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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. That particular thread, and the "this or that" thread, are prime examples. I suppose the real problem is not "forum games", but rather, threads that don't have a real purpose or provide any value.
  2. For some reason, we've seen a sudden surge of forum games, and the administrators and moderators have decided that the PHP Freaks forums were not created with the intent of providing a medium for games. PHPFreaks aims to be a resource for developers of all proficiencies and ages. We require a certain level of professionalism and maturity from our members and their posts. To maintain some of this professionalism, forum games are not allowed.
  3. Load isn't associated with the number of processes, at least not quite like that. A load average of 60 means that if the system had been 60 times as fast, it would have been able to handle all of the processes without making any of them wait. I include this description from Wikipedia:
  4. That's exactly what I was looking for, and the whole thing even makes sense, in a twisted sort of way. Thanks.
  5. And if you're going for better compression, bzip2 is even better than gzip, and I've heard that 7zip is even better than bzip2, although I've never tried it.
  6. I can suggest phpDocumentor for PHP, or NaturalDocs. php.net uses XML and the DocBook DTD, which requires maintenance separate from the actual code.
  7. This doesn't make sense to me. Why should the = make it increment to AA, and not stop at Z? After all, I didn't tell it "<= 'ZZ'", I said "<= 'Z'". By all logic, it should stop at Z, not go on to AA. And if we sidestep that point of logic, why does it stop at YZ? Why not go to ZA?
  8. When you take a computer science class, one of the very first things they (should) teach you is how to implement a quicksort. For this, you'll need to write your own sort implementation - a quicksort is a good start. Note that quicksort isn't very efficient, relative to other methods of sorting, but it's a good place to get started. If you want to, you can research other sorting algorithms.
  9. What happens if there's a 0 in the middle of the number? You'd get 44's throughout the number, in places that you don't want them to be. To take care of this problem, something like this will do the trick nicely: <?php $mobile_number = "07832128604"; $mobile = preg_replace("/^0(.*)/", "44\\1", $mobile_number); print $mobile; ?>
  10. I observed this behavior when running a for() loop on letters, like this: <?php for($a = "A"; $a <= "Z" ; $a++) { echo $a; } ?> After it runs through the entire alphabet (A-Z), then it starts in on pairs of letters. AA, AB, AC, all the way to AZ. And once it's done with A, it goes on to BA, BB, BC, and so on, to BZ. Then it loops through all of the other letters similarly. The "quirk" (if the whole thing isn't one big quirk) is at the end: It stops at YZ. It doesn't go on to ZA. I tested this: <?php for($a = "A"; $a <= "Y"; $a++) { echo $a; } ?> It runs through the alphabet, but only up to Y, and stops there, no pairs of letters. I suspect this may be a "bug" in PHP itself, but does anybody have a logical explanation for this behavior?
  11. I quote the ClockingIT website: "ClockingIT is a hosted application for tracking all your tasks, issues, projects and time spent, with a focus on software development and handling large amounts of tasks." And it's absolutely amazing, too. The creators (a husband-and-wife team in Norway) have placed a heavy emphasis on efficiency, ease of use, and functionality - to add a task, you click a link that's permanently located on the top bar, type in the information, and submit it. To start working on the task, you just click an icon next to the task in the list, and it starts a timer. To stop working on the task and record the work performed, you click the icon again, and it takes you to a screen to summarize the work you've done. And all work is kept separate - when you sign up, you get a subdomain of clockingit.com. So if you were to sign up with the username "example", you'd get the subdomain "example.clockingit.com". You can add projects, add co-workers, assign co-workers to certain projects, and give them certain permissions within their project, so you don't have to worry about people seeing projects that they aren't a part of. A very efficient and functional reporting system makes it easy to generate billing information, workload summaries, and other analyses of information recorded. A bug tracker is built right in, and while it's not as powerful as Bugzilla or Mantis (my personal favorite full-featured bug tracker), it has everything I need to keep a record of the bugs I work on. And when they let you add avatars for users and add a logo to replace the ClockingIT logo, they give you everything you need to use ClockingIT as your company's time tracking system. And - the icing on the cake - If you're worried about having your data on someone else's servers, feel free to download the source and set it up on your corporate intranet.
  12. I use {} even when there's only one line in the conditional - just in case I need to add another line in the future. I don't want to have to add the {} as well as the additional line(s).
  13. neylitalo


    Right... this thread is going nowhere. ProCoder, I can't believe that those are actually typos. If they are, use the spellchecker. If they're not, stop it. (Oh, yeah - thread locked.)
  14. And in the Polls board, another stickied thread that may be of further help.
  15. Gallery 2 is very good, and it'll serve your purposes very well. You can even install plugins to let people buy images - I'm not sure if that will extend very well to pieces of art, but it might.
  16. You realize that the conversion rate from GBP to USD is nearly 1:2?
  17. neylitalo


    The surest way to do it is to actually use a streaming media server, like an internet radio station - the method you're describing, along with many variations, are very easily sidestepped. And there are even ways to save streaming media to your computer using streamrippers, so nothing is guaranteed to be protected. But to minimize the amounts of successful saves, a streaming media server is your best bet.
  18. PHP - recursive acronyms are fun. Hard candy or soft candy.
  19. Thanks - I'm getting tired of fetching links.
  20. Google doesn't use PHP. How do you know? Have you seen the actual GOOGLE coding? I put GOOGLe, so he would search some there. I would be very, very surprised if Google used PHP. PHP isn't efficient enough to handle Google's needs - it's more likely a far more efficient language like python, perl, or even a compiled language.
  21. Well, if we're already coding to standards, and using hacks for Firefox and IE 6 and 7, then we shouldn't have any problems. (Oh, if only that were actually true...) Just have to make sure that you don't let IE slip into Quirks mode.
  22. Part of it is indeed to squeeze more money out of their customers, but they do have a genuine concern. If they had one customer (or more) hosting their own website, and especially if they became very popular, the network (your neighbors, especially in the case of cable) would take a massive hit. So, if you want to host a website at port 80, they need you to buy a "business" connection, where they can dedicate a line to you, and then you're not affecting everybody else's internet. It's not all just greed.
  23. This coincides nicely with a complaint filed against them in the European Union - whether or not the complaint was the deciding factor, I'm excited that we'll finally start getting some standards compliance from the majority.
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