rows $count = mysql_fetch_assoc (mysql_query ('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as `total`')); //Check if we have results if ($count['total'] > 0) {   echo '<table>';   //Loop through each found row   while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result))   {       echo '<tr>               <td>'.$row['field_1'].'</td>               <td>'.$row['field_2'].'</td>               <td>'.$row['field_3'].'</td>             </tr>';   }   echo "</table>"; } else {   //No results found, display error msg   echo 'No results found!'; } ... ?>[/code] The use boolean search and fulltext fields like "[b]The Little Guy[/b]" suggested in the post above, you will need at least MySQL v4.0.1 to add fulltext indexes (since v3.23.23) and the boolean modifier available. I found out there are some providers that have it disabled for a reason or another. A boolean search will give you "better" results but usually less, I would use it over the regular search option. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/fulltext-search.html Boby
  12. If you really want to use [b]str_replace[/b] then I suggest you replace also [b]\r[/b] and [b]\r\n[/b]. [code=PHP]$string = str_replace (array ("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "<br />", $string);[/code] [b]nl2br[/b] will take care of all three ways. [b]\n[/b] = *Nix [b]\r[/b] = Windows [b]\r\n[/b] = Mac
  13. Make sure there is no output made before you send the redirect header or it won't work.
  14. Here is a more detailed example, make sure the SQL query is correct and I've also noticed you are using [b]$city[/b] but the variable was not assigned. Use [b]$row_rscontacts['db_table_field'][/b], in the  following example it's [b]$row_rscontacts['city'][/b]. [code=PHP]<?php //Build SQL query $sql = "SELECT `city` FROM `db_users`"; //Run SQL query $rscontacts = mysql_query ($sql); //Check if query was successfull if (!$rscontacts) {   echo "Could not successfully run query ({$sql}) from DB: " . mysql_error();   exit; } $str = "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n <properties>\n"; //Check if we have results if (mysql_num_rows ($rscontacts) > 0) {   //Loop through each found row   while ($row_rscontacts = mysql_fetch_assoc ($rscontacts))   {       $str .= "\t<property>\n             \t\t<city>".$row_rscontacts['city']."</city>\n             \t</property>\n";   } } $str .= "</properties>"; ?>[/code]
  15. I use Quanta Plus mainly because I'm running Linux. Actually I like Zend Studio more than all the other I have tried, but unfortunately I cannot afford to buy a license yet. If I have to code something on Windows, I use PHP Designer. Boby
  16. I used KDE for some time, but I kind of like Gnome now over all other desktops. It's not that full of features like KDE, but is nice, clean and faster. There are several applications I use from KDE like Quanta+, but as desktop Gnome is my favorite and it got my vote.
  17. You could use this code: [code=PHP]<?php $str = "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n <properties>\n"; while ($row_rscontacts = mysql_fetch_assoc ($rscontacts)) {       $str .= "\t<property>\n             \t\t<city>{$city}</city>\n             \t</property>\n"; } $str .= "</properties>"; ?>[/code] [b]Note:[/b] There is a "." (dot) in the while loop and at the last [b]$str[/b] before the "=" sign, this means the values are appended to the current string and the value is not overwritten. $str [b][color=red].[/color][/b]= I've also changed the loop a bit, added the while clause on top to make sure it writes something only if you have some values. Boby
  18. Hello guys, I have a strange problem on a friends server, whenever I use the "time()" function, it doesn't get the current timestamp but instead the timestamp "1970-01-01" wich is the starting date of the UNIX epoch. Unfortunatly I do not have shell or Cpanel access to the server to check the date settings. My question is now, does the "time()" function in PHP get the current server date? Or what else has to be checked in order to get the correct current date? Thank you! Boby
  19. Here is a class with audio support: http://www.ejeliot.com/blog/35
  20. Woow, thank you :D I will test it asap
  21. Do you mean to get first the content between <head> and </head> or just meta tags? But how do I get just meta's Is this OK? [code=php:0]preg_match_all ('/<[\s]*meta(.*)[\/]?[\s]*>/si', $content, $matches);[/code] Thank you
  22. I like SMF very much, it's the best free forum software, but there is also vBulletin (the best forum possible) and I wonder why such a great forum like the xyzFreaks do not use vB?
  23. You can use this little preg_replace: [code=php]<?php $string = trim (preg_replace ('`[\s]+`', ' ', $string)); ?>[/code] Hope it helps ;) Boby
  24. Hello, I am writing a script that out of a webpage. Because the "get_meta_tags" function is very slow and cannot handle very well line breaks, I'm using following code: Can someone please review this regex and if possible improve or suggest something better? [code=php]<?php preg_match_all ('/<[\s]*meta[\s]*name[\s]*=[\s]*["\']?([^>"\']*)["\']?[\s]*content[\s]*=[\s]*["\']?([^>"\']*)["\']?[\s]*[\/]?[\s]*>/si', $content, $matches); ?>[/code] Thank you very much! Boby
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