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About Rayhan420

  • Birthday 04/04/2000

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  1. may i ptovide you the full script.so,that you may fix it
  2. Hellow guys.I have created a script.but it got some errors.Any here with good.php knowledge please help.You see my script is a auto uploader/grabber.Everything working fine except file uploading. You see the site from which I grab content and.files creates a custom link then they redirect to real file.Like http://m.sumirbd.mobi/files/download/id/70370 sends to dl1.sumirbd.mobi/files/gsyn/dload/the_name_of_file.mp3 So first I had to get the real link.But I don't how.So far I have used bellow codes and my site link is http://sumirbd.perfectlifehacker.com <?php include 'config.php'; $id=$_GET['id']; if(!$id){ echo '<br/><h2>Error: wrong path entered.</h2><br/>'; die(); } $h = get_headers('http://m.sumirbd.mobi/files/download/id/'.$id.'',1); $dl = str_replace(' ','%20',$h['Location']); // file name n replace $sname = basename($dl); $sname = str_replace('sumirbd.mobi',''. $site.'',$sname); $sname = str_replace('%20','_',$sname); // dir make $dir = "download"; $dir2 = "$dir/$id"; if(!is_dir($dir)){ mkdir($dir); chmod($dir,0777); } if(!is_dir($dir2)){ mkdir($dir2); chmod($dir2,0777); } // save n copy $save = ''.$dir.'/'.$id.'/'.$sname.''; $file_extension=pathinfo($save, PATHINFO_EXTENS ION); if(!file_exists($save)) { if($file_extension=="mp3"){ if(copy($dl,$save)){ if ($voice == 'ON') { file_put_contents(''.$save.'', file_get_contents(''.$save.''). file_get_conten ts('voicetag.mp3')); } @include 'tag.php'; } } else { copy($dl,$save); } header("Location: /$save"); } else { header("Location: /$save"); }?>
  3. Thanks,but i don't want waste my time again in this student life.so,i will buy a vps.
  4. opera mini is good.used all overed the world.but low support for some high performence sites.
  5. But php copy() command works very slow.is there any way to fasten it?then i could store the file on my server & how to use curl.example please
  6. the real fact is this site will be a download portal so,getid3 must be used to the .mp3 file but i don't want to grab because the php comand copy() works very slow for my server.yet wastage of my server space
  7. Help i am unable to post example links here
  8. Is there any way to show my user that they are downloading files from my site with php & mysql but they are not & the file would not be saved to my server & link will exist forever,like http://othersite.com/download/6562/song.mp3Would show : http://mysite.com/download/65m2/song.mp3
  9. Is there any way to grow my server's grabbing speed.I have made a script that grabs contents from another site.but my server's grabbing speed is too slow.is there any way to grow the speed.i am using shared hosting.so,i don't get that much of support for this.please help
  10. Can you help me create a sms sharing php script.i am new to php.so,my every trial is going to waste.please if you could please share a sms sharing script.
  11. How can i make any text in my database copyable with php
  12. Will it automatically create the next content page?Like will it create <a href="next">next</a>&<a href="prev">prev</a>
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