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About komquat

  • Birthday 06/06/1978

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    Houghton, MI

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  1. Here at my place of business, sending email via SMTP is prohibited, is there another method that I could use to send it through exchange? letter from IT : "SMTP email sending is prohibited here. the ONLY mailing mechanism is the Exchange server. SMTP is disabled on ALL machines " Thank you all for the help
  2. I would try this: if($username=="end") { header("Location: ionline.php"); exit; } Then on the Thank you page, put $username="end";
  3. I do not have control of the php.ini files for my web hosting, so is there a way I can turn it on for the webpage I am working on, then it off when leaving the page?
  4. but this will not update the DB that said you are logged in. I will try this!
  5. I want my page to reload, and not pass any variable that it may have passed on the first load. I think there is a meta tag for the refresh at certain intervals.
  6. What if you leave the page and stay logged in?
  7. try single quotes $_SESSION['user_name'] = $_POST['user_name'];
  8. Is there a difference between reload and refresh? How is this coded in the header?
  9. Can you set up something in sessions that shows who is currently logged in? The forum does it, is that in php? Please point me in the right direction. Thank you
  10. if you take a look at the code in my first post, I did that, it does not pass the information back when you click on the link
  11. Can I send a variable hidden in an email and get it back when they send it back? $mail_message = "<table align='center' border='10'> <tr> <td>$_POST[user_name], you signed up for ---------, Please click on the register here link below</td> </tr> <tr> <form name='send_email' method='POST' action='http://www.andybourdeau.com/lee/register.php'> <input type='hidden' name='register_check' value='yes'> <input type='hidden' name='user_name' value='$_POST[user_name]'> <input type='hidden' name='user_pass' value='$_POST[user_pass]'> <input type='hidden' name='user_email' value='$_POST[user_email]'> <input type='hidden' name='first_name' value='$_POST[first_name]'> <input type='hidden' name='last_name' value='$_POST[last_name]'> </form> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='http://www.andybourdeau.com/lee/register.php' onclick='javascript:document.send_email.submit();return false;'>Register</a></td> </tr> </table>"; //Mail message Set up here $mailmsg .= "<html> <title>Register</title> <body>"; $mailmsg .= "<p align='center'>$mail_message</p> \n"; $mailmsg .= "</body></html>"; $subject = "Register for Website"; $mailheaders = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $mailheaders .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $mailheaders .= "From: webmater@andybourdeau.com"; mail($to, $subject, $mail_message, $mailheaders); I want to get the hidden variables back when I click the link in the email.
  12. By working day, do you mean Mon- Fri? If so, why not get the day of week from the date function and check that against the first working day. $day_num = date(j); if ($day_num <= 3) { $day_name = date(l); //lower case 'L' if (($day_name <> Saturday) or ($day_name <> 'Sunday')) { echo "First Working day"; } else { echo "Weekend"; } } Why not someting like that
  13. Thanks, but this is still not working. I had the same thing work in a script before, but now it is not working!
  14. Why is this not working, I have this in another script and it works just fine. <form method=POST name=view$ff_draft_team_name action='ff_view_roster.php'> <input type=hidden name=view_roster_team value=$ff_draft_tag> </form> <a target= _blank href=javascript:document.view$ff_draft_team_name.submit();>$ff_draft_team_name</a></td>
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