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About greenba

  • Birthday 06/24/1986

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  • Location
    Bosnia and Herzegovina

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  1. Thank you cags, that is what I meant a php anagram solver. Any further ideas?
  2. Hello, I am making an application that reads couple of chars, and then goes thru an array, and looks up for a string matching those characters.. example: in my array I have; car, truck, house, red, color and now I provide few characters as: c,k,r,u,t so the script would check the array, and give back the string "truck". Any ideas? Adnan
  3. Hello, I have the following: <form name="frmPi3" id="frmPi3" method="post" action="http://www.bhtelecom.ba/imenik_telefon.html?a=search" > <select size="1" name="di" id="di" > <option value="033">033</option> </select> <input name="br" id="br" size="34" type="text" value="221111"> <input name="_uqid" id="_uqid" value="" type="hidden"> <input name="_cdt" id="_cdt" value="" type="hidden"> <input name="_hsh" id="_hsh" value="" type="hidden"> <input name="btnSearch" value="Search" class="trazimo" type="submit"> </form> Once I hit the search button a page opens from a server like: So I would like is to have a php script that would from my page submit this form and take the following value from the other server's page "BH TELECOM DD SARAJEVO KABINET GENERALNOG DIREKTORA" this is just an example for this number. Any ideas on how to do this?
  4. Hello, I would like to have my php script run in background as a process from shell. How I run it now is: php -q script.php & but once I close my putty, the script closes as well. Any ideas? Thanks, G.
  5. Thank you all, I have rewritten my script so I dont need the $_GET
  6. Hello, I would like to execute a php file from shell. <?php $podaci = $_GET['podaci']; echo $podaci; ?> I cannot use: [root@server]#php scriptname.php?podaci=12 I get an error. What is the right syntax to use Thank you, G
  7. Hello, I have the following string $som_str = "(090316211923BP05000013912345678090316A4510.9511N01548.2855E000.02119239.890010000000L000000)" What I need is to extract data from it so from this example I would get $data1 = "4510.9511" $data2= "01548.2855" ($data1 is the value btwletters A and N, and $data2 is btw N and E) Any ideas? Regards,
  8. Hello, I have the following in a file: I need to read it line by line and separate each row into 6 variables, so that for the first row; $var1 = 1 $var2 = 2008-10-28 16:20:01 $var3 = 1 $var4 = 0 $var5 = 1 $var6 = 0 and so on. I have attached a file on how it exactly looks like. Any ideas on how to do this? All help is appreciated [attachment deleted by admin]
  9. Hi, I have a string "1234567" and I would like to separate it so that each number has its own variable so that: $var1 = "1"; $var2 = "2"; and so on... Any ideas?
  10. Hello to everyone, I would like to have only number values in a string from 0 to 9. What I use is: if (ereg ("([0-9]{6,13})", $string_one, $regs)) { echo "OK"; } but even if the string contains + or / - the validation seems to be OK, but I need it to be OK only when there are just numbers, nothing else. Any ideas? thanx
  11. Yea they are � symbols, they are found in the string, they are always there and we can use them as guides as where the text is that I want to extract to a $var1
  12. Hi, I have the following in a string: 1�1268� ��� ������� ������������������� ��� ��� �������2008�10106�263094410008�1G�1�IM�4��������1�1�263094410008����430.00��CH����110-E-963/110-E-694�BA�0�FCA�VELIKA��110-E-963/110-E-694�BA�CHF�9500.00�1�1�30��BAVKL��10104���������������0.00��0.00�4305.54�4�����0�9500.00�CHF�1.223540�1.00000�11623.63�350.00�BAM�1.000000�1.00000�350.00�1.00�BAM�1.000000�1.00000�1.00�80.00�BAM�1.000000�1.00000�80.00����1.00000�0.00�1.00�BAM�1.000000�1.00000�1.00�430.00�12053.63�� Now what I need is to have some variables taken out, so $var1 = "110-E-963/110-E-694" and $var2 = "9500.00". I cannot use the exact character location, as it can change, the only thing that is always the same is number of � Any ideas, all are welcome Thanx Adnan
  13. Hi everyone, How can I read mp3 bit rate? Any ideas? Thank you all
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