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Posts posted by komquat

  1. Here at my place of business, sending email via SMTP is prohibited, is there another method that I could use to send it through exchange?


    letter from IT : "SMTP email sending is prohibited here. the ONLY mailing mechanism is the Exchange server.  SMTP is disabled on ALL machines "


    Thank you all for the help

  2. Can I send a variable hidden in an email and get it back when they send it back?


    $mail_message = "<table align='center' border='10'>
    					<td>$_POST[user_name], you signed up for ---------, Please click on the register here link below</td>
    					<form name='send_email' method='POST' action='http://www.andybourdeau.com/lee/register.php'>
    					<input type='hidden' name='register_check' value='yes'>
    					<input type='hidden' name='user_name' value='$_POST[user_name]'>
    					<input type='hidden' name='user_pass' value='$_POST[user_pass]'>
    					<input type='hidden' name='user_email' value='$_POST[user_email]'>
    					<input type='hidden' name='first_name' value='$_POST[first_name]'>
    					<input type='hidden' name='last_name' value='$_POST[last_name]'>
    					<td><a href='http://www.andybourdeau.com/lee/register.php' onclick='javascript:document.send_email.submit();return false;'>Register</a></td>
    //Mail message Set up here
    $mailmsg .= "<html>
    $mailmsg .= "<p align='center'>$mail_message</p> \n";
    $mailmsg .= "</body></html>";
    $subject = "Register for Website";
    $mailheaders  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
    $mailheaders .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
    $mailheaders .= "From: webmater@andybourdeau.com";
    mail($to, $subject, $mail_message, $mailheaders);


    I want to get the hidden variables back when I click the link in the email.

  3. By working day, do you mean Mon- Fri?


    If so, why not get the day of week from the date function and check that against the first working day.


    $day_num = date(j);
    if ($day_num <= 3) {
    $day_name = date(l); //lower case 'L'
      if (($day_name <> Saturday) or ($day_name <> 'Sunday')) {
        echo "First Working day";
    } else {
        echo "Weekend";


    Why not someting like that

  4. Why is this not working, I have this in another script and it works just fine.

    <form method=POST name=view$ff_draft_team_name action='ff_view_roster.php'>
    <input type=hidden name=view_roster_team value=$ff_draft_tag>
    <a target= _blank href=javascript:document.view$ff_draft_team_name.submit();>$ff_draft_team_name</a></td>

  5. Here is my relavent code:


    'Start of the main menu table
    response.write "<table align=right  height=15 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>"
    response.write "<tr>"
    response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=075B11 height=8> </TD>"
    Do while not rstmenu.EOF
    response.write "<form type=post id=test>"
    response.write "<input type=hidden name=submenu value='yes'>"
    response.write "<input type=hidden name=menu_id value='" & rstmenu("menu_id") & "'>"
    response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=075B11 height=8><font face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' color=white size=1><a href=andy_menu_trial.asp onclick='document.test.submit();return false'>" & rstmenu("menu_title") & "</a></font></td>"
    response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=075b11 height=8> </TD>"
    response.write "</form>"
    'Finish the table
    response.write "</tr>"
    response.write "</table>"
    			<td colspan=2 align=right>
    response.write request("submenu")
    If request("submenu") = "yes" Then
    	'# Contains the Link Information #
    ' Define Connection String
    '	strsubcnn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=\\Smelter\Lab\DB\menu_trial.mdb;"
    ' Open connection
    '	set cnnsubmenu = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
    '	cnnsubmenu.open strsubcnn
    '	Set rstsubmenu = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")
    '	rstsubmenu.open strsubSQL, cnnmenu
    'Start of the sub menu table
    response.write "<table align=right  height=15 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>"
    response.write "<tr>"
    response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=009ACD height=8> </TD>"
    Do while not rstsubmenu.EOF
    	response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=009ACD height=8><font face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' color=white size=1><a href=reports/" & rstsubmenu("submenu_link") & ">" & rstsubmenu("sub_menu") & "</a></font></td>"
    	response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=009ACD height=8> </TD>"
    'Finish the table
    response.write "</tr>"
    response.write "</table>"
    End if

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