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Everything posted by trq

  1. XAMPP and similar packages are also designed for development, not production. I would not recommend using them.
  2. Why the hell would you do that? Register globals is disabled by default for a reason. It has massive security implications.
  3. I completely agree with sKunKbad. Having people recommend you a framework is close to useless. People will just recommend what they like. This doesn't mean you will also like it. You need to try a few for yourself.
  4. I should also have mentioned that we had a custom applet written in Java that enabled us to stream these pdfs to a printer without ever loading into the browser. I don't work at that place any more and the framework I wrote (php api) to do this isn't open source, but it was all built on top of Jasper Reports. You mention "students" which is funny because the company I built this for build administration applications for schools. Our system was capable of producing (and printing) school reports for every student within a year at a time.
  5. By the sounds of it you need to understand what each of these technologies are. 1) Javascript is a programming language 2) Ajax is a technique created using Javascript. 2) JQuery is a framework written in the Javascript programming language that can be used to implement Ajax.
  6. As .josh has pointed out, you don't really need to prove you have done something to put it on your resume, you just need to prove you know what you are talking about. For me, that sort of thing comes across better in your cover letter. My cover letter is a good solid two and a half pages that introduces me, how I got into development, the kind of stuff Ive worked on and my interests. While doing so it showcases my personality. I have never shown an employer any portfolio of sites I have worked on. Most of the stuff I have worked on has been private intranet applications. Having said that, its obvious I know what I'm talking about when people read my cover letter and than latter have a chat / interview with me. I also have quite a bit of code on Github spanning a number of years and different languages / interests. I didn't realise you were from Sydney. Depending on what your looking for the job market in Sydney can be tough. Ive just been lucky I guess. The last two places (including my current job) I have worked for managed to find me through contributions I had made to open source. Before that, I had been freelancing for a little while, and before that I had moved up the ranks at a company I ended up being with for 12 years. We should catch up on irc and have a chat sometime. I didn't realise you where so close (I'm actually on the central coast though - not Sydney itself). Anyway, what I'm really getting at is, if you can afford the time, getting involved in open source is a big plus if the companies your interested in appreciate it. On that note too, you should be actively seeking companies your want to work for. Don't just go for any job. Find the place you want to work and make sure they become aware of you.
  7. We used to generate all reports as PDF. These can be concatenated together and printed that way. Printing html reports sounds unreliable at best.
  8. No. CakePHP is a framework, so is Symfony. Wordpress is an application.
  9. It depends on the jobs your after really. Doing something just because you think it might help with your job prospects is unlikely to help your cause much though. Most employees like to see passion, and there is nothing passionate about doing something just because you have too. Find something that interests you and go with it. Contributing to open source caries a lot of weight at certain companies, so that could be a good place to start. My last 2 jobs have both come from people seeing my Github profile and liking what I do.
  10. Can we see your attempts at this? The examples you posted are urls, not paths. Do you know what a filesystem path is?
  11. So many questions in your post. You are lost. Nope, they do nothing of the sort. You cannot simply include a namespace. Im not sure where your getting your information but you are misinterpreting it completely. Before you go too much further, you should be aware that there are standards for this type of thing. You should just stick to one of the standard implementations, it will make things easier in the future. If you use [url=https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-0.md]PSR-0 for instance you can use [url=http://getcomposer.org]Composer's autoloader to load your libraries ([url=https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-4-autoloader.md]PSR-4 has recently passed too but hasn't yet been adopted by Composer). If you don't know what Composer is, you need to find out.
  12. What does the console show as returning from the request?
  13. Ive not used (or heard of even) Auryn, but they are both DI containers. There not the only ones around either. Pimple is however very light weight, which a lot of the time is all that is required.
  14. That is indeed one of your issues. Classes should be responsible for one thing, and one thing only. Your *core* class does far too much. As for your issue around globals. I'll just say I completely agree with ignace.
  15. <input type="checkbox" name="homepage" value="1" <?php echo ($homepage == 1) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?>/> Where $homepage is the data retrieved from your database.
  16. That makes little sense. Why would you include js and css files? include is designed to include php code.
  17. What do you mean by "when I include the whole folder on another page" ?
  18. Your missing the closing ; just before your if statement.
  19. You should probably tell us exactly what it is your trying to match.
  20. 1) MVC has nothing at all to do with Ajax, though you can make ajax request (as normal) to an application built using the MVC design pattern. 2) MVC is a design pattern. A documented solution to a common problem. 3) MVC separates your application into at least three layers. The model layer, the view layer and the controller layer. Hence, making changes to the view layer should not effect the other two layers. 4) Yes. Pick a framework and start with its documentation. 5) The MVC design pattern itself is very simple, but implementations (most frameworks) tend to be fairly complex because they tend to solve more than a single problem (and therefor also implement many other design patterns in the process). If your just getting started, I would suggest getting your head around OOP in general before diving into design patters. While the MVC pattern can be implemented in procedural code, its not common practice and any framework you find using it will indeed be OOP. If your really keen to learn about this stuff (and you should be). Fabien Potencier (the original creator of the Symfony framework) has an excellect series on creating your own framework based on Symfony's components. (available here). While this series will likely take you a solid week to get through it is an awesome resource for learning about the architecture of a modern framework and by the end of it you will have built your own small framework that implements the *controller* part of MVC.
  21. trq

    AES Key

    What exactly is the issue? Maybe your looking for the openssl php extension? http://php.net/openssl
  22. I'm not going to read the documentation, that's for you to read. You haven't told us what your issue is, so we cannot answer that question.
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